The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1905: Happy half a lifetime, and finally a dream

There is a big show in the Nunnery, and the singer is still the Phoenix Prisoner!

Such a move can no longer be described as a wild corpse, it is simply apostasy.

When Li Chunfeng's voice sounded in the hall, this sentence emerged in both Rouge and Zhao Yu's mind.

Afterwards, Zhao Yu, who put away the different color on his face, raised his hand in front of him, and signaled Li Chunfeng to continue. Then the latter took a light breath, and the old voice came out:

"I saw this son lighting up the lights to brighten the lights shining from the main hall of the Banzhu Nunnery. After a light cough, a big show officially opened. The whole Banzhu Mountain was awakened by the sky-shaking gongs and drums, and a large number of young nuns went out to see what happened. Finally, the water surrounding the main hall was blocked.

"And these little nuns are still in the cardamom years after all. Seeing such a slutty handsome boy, they are naturally shy and blushing, but this boy looks like this and sings more vigorously.

"The more he sang, the louder and louder he kept singing, saying that the treasure car of Xi and the godmother would take off above the Fuso wood. Then he gave up, did not speak, turned his head and left.

"But on the second day, he came again, doing the same thing, and the bamboo nunnery he made was uneasy."

"Master Li, if this person is so sect, doesn't this Banzhuan have any countermeasures?"

After Li Chunfeng's voice fell, Rouge's questioning sounded immediately, and then the former nodded and said:

"Naturally, there are. This bamboo nunnery is full of martial law from top to bottom. However, at that time, the cultivation base of this person was already quite good, and it was really difficult to stop it.

"On the other hand, this place is a remote area, and the cultivation level of the people who came to open the dojo in Banzhuan is not top-notch. Therefore, for a whole month, this child has jumped in the main hall of this temple for a whole month. Feng Qiuhuang."

After speaking, the smile on Li Chunfeng's face grew thicker and he raised his hand and stroked his beard, and the voice continued:

"But after a month, he will be able to come and go freely in this bamboo nunnery, because there are a large number of nuns in the back mountain who will keep him.

"Regardless of the age, the wicked and enchanting young man is always particularly popular with young girls, but it is precisely this fact that made this very romantic young man in his first half of his life ushered in a turning point in his life."

As soon as this word came out of Li Chunfeng, the atmosphere in the central hall of the treasure ship suddenly began to change.

Because the rise of a legend is always accompanied by endless grind, the task of a general is bound to experience suffering that ordinary people do not possess.

At the next breath, Li Chunfeng's old voice continued:

"Many people ran to meet the girl. Perhaps what they learned was a love poem, but it was also on a night intoxicated by the spring breeze. When Yu Banzhuan saw the little nun, he unexpectedly found a good spiritual spring.

"The function of this sacred fountain is mysterious, and it contains the Taiqing Qi in the transmission, the entrance is empty, and it has the anti-natural effect of washing talent.

"Even the so-called well-known Shenquan in the Central Plains of the Great Profound Land cannot be compared, so when this news came out, the world was shocked."

Li Chunfeng's words fell, but Rouge's brows wrinkled slightly, and he spoke softly:

"Master Li, it stands to reason that such a sacred spring, when gathered in a place full of vitality and prosperous luck, why would it appear in this small remote country?"

"Manny's question can be said to be a direct hit."

A smile appeared on Li Chunfeng's old face. After slapped a flattery, the voice continued:

"This matter still has to go back to the previous matter of establishing the country without authorization. As we all know, although the whole world is not directly visible in the world, it does exist in the dark.

"Establishing a country is not just a change of name, Tiandao will also make corresponding changes, and this spring of eyes may be a gift from Tiandao."

"What you eat is a gift, if you can't eat, it's a disaster, right?"

After Zhao Yu's emperor's voice sounded in the hall, the space around the young emperor's body became more solemn, and then Li Chunfeng respectfully saluted the front and said again:

"Your Majesty Shengming, as soon as this spring came out, all the major forces in the world heard the wind and rushed to it, and the owner of the bamboo nunnery, who had paid little attention to this place, directly announced the ownership of this spring.

"Faced with such a treasure, the other major forces naturally did not allow it, so the war broke out without any surprise."

After speaking, Li Chunfeng paused, a solemn color appeared on his face, and the old voice continued to linger in the hall:

"Your Majesty, Madam, you must know that this place is just a very remote small country in the Taixuan Land, how can it accommodate these powerful dragons swarming, so after a great battle, the earth was almost cracked, and the people died and injured countless people.

"Faced with such a disaster, this unruly young man naturally led people to rise up and resist, desperately resisting.

"However, at this moment, the opponent and the enemy he faces are completely different. He can no longer maintain the frivolousness of the world before. Almost overnight, the country was ruined and his family was destroyed.

"Since then, he has been directly reduced from a stellar son to a desolate river and lake. The contrast is so huge!"

Li Chunfeng's words contained sorrows, but then he raised his hand and gently turned the pages of the dossier in his hand, staring at it, and his voice sounded again:

"However, even though he is a world away, his arrogance is broken, but his talent is still there. For thirty years since then, this man took the remnants of his people and hid in Zengdaimei and served the snow and sang loudly. In Longshan, who was tasting tea, he officially became a national subjugator.

"And in the thirty years of becoming a national subjugator, the girls around him died one by one, and the unruly young talents who accompanied him in the past also did not escape the fate of death in battle.

"The most important thing is that the Master Elk who has been teaching him, also in order to save him, was beaten to death by the old nun at the Banzhuan, bleeding in front of his eyes.

"Everyone thought that such an alien would be like the second generation of sects whose families were ruined in the world, wiped out in ashes, and then swept into the dust of history.

"However, in fact, he didn't. Thirty years have passed. He hasn't been wiped out in ashes. Instead, he has returned from the Dragon Mountain!"

Speaking of this, Li Chunfeng’s voice directly increased a lot, and the voice continued:

"Thirty years, short and short, long and long, but when he comes back, his cultivation base reaches the earth-shaking realm, and countless major cultivators fall to the ground with their hands and feet.

"Then he stepped into the land of his homeland as he used to, sang his favorite tunes from the past, slammed up the Bamboo Mountain all the way, and slammed into the Bamboo Temple.

"A nun, no matter how old, beautiful or not, was cut off his head with a single knife, and then he was covered in blood, and he came to the fountain of eyes.

"He looked at himself reflected in the refreshing spring water in front of him, his handsome appearance was not there, replaced by withered hair and rough skin, and the luxurious and fresh clothes had become run-down clothes. He couldn't help but sorrow from it, and he gave a long roar to the sky.

"For half a lifetime, it will become a dream!"

Speaking of this, Li Chunfeng's sighing color on his face became stronger, and he murmured:

"After the whistling, one end was loaded into the Taiqing Spring, and the whole spring was drunk. Since then, there has been an overhaul of the world, and Taiqing is the sect.

"From then on, the small sect forces in the world dare not directly open the dynasty and establish the country, because there is always a sword that will drop from the sky as a punishment!"

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