"There is another big scene in Fengxin City. Come on, or you won't be able to occupy a good position!"

Accompanied by the loud shouts of a monk standing on the city wall, outside of Fengxin City, which was already extremely noisy, it was like being dropped a blockbuster, bursting open with a bang, directly causing endless waves.

After just a few breaths, a large number of monks from all over the Supreme Profound Land who had settled their camps rushed out of their accounts. They opened their mouths to the rear city wall and said loudly:

"Boy, there are a lot of duels on the big platform of Fengxin City these days. Is there anything special about this? Is there such a big battle?"

"Special, of course special!"

The young monk lying on the city wall continued to poke his head out, even stretched out his right hand to make strong gestures, and continued to speak loudly:

"The duel between the Dao Sect of the Western Regions and Buddhism, is it big enough or special?"

As soon as this remark came out, there was a bang, and the riots outside Fengxin City became even worse. After that, a large number of monks rushed towards the inside of Fengxin City directly along the narrow corridor outside the city without saying a word.

"The life and death struggle between Buddhism and Taoism, mother, I won't see it a few times in this life, if I miss it, I will regret it!"

At this time, the monks who came outside the city knew that the square gates of the city wall of Windheart City were not even comparable to the gates of some large families. Once people outside the city gather inward, they will undoubtedly be completely blocked.

Therefore, these monks, who were afraid of missing the big scene, desperately displayed their physical skills, moved towards the city, and tried to enter the city as soon as possible.

However, the development of the situation is often difficult to achieve. Before flashing a few steps, the gate in front of the city was completely blocked by the monk, and a cry of mourning suddenly resounded in all directions:

"Why is the gate of Fengxin City so small?"

This cry of mourning undoubtedly spoke out the heart of the monks outside the city, but they could only slow down and wait for the city gate in front to be unblocked, but everyone with a discerning eye knows that in this peak confrontation between Buddhism and Taoism, they have A high probability will be missed.

At the same time, a corner outside Fengxin City, which was more noisy, suddenly became extremely deserted after the diners inside the scented camp rushed to the inner city.

Then the fat boss of this mobile restaurant, holding a large spoon while holding a beast leg, slowly walked out of the camp, took a deep breath, and sighed heavily.

This sigh contained extremely helpless and complex emotions, because not every diners who left in a hurry left their meals on the table.

Then the fat boss sighed again, looking at the old and the young who were still standing outside the camp, and said loudly:

"Two people, would you like to have a meal? Try the cooking skills you are following. Now there are few people, I will give you the biggest discount."

After finishing speaking, the fat boss raised the fragrant animal leg in his hand, and looked at the girl with a round face in front of him. He suddenly turned his head and stared straight forward with a eager gaze.

But at the next breath, the blazing heat in this gaze gradually extinguished, and then the fat girl from the Gold Rolling Sect shook her head and said:

"Shopkeeper, let's go into Fengxin City to find someone, so let's not eat it."

After the regretful voice fell, the round-faced girl just wanted to turn around, she watched a beast leg slam directly, and then Jin Yuansuo raised her hand to take it, and a voice of doubt came out:

"Uncle, you?"

Before he finished his words, the fat boss at the front account door turned directly, and then sounded with a little lonely voice:

"Under this chaotic world, it's not easy for everyone. Take it and eat, girl, don't get hungry and thin."

After speaking, the figure of the fat boss gradually disappeared from the entrance of the camp, leaving only the Jin Yuan lock with a touched face, clutching the animal legs in his hands tightly, opening his mouth, and sending out a low gratitude.

"Miss, under the heaven and the earth, it is so complicated. There are not only people with evil hearts, but also people with good hearts."

The old voice rang in the ears of the round-faced girl, and then the old man of the rolling gold sect raised his hand and pointed forward, and continued to speak:

"But miss, let's enter the city as soon as possible, and then we have to go straight to the Heavenly Cloud Palace through the wind ladder, and meet the Young Sect Master.

"Now that we run into the Jinzong can be called internal and external troubles. Since the suzerain's accident, all branches have been unstable. It is still necessary for the young master to go back to stabilize the situation."

After the old man fell with a worried voice, Jin Yuansuo next to him picked up the animal leg, put it in his mouth, and took a bite. While chewing, he responded:

"Since a few years ago, the eldest brother left the sect again after he obtained the position of the young master. There has been little news. If it weren't for the old man, no one would know that the eldest brother was on the treasure ship of Daxia."

"Young Sect Master has his own unique vision, and so far, it seems that perhaps we will be in the northern border for the future fate of the Jinzong."

"Anyway, no matter what, it won't be worse than it is now."

Because the girl was eating the animal's legs with big mouthfuls, the girl's voice in response was a little fuzzy.

Then Jin Yuansuo chewed indiscriminately for a few mouthfuls and swallowed, then looked up at the front, and then said:

"Elder, so many monks in front of them all went to see the struggle between Buddhism and Taoism. What is going on?"

When this question fell, the old Jinjinzong elder shook his sleeves and explained:

"Miss, you don't know, this time the scale of the World Daohui is the largest in tens of thousands of years, so many forces that already have hatred for each other will gather here.

"As the saying goes, when the enemies meet, they are extremely jealous. The grievances left over for countless years can be said to be full of lava in the volcano, which explodes at one point.

"However, the World Dao Association is about to be held, and the Taiqing Sect people have clear instructions. Before the opening of the conference, there should be no conflicts and weapons in Fengxin City."

As soon as the words fell, the round-faced girl from the Golden Sect was about to continue speaking, and a steady explanation sounded next to her:

"But the Taiqing Sect also knew that it is almost impossible for so many forces and monks to stay in Fengxin City safely, and it is not as good as sparse, so it opened up areas in the city to resolve disputes. "

After speaking, Elder Gunjinzong changed his style and continued to speak:

"However, in order to control the aftermath of this battle, the candidates for these duels can only be young people with a low level of cultivation, so the monks in front of us are also going to see the top-level fights of the young disciples of Buddhist and Taoist schools in the Western Regions.

"It's a pity that the gates of Windheart City are so ghostly that too many people are stuck outside the city and have no chance of seeing it."

The words of the Jinjinzong elder carried some regrets. Although he is not good at fighting, as long as he is a monk, who doesn't want to see this rare occasion.

But as soon as this sentence fell, a particularly harsh eagle cry suddenly spread from above the Tianyuan Palace in the midair.

The sound of this cry was ear-splitting, like a hurricane roar. At the same time, a huge condor swooped down directly above the floating sky Tianyun Mountain, turning into an arc of light and falling straight down Fengxin City.

Every time the condor **** its wings, the void on Fengxin City trembles endlessly, and then the eagle flies around the square walls of Fengxin City at an extraordinary speed in the world.

After two breaths, the condor rose up into the sky again, and at the same time the four walls of Fengxin City collapsed outward.

"Boom boom boom!"

The city wall collapsed, and everything in Fengxin City was immediately before everyone's eyes, followed by deafening cheers, billowing:

"The city wall has collapsed, this Heavenly Cloud Palace is atmospheric!"

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