The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1907: Old dragon roar

"Boom boom boom!"

The bombardment of the rolling drums suddenly exploded, shattering the sky, tearing the darkness before dawn, and the sound of the drums that rang out in the inner city of Tangdu was extremely rapid, and even caused the entire void to tremble constantly.

"War, war!"

Under the battle drums, in the defense line of Tangdu Inner City built by the central government and the power of the whole country, countless soldiers in armour and sleepy sleep opened their eyes, mobilized their energy, and opened their mouths to let out a roar.

Under the roar of iron and blood, these soldiers held their halberds and raised their heads, looking at the slowly sinking holy court camp, the killing intent in their eyes was full, and they continued to roar up to the sky:

"These holy court scumbags dared to land from the sky. This is looking for death, killing, killing them all, letting them know that on the earth, there is no enemy in my country!"

Accompanied by the screaming and killing of the mountain whistling and tsunami, the next breath, the winding long circular defense line of Tangdu inner city, countless Akashi lights directly lit up, and then the dense armor clashing turned into a killing movement.

In just a few breaths, the countless elites on the front line of the Central Government have assembled, the sharp blades are out of the sheath, and they are serious!

The darkness is still turbulent, and under the heavy rain, the Saint Court fortress is slowly sinking, just like a fierce creeping beast, and its sharp fangs are spreading out.

"Open the bow, gather energy, prepare!"

Above the defensive city wall, the roar from the silver armor general resounded through the ears of all the soldiers, followed by a neat and uniform bowstring pulling sound, squeaking, shaking the sky.

At the same time, a roar of dragons sounded in the depths of the void, and the dragons blasted out from the depths of the earth, and began to circle the entire soup, forming a defensive array that shielded the sky and the sun.

Then a series of murderous eyes, accompanied by a sharp edge, rolled straight into the sky, and under these gazes, the floating barrier where the Saint Court army was located, slowly collided with Tangdu's Wandering Dragon Formation.


After an instant, an unprecedented loud roar shook the world, waves of lines visible to the naked eye, along the large array of golden light, spread outward like a raging tide, and at the same time, the indescribable violent vigor, even caused The land of Tangdu was shocked severely.


The ground bounced, and a large number of objects in the house crashed down. Then a violent cough suddenly sounded in a huge golden palace in Tangdu:

"Cough cough cough!"

Before the coughing sounded, a group of servants ran from outside the hall in a panic, but they were distorted by the vibration of the ground. At the same time, they sounded anxiously inquiring:

"My lord, my lord, what is your order?"

When the voice fell, this group of servants knelt respectfully before coming to a big bed in the hall, slamming their heads against the ground, and did not dare to raise their heads.

At the next breath, an old voice made it easy for the bed to be heard:

"This earth is shaking. Could it be that the frontline is going to war again?"

"Back to the Lord, the Holy Court just now organized a large army and pressed directly on the ground in Tangdu. Now the soldiers on the front line are resisting, but many generals in the army think this is a good opportunity.

"Originally, the Saint Court's defense line was built around the sky, and it was extremely difficult to move from low to high, but now the Saint Court directly came off the court, giving up the advantage of this terrain, perhaps a blessing in disguise."

After the young waiter finished speaking, he lifted his head slightly and wanted to glance at the figure lying on the couch in front of him, and another extremely harsh cough sounded in his ears.

"My lord, you?"


After coughing for a long time, the old voice on the bed continued to ring in the hall:

"Bring me a glass of water."


Although the old waiter was extremely old, his movements were not slow. It was convenient to take a cup of tea from the rear in three or two, and handed it forward respectfully. Then the pupil of the old waiter shrank severely, but after only a moment, he was caught by him. Completely depressed, there is no change in complexion.

I saw the hand that stretched out from the golden tent of the bed and took over the teacup. The hand was so dark that it didn't even have any flesh and blood. Only the black bones were left, which looked extremely terrifying, and was accompanied by bursts of stench.

However, the old servant deserves to be the old man who followed the central king on the whole way, and gently put the teacup in the hand of the black bone without moving the dark color, and the voice continued to be heard:

"Your Majesty, this tea is boiled with the divine water in the tiger bubble divine spring where we went to the country. It has the effect of warming the body and mind and washing away the filth. You might as well drink more."

"My Lord's body, I know it myself."

After the voice of the old house attendant fell, the majestic voice in the golden tent sounded immediately, and then the withered hand held the teacup back, and after drinking several cups, he stopped.

Due to the shaking of the earth, it still appeared from time to time, and there was still a steady stream of things falling down in the entire hall. At the same time, because of the shaking of Akashi, the staggered lights and shadows in the hall were constantly jumping up and down, which made people's eyes a little dazzling.

After a while, the withered figure in the golden tent put down the teacup, leaning on the collapsed body, closing his eyes and resting.

Although many sachets were placed in the entire hall to cover up the smell, there was still a burst of stench pouring out, and then the ears of these kneeling servants, a faint voice of inquiry sounded:

"Has the court sound come back?"

This question is extremely weak. If you don't listen carefully, you won't even be able to hear the content of its expression, but the old housekeeper then straightened his body and responded softly:

"Back to the Lord, Lord Fu is still fighting against the Lord in the Xianting Palace, the two have not yet distinguished the victory or defeat."

"How long has he blasted open the fairy gate?"

"My lord, it's been more than three years."

The old maid's words fell, and the slightly closed eyes on the central Shangguo Lao Zun above the bed opened a little, and a voice that couldn't distinguish any emotions sounded:

"It's been more than three years, but it's been so long in a flash."

The voice fell, and the old waiter slammed his head on the ground in front of him and let out a loud cry:

"Your Majesty, the old slave believes that Lord Fu will definitely be able to punish the Lord and return by victory. My central government will also be able to win this **** battle and stand proudly between the heavens and the earth."

The old house attendant fell with a passionate voice, but the figure in the golden tent reacted mediocrely, and then the light and fluttering voice sounded again:

"Yin Wen, is there any news to wear?"

This question interrupted the old maid’s continued impassioned speech, and some cautiously continued to respond:

"Your Majesty, Third, Third, he still has no definite news."

But what is strange is that after this response came out, the figure lying on the bed did not respond to it for a long time. This made the fear on the face of the old housekeeper more and more, and finally he couldn't hold it back and climbed up directly. , Shouting:

"My lord, my lord?"

The panicked voice of the old house attendant resounded through the hall, causing the panic to spread directly outwards, and the kneeling house attendants almost cried directly.

However, in the next instant, the figure on the bed opened his eyes and let out a beating:

"Why cry? I'm not dead yet!"

This scolding was deafening and exploded.

Just like an old dragon, unwilling to be eroded by the years, it roared!

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