The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1927: Buddhism and Taoism


Under the violent roar of the collapse of the city wall, the vast numbers of monks outside Fengxin City raised their heads one after another.

Then these people stared at the smoke and dust that was rising in front of them because of the collapse of the wall, and murmured:

"For this World Daohui, the Tianyun Temple, as the host, has been a huge capital, and even the walls of Fengxin City have been demolished."

The horror in the words of these monks is actually not difficult to understand. Although the Tianyun Temple has been a place of the Supreme Profound Land for so many years, the famous permanent neutral force, its own flying race can soar, and it is not restricted by the city wall, but this moment is full The rune wall is the best and the last defensive method to fly.

In order to hold the Taoist Society of the World, the Tianyun Palace directly removed this layer of defensive barriers, and it must be said that it was a great determination.

After the wall collapsed, the Fengxin Great City under the Tianyun Mountain was completely exposed to everyone's sight.

Afterwards, the monks who were still suffering from being blocked outside the city rushed into the city after cheering to watch the rare peak duel.

"Elder Jin, I didn't expect that Tianyun Temple would demolish the city wall."

The sudden collapse of the city wall of Fengxin City made Jin Yuansuo, the round-faced girl of Jinzong, even forget to chew the delicious beast leg meat in her mouth. After the sigh fell, the old man beside her also sighed:

"Miss, not only you did not expect it, the old man did not expect it, but it is so good that we can also enter the city quickly, so as not to have long nights and dreams."

When this word came out, Jin Yuansuo nodded heavily, and the two immediately began to follow the surging crowd towards Fengxin City.

As we all know, the most existence in Fufeng County is wind.

These winds include haze, hurricane, squally, and the most special one, that is Fufeng!

Fufeng, as the name suggests, is the wind that rises upright. This wind rises out of nowhere in the void wind field. After breaking through the cracks in the space, it will roll up like a dragon, leaning against the sky and grounding.

And compared with the sharp, fierce Lanfeng that cuts the square, Fufeng is undoubtedly too gentle, and it is big and small, the big one is like a giant of heaven and earth, with a terrifying power to support the mountain.

At this time, the gray wind pillar visible to the naked eye at the center of Fengxin City is the most expansive Fufeng in the entire Fufeng County.

It is precisely because of this help that the huge sky-cloud mountain above can stand proudly on the cloud.

On the other hand, in Fengxin City, there are countless pillars of supporting wind with different powers. On these pillars, many buildings are also placed.

Above the wind column, according to its bearing capacity, there are gorgeous palaces and ordinary platform buildings. And above a wind column near the east of the city, there is a wide and flat platform suspended.

On the platform, Buddha's light is permeating, Taoist sounds are bursting, and there are two figures in the life and death battle.

One of them was a little Taoist wearing an ordinary aisle robe. He held his foot backwards against the table, raised the round circle with both hands, and drew a mysterious trajectory in the void.

Although this little Taoist is not tall, his every move is full of Taoism, impervious to the wind, and from a distance, he has an indescribable charm.

In front of the little Taoist priest, there is a huge four-armed angry Buddha, roaring up to the sky, his whole body is covered with light golden Buddhist runes, and every arm that extends from his back is surrounded by the most terrifying Buddhist suppression. Power.

"The four buddhas have been transformed into Vajra. It seems that the cultivation base of this little monk has been particularly powerful. I never thought that this Buddhist monk had been driven to the Yellow Sands of the Western Regions for so many years, and there was such a strong young generation."

The four-armed King Kong of Demon, wrapped in the power of Demon, and overwhelming the Quartet, the waves of terrifying power and strength caused countless monks watching around to change their colors.

Although Buddhism has been expelled outside the Western Regions for countless years, because of its strength in the past, this has made it possible for a large number of monks to still remember them, so they continued to speak:

"It is said that in this Buddhism, there are eight Buddha statues, and they have the ability to reach the sky. Even the land gods must avoid their edge.

"This is one of the top Buddhist methods in Buddhism. Now this little monk has already practiced four arms, and his power is also extremely violent. I just don't know if the little Taoist priest over there can stop the vajra heavy blow?"

As soon as he said this, the countless monks who were gathering around all changed their expressions, and then someone who came late asked:

"This fellow Taoist, the little monk on the stage, I have heard a little bit, saying that he comes from the second largest temple in Buddhism, Tingshan Temple, and is qualified to hang silver robes, but the Taoist priest who puts the former right has never heard of it before. Where did it come from?"

"Friends of the Daoists are really troubled by this question. When the Buddhist monasteries of the Western Regions came to Fengxin City before, they were not small, so everyone has heard of it.

"But the Dao Sect is too low-key, silent, if it weren't for the little Taoist priests to take the stage at this time, I really don't know that the Dao Sect's team participating in this world's Taoist society is already in the city."

The person who responded at this moment was a monk with the light of wisdom flashing in his eyes, and then he continued to look at the platform in front of him, and his voice continued to be heard:

"But since the monk of Tingshan Temple can be forced to become the four-armed Buddha King Kong, then the strength of this Taoist priest is definitely strong.

"If it comes from the legendary Tianyan Taoist Temple, then it will be interesting. You and I will feast your eyes today!"

As soon as the four words Tianyan Taoist Temple came out, the eyes of countless monks around him were bright. For a long time, this Taoist Temple has been in a state of seclusion where the dragon sees its head and ends.

"The world is chaotic, and it must be normal for the Taoist Temple of Heaven to join the world at this moment."

As soon as the monk's words fell, the uniform exclaims around him directly rose into the sky:


Before the sound fell, everyone was watching the front line of sight, the four-armed King Kong roaring up to the sky, his figure disappeared in an instant.


After a loud noise, countless cracks appeared on the surface of the extremely strong obsidian platform. At the same time, in front of the little Taoist flying in the robes, a huge four-armed Vajra King appeared like a teleport.

Then the Buddha's light billowed on the huge body of Fumo King Kong, burning like a raging flame, and it made a belching sound after burning the air.

At the same time, above the huge vajra head of the Four-armed Buddha, two huge golden glares, golden light shining, followed by making a fist with four arms behind them, and simultaneously lifting them up, staring at the little Taoist priest who only reached his waist, voice Suddenly passed down:

"Report your name, Dao Sect heresy!"

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