The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1915: Prosperity must decline

The mighty immortal power, the sacred sound rumbling.

On the human battlefield, thousands of warriors roar at the same time, and under the raging blood, the sound is like thunder. If the number increases again, to tens of thousands, one hundred thousand, or one million, the roar of the same roar is like a mountain collapse and the ground is thundering.

However, if you imagine, when these earthly warriors are replaced by countless immortals, roaring all over their heads and the voices are heard, it will be a terrifying scene like the earth and the earth.

"All the immortals retire, Immortal Emperor Wan'an!"

This sound of greetings from the immortals, engulfing the heavenly celestial power, even heavier than any mountain in the world, directly caused the golden flames of the phoenix burning above Zhao Xiu's body to be extinguished, like being blown by a strong wind. Extinguished, it is worthy of a renewed flame.

At the next breath, Zhao Xiu, who was enveloped by infinite immortality, danced violently in her palace robe, then raised her head little by little, and at the same time stared upward, her dark eyes rose and shrank.

Above the sky, there is a huge and towering hall. Above the hall, there are immortal palace immortals of different shapes and appearances, standing in countless rows, forming a piece of terror composed entirely of immortal sages. Formation.

At the same time, around this huge formation, one after another sky pillars rose from the ground, supporting between the sky and the earth. On each sky pillar, the dragon entangled, the gods and phoenix soared, and countless other gods and beasts were painted on it. The power is shocking, and it makes people want to worship.

Immortal, **** pillar, treasure hall.

This shocking and eternal picture clearly represents the scene where Zhao Xiu is at this time.

Lingxiao Fairy Club!

"Lingxiao Treasure Hall, is this the Great Immortal Hui in the Immortal Palace Period?"

After the muttering voice came out of Zhao Xiu's mouth, followed by the former's gaze, staring at the direction where the immortals were worshiping at this time, which was the void directly above the High Heaven Palace.

Above the void, there is a person sitting, not so much as a figure sitting, but a more accurate description, sitting with a light.

This is a pure and extremely golden light.

Within the halo, there was a vaguely outline of a tall outline. The figure in the outline sat on the palace at will. The breath was magnificent, but it was quite peaceful and not fierce.

Then a voice that crossed all the space barriers directly appeared in everyone's divine consciousness, and slowly sounded:

"The Four Royal Lords stay, and the rest of the immortals, withdraw."

After the sound of this emperor, the aura within the entire High Heaven Hall began to flow in an instant, and then the immortals once again bowed forward, reverently stepped back, and exited the High Heaven Hall, turning into a stream of light. , Stay away from outside.

Every immortal left silently and at a very fast speed. In a very short time, the entire High Heaven Palace became completely empty, leaving only four lights and shadows, sitting in all directions.

Within the Lingxiao Palace, southeast and northwest, each represents a four-royal monarch.

The East Pole is green, the Antarctica is longevity, the West Pole is Gouchen, and the North Pole is in the sky!


After Wanxian retreated, the gate of the Lingxiao Palace, which was completely open to the sky, slowly closed under the impetus of the Great Immortal Envoy, and accompanied by an ear-shattering roar, there were only five supreme people in the entire Lingxiao Palace. Existence stands proud.

Of course, it is not counted as Zhao Xiu who silently watched all this during the purple air time.

At the next breath, sitting in the North Point, the oldest Zhongtian Maharaja among the four imperial princes took the lead and said:

"Your Majesty Xiandi, I don't know if you leave me and other four people alone, do you have any instructions?"

When this word fell, the other three four royal princes nodded, sat upright, and listened respectfully. The next breath, the emperor's voice, once again spread from the golden light in the center of the palace:

"Er and the other four suppressed the Quartet for Xianting. It is not easy to get together, and only the Wanxian Chaohui, which is held every ten thousand years, will have the chance to meet."

As soon as the emperor's voice fell, Maharaja Qinghua, located in the east of the High Heaven Hall, folded his hands in front of him, and a gentle response came out:

"Xian Ting can have such unparalleled in the world as it is now. The strict fairy rules are the prerequisite, so the rules are the rules."

Although Maharaja Qinghua controls all souls and has a peaceful breath, he pays most attention to rules in his temperament.

Then the old man's appearance, the emperor of longevity, who was surrounded by ice and snow, leaned back and said with a smile:

"Qinghua, you are so stubborn, and I don't know how your lady endured your bad temper."

"The same way, naturally can understand each other."

Maharaja Qinghua continued to speak in a calm voice as usual, then the Maharaja Zhongtian from the north raised his hand and pressed it down, and the voice came out:

"Well, two, the reason why the immortal emperor let me stay after the immortal meeting is naturally because there are important arrangements, and they are all quiet."

After the words of Maharajah Zhongtian came out, several princes kept silent one after another, and at the same time, their majestic eyes were fixed on the figure sitting in the golden light at the center of the High Heaven Hall.

Then, under the gaze of these few eyes, the golden light high in the center of the treasure hall slowly began to fluctuate, and at the next breath, the tone of the Emperor Tongtian continued to resound through the entire high palace:

"Everyone, since you and I founded the Xianting Sacred Palace, rose from among the three families of Taoism, Buddha, and Long Bo, and then ruled the entire Taixuan, a very long time has passed.

"And in these long years, my Xianting Sacred Palace divides the heaven and the earth, divides the two realms of the immortal and the common world, not only governs countless earth creatures, but also seals the sleepless people in the chaos and extinguishing gods.

"Throughout the history of the Taixuan Land, the achievements of my fairy court holy palace, without mentioning those who have no future, must be unprecedented, and now, it is even more peaked!"

This sound resounded in the emperor's voice in the High Heaven Treasure Hall, with boundless domineering, it is true that the fairy garden, which has ruled the Taixuan Land for countless years, had already developed to the pinnacle among the peaks by this time.

Afterwards, the outline inside the golden light of the treasure hall paused for a while, as if slowly raising its head, and with this movement, the void of the entire High Heaven Palace began to tremble violently.

Such an abnormal shape, just like this place far away from the avenue, could not bear the mighty power of the figure within the golden light, and there appeared a dense and outwardly extending crack.

At the same time, the emperor's voice within Jinguang spread out again:

"For so many years, the four seas, the three realms and nine heavens, are the only one who is the only one who has the sage of the immortal garden. At the same time, there are countless people in my garden now, and they have almost controlled all the laws of the entire world.

"Although the emperor is high in the High Heaven Hall, he also knows that the fairy garden has reached its limit now, and even some immortals have reached out to the forbidden place where the great avenue will be angry."

Speaking of this, the voice within Jin Guangzhi continued to pause for a while, and finally the voice raised several times brightly:

"The general trend of the world will decline when it is at its peak. When my fairy garden has grown to such a scale, I have to make this immortal emperor extremely worried!"

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