The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1908: who are you?

"I cry and cry, I am still alive!"

In the central Shangguo Tangdu Royal Hall, with this roar from the old gentleman, the roaring old servant flew out ten feet, rolling like a ball on the floor of the hall.

And the other servants screamed again and again, and the whole person was completely swept away, smashed on the wall of the main hall, and directly sprayed a mouthful of blood.


The earth tremor produced by the frontline war continued to spread out vigorously, and then a ray of light began to appear at the end of the sky, heralding the deeply imprisoned dawn, and finally broke free from the darkness and revealed to the world.

A white fish belly appeared in the eastern sky, and what was even more dazzling was the magical light and shadow produced by the two sides of Tangdu inner city. Every time the colorful magical laws burst and burst, it heralded the fall of countless lives.

The light and shadow flickered, passing through the towering fortresses and the devastated ruins, spreading outward, and then lit up outside the windows of the citizens of the outer city, just like lightning and thunder crashing outside the window, which is breathtaking.


The vibration of pots and pans in the room was endless. Then a woman sitting on the edge of the bed picked up a coarse cloth and draped it on her body. She sighed slightly, and some annoying voice came out:

"Fighting, fighting again, these years have not been stable for a few days, if you continue to fight like this, the bowl at home will all be shattered."

After the complaint fell, a bright magical light just lit up outside the window. This light shone into the room to illuminate the pale face of the middle-aged woman.

What's worth mentioning is that beside the tea seat in the house, there was a slightly thin figure sitting.

This figure was not only thin, but also very bleak. The clothes on his body were old. Amidst the woman's complaints, he lowered his head and remained silent.

The man's reticent appearance made the woman who was in a terrible mood even more ugly. Her brows were raised, she turned her head and stared at the figure in the darkness before her, and continued to chatter:

"Every time you fight, the ground is trembling, you can't sleep peacefully, and then the whole person's internal organs are vomited, and in recent days, the frequency of these battles has become faster and faster, and there is no way to live a good life. !"

"Madam, this **** battle between the central government and the holy court is a fight between two big forces. You and I complain, what can I do?"

The thin figure on the side of the tea table did not look back, but shook his head in the dark with a helpless expression. This sentence undoubtedly stimulated the woman's already tense nerves to the extreme, causing the latter to stand up suddenly, even more. In a cold and stern voice, it sounded again:

"It doesn't matter? You said lightly. Look at our previous neighbors. Everyone is gone. Even Er Mazi, who was guarding the house before, fled with his daughter-in-law yesterday and stayed away from Tangdu. The place of right and wrong.

"how about you?"

As soon as this rhetorical question came out, the figure by the tea table buried his head lower and continued to say nothing. Then the woman stepped forward aggressively, raised her hand on her hips, and continued to complain:

"You are so useless, everyone ran away, and we are all going to become ghost land. You are still guarding this broken house. What is it? I don't know the day when this frontline defense is broken. You and I are the first. Dead unlucky ghost."

As soon as the three words "Unlucky Ghost" came out, the figure beside the tea table sighed again, staring at the woman's angry eyes, and said:

"Madam, when we were in Tangdu a few years ago, we were both poor and white. At that time, you said that your biggest wish was to buy a house of your own in this golden soup.

"After so many years of hard work, I finally got a house, but now I have to stay away from fleeing. I really don't want to give it up. This is the savings of my life."

As soon as she said this, the woman's complexion changed, and after her mouth moved, she responded with a loud voice:

"Natural disasters and man-made disasters, misfortunes are unpredictable. Who would have thought that the imperial capital in the middle of the country would have war. How can I have such a hard life in this life? What kind of chaos did you encounter?"

The woman didn’t say what she said, but the man sitting in the room suddenly stood up and walked straight to the outside. Then the woman’s voice from behind sounded:

"There is a war outside, where are you going?"

"I'll go out and relax."

"Are you going to die?"

A sharp roar came from the woman's mouth, and she immediately caught up with her, reaching out and grabbing at the figure who opened the door with her hand.

But what's strange is that the woman grasped the reality with a grasp, but after the latter reacted, she suddenly discovered that the honest man in front of her had disappeared into the night.

At dawn, the inner city of Tangdu, although white had already appeared at the end of the sky, it still looked extremely dim, and under the impact of the fierce battle on the front line, the streets were even more empty.

What is even more bizarre is that when this thin figure walked out of the door, his figure became more and more blurred, and finally it became even more like a vague phantom, blending into the void.

But the faint flow of space above the street indicates that within this deeper space, there is a strange existence wandering at an extremely fast speed.

Then I saw this faint spatial ripple, blinking across the criss-crossing unmanned streets at a speed of almost teleportation, and began to approach the fierce battlefield that was fighting each other.

And as this ripple approached, the increasingly violent supernatural energy swept directly like a billowing torrent, and at the same time a strong and incomparable **** aura, together with the splashing head and stump, fell down.

The cruelty of this frontline battlefield is beyond anyone's imagination!

But no matter whether the ripples of supernatural powers sweeping through the void, or the broken arms and limbs falling down like rain, they can't affect the slightest figure hidden in the depths of this space.

After about thirty breaths, this figure appeared on the outermost periphery of the battlefield, and then stood on the spot, looking up at the sky, looking at the sky bursting outwards with magical powers, and was silent.

After a long time, this person raised his right hand and shook it lightly. The whole body exploded outwards, and it was directly integrated with a magical power rising not far away, and rushed towards the upper holy court army.

This person's series of actions were almost silent, and half a quarter of an hour after this person disappeared, above the sky, another fire-type magical power rushed to the sky, rushed out of the dragon barrier, and blasted above the holy court barrier. Explode countless flames.


The magical powers blasted and vanished, splashing outwards, and in the next instant, another extremely inconspicuous spark exploded into the sky above.

Then in the depths of this little flame, the little phoenix wings stretched out, and with a light wave, they directly swept up and disappeared in place in an instant.

Leave only one imperceptible sentence:

"I want to see, who are you?"

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