The situation has changed again outside the remains of the Tianxian Palace in the outer world, and the Nanxianmen platform that billows in purple air.

Along with the rush of shocking purple energy, a phoenix flame appeared out of nowhere in the dark void, and then the phoenix flame stretched out and burned, revealing a golden figure in it, standing in the void.

In the world of Tongtian major repairs, there are laws everywhere, even if it is the eyes, sometimes it is the manifestation of the laws.

Therefore, outside Nanxianmen, two gazes, one purple and one gold, directly blasted one place in the next instant, and then rolled and intertwined with each other, and in the deepest part of the void, there was a terrifying loud noise like thunder.


Under the roaring one after another, the misty voice of Maharajah Zhongtian immediately sounded:

"It's such a mysterious means of restraining your breath. I have never seen such a strange thick fog. If it weren't for you to leak a little breath, I'm afraid that even the monarch would not be aware of your existence."

After this word came out, the tall figure covered with phoenix flames put away the different colors in his eyes, and responded:

"Siyu Maharajah deserves to be the most outstanding top-level overhaul in the fairy palace era. You are the first to see through and perceive the existence of the mist of tricks."

"This fog is as its name suggests, and it's quite secretive."

After the words from the golden figure's mouth fell, the words of Maharaja Zhongtian outside Nanxianmen immediately rang out, and then he glanced at the figure standing proudly in front of him, and the voice continued loudly:

"This fog is extremely mysterious, and it can blindly blind the law of the void to a certain extent, so as to achieve the purpose of restraining breath."

After speaking, Lord Zhongtian retracted his gaze, the color of thinking in the purple eyes remained undiminished, and the voice once again thought of the void:

"Before the fairy court collapsed, this monarch, as one of the four imperial princes, ruled over the ten thousand stars, the world's magical treasures, almost all of my hands, if this thing existed before, this monarch would not know it.

After the words fell, although the face of the Lord Zhongtian was still extremely vague, he gave people the illusion of a smile, and then a faint voice came out again:

"So I guessed that the fog in your hand should come from outside the sky."

After this sound came out with a certainty, the Lord Zhongtian did not stop, but immediately spoke again:

"Although my true spirit awakened not long ago, I still have some knowledge of the situation of Taixuan, so I might as well guess that you are from the north, right?"

As soon as the words came out, the golden figure's phoenix eyebrows raised, but did not deny in the end, but raised his hand to salute the front, and the steady female voice came out:

"Maharajah Zhongtian really has good eyesight, he is indeed from the north, Daxia Zhaoxiu, I have seen the four royals of Xianting, Maharaja Zhongtian."

"Aren't you weird, why can you tell at a glance that you are from the north?"

An inquisitive sound came from the mouth of Maharaja Zhongtian, and then his hands were raised and opened outwards. The infinite purple energy all over his body expanded like a fireball, and an extremely wide ocean appeared in a blink of an eye.

Above the ocean, the most conspicuous are the three magnificent fairy mountains that ride the wind and waves. At the same time, whether on the sea or between the fairy mountains, there is a fairy in fluttering clothes, walking in the wind, so chic.

This picture is obviously from the Sanxianshan era, the heyday of Beihai.

Along with the appearance of the once spectacular North Sea scene, the voice of Maharaja Zhongtian resounded again:

"Little girl, when this monarch was once the four imperial princes, he was named the Arctic Zhongtian Maharaja, and the word Arctic should explain the problem."

It is true that, as the Great Lord Zhongtian said, the entire Beihai has been the former dojo since the time of the Immortal Palace, so his familiarity with Beihai far exceeds the imagination of other people.

"To be honest, after the true spirit awakens, when the monarch knows the situation in the north, he is really angry and happy. The north of the anger was completely destroyed tens of thousands of years ago, and even became a land of abandonment.

"The good news is that in the end the Northern Territory was given a new life."

Maharaja Zhongtian’s words were gentle. As the oldest among the four imperial monarchs, he had seen the vicissitudes of life throughout his life, so he possessed a broad mind that other people could not match.

Then a trace of melancholy appeared in the purple eyes of Maharaja Zhongtian, and then he stared at Zhao Xiu who was listening quietly in front of him, and continued to speak:

"But in the end it was the Human Race that controlled the Northern Territory. This was a bit beyond my expectations, because the human race's lifespan is really too short. It's a mere hundred years, and it will pass in the blink of an eye."

The words of Lord Zhongtian fell, but Zhao Xiu, who was opposite him, shook his head, and a voice of neither humble nor arrogant response came out:

"Although the lifespan is short, but the inheritance is long. This is the way to the rise of the human race."

The four words "The Way of Rising" came out in Zhao Xiu's mouth. They were eloquent and with extreme confidence. This made the admiration in the eyes of Maharaja Zhongtian thicker, raised his hands and patted forward. Respond:

"Stick to life, on the contrary, it made this monarch neglect the continuation of race and the efforts of generation after generation. From this point of view, the monarch has fallen into a trap.

"Now I have reason to believe that the rise of the human race and recast the glory of the north is not an accident."

"Heaven and earth luck, countless people grab them and divide them, and a little carelessness will be the end of the fascination.

"One person, one death, there may be accidents due to luck, but there are so many accidents in one race and one country."

After speaking, Zhao Xiu and Zhao Yu had seven-point similar faces, and they were still calm. Then they looked ahead and asked again:

"Close to the subject, Lord Zhongtian, I have one more question to ask, and I still hope to solve my doubts."

"From my understanding, little girl, you should be asking what is the immortal realm in my hands, right?"

After the voice of Lord Zhongtian fell, he waved his hand gently, and then said:

"Because just now, at the moment Goochen entered the realm of immortals, your violently fluctuating mind not only exposed your whereabouts, but also revealed your unusual views on the matter."

"Mr. Zhongtian, his thoughts reach the sky, his name is well-deserved, and he can manage the overall situation with just a few clues. The juniors really admire him."

After Zhao Xiu's respectful voice came out, her eyes moved slightly, because the figure standing outside Nanxianmen raised her right hand again and waved forward.

In the next breath, countless vast purple qi swept out again, like two thrilling dragons, passing directly along Zhao Xiu surrounded by golden flames.


Then the purple gas burst and opened, just like the beginning of the chaos, and began to evolve. At the same time, in the corner of the purple gas world, the spirit of Zhao Xiu after Da Xia Wu gradually recovered, suddenly raised her head, stared at the top, and muttered. Road:

"this is?"

Before the sound of the questioning sounded, the mountain above the mountain cried out like a tsunami, and directly rushed toward his face:

"Xiandi Wanan, all the immortals retire!"

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