Fufeng County, Fengxin City, Tianyun Mountain on the Tianyun Temple, take a look, take a look, the immortal sleeps on the white clouds.

This short song circulated in Fufeng County directly reveals the mystery and importance of this Yunshang Tianyun Temple.

The vast area of ​​the Taixuan Land is so vast that no one can use accurate numbers to describe its area and geometry, but such a huge area has also created many unique wonders of heaven and earth.

A county, a big power will have absolute landmark buildings or wonders, and Tianyun Temple is undoubtedly one of them.

In the Tianyun Temple, 70% of the flying races gathered in the entire Taixuan Land. Such forces are named after the Temple on the Clouds, which shows the importance of this temple in the minds of these flying races.

White clouds curled up and floated around the Tianyun Temple.

Suddenly, a melodious sound of the piano came out from the depths of the Tianyun Temple.

The sound of this ding, ding, dong, bang contained an unspeakable meaning of floating, and even the clouds under the main hall gathered and dispersed at the beginning, as if they were dancing, it was very mysterious.

After more than a hundred breaths, the sound of the piano faded in the depths of the Tianyun Temple, and then the beautiful figure with Bai Yuhua dressed in neon clothes sitting behind the white table, stretched out his hands, and gently pressed the trembling in front of him. The strings, then looked up at the front, the voice came out:

"Friend Taiqing, I don't know what you think of this unbelievable underground flame monster?"

This female voice is also melodious and melodious, just like the sound of a piano just now. With the sound of her voice, the figure raised her head and looked at a desk not far in front.

Behind the desk, there was a middle-aged man wearing a black dress, sitting quietly, closed his eyes and rested.

At the next breath, the middle-aged man in the clothes behind the desk did not open his eyes. He just responded calmly and said:

"Underground monsters, of course, only belong to the underground. Although the surface of the earth is vast, there is no place for these monsters!"

Although this response was not loud, it was decisive, and with a certainty that could not be rejected, it seemed to form a rule, intertwined into a trace of lines that were invisible to the naked eye, extending outward.

This is undoubtedly the top realm of utterance. As the so-called bedrider, how can he allow others to snore, and almost all the major forces on the surface are opposed to Yan Jueguo's ambition to attack the ground.

However, some monks speak lightly, but the words of some people can determine the general situation of the world.

And over the past thousands of years, one of the legends that the Taixuan monk most admired was the man in the clothes sitting upright and closed his eyes.

Thinking of this, the beautiful shadow stroking the piano in the depths of the Yundian, staring at the eyes in front of him, unknowingly put on a trace of blurry color, but in a flash, he was put away in a dark and unmoving color. The voice from the Taiqing Sect Master continued to sound:

"In this World Taoist Association, this suzerain will reach an agreement with many forces on Yan Jueguo. Whether it is the Hidden Sejong Sect or the Great Sect, they have the obligation to defend the surface of the Taixuan. This is the bottom line."

After this word came out, the Tianyun Hall, which was originally dusty, suddenly showed a strong murderous air, and then the Yuyi Qianying continued to raise his finger, and once again buckled the strings of the colorful piano in front of him, and lightly played it. .


The sound of the piano continued to jump out of the void, all the white clouds floating in the hall jumped up together, and at the same time the red lips of the shadow of the piano opened lightly, and the voice came out:

"Like the unpredictable changes today, the luck of air is also like rootless duckweed, moving back and forth between heaven and earth. This is undoubtedly a sign of the arrival of troubled times. All kinds of originally ambitious forces have begun to move around, including not only the underground. Yan Jueguo, as well as Buddhism in the Western Regions."

As soon as the words of the Western Region Buddhism came out, the Taiqing Sect Sect Master sitting in the Tianyun Hall still hadn't opened his eyes, but his brows were slowly frowned, indicating that the same feeling was particularly troublesome.

"Buddha, Buddhism."

The murmur came from the middle-aged Ning Yi's mouth, and then the former raised his hand to support the hat on his head, and said again:

"The heart of Buddhism to advance to the east is unprecedented. If Yan Jueguo can use the high pressure to push it back to the ground, then Buddhism is completely immortal this time.

"In other words, there is no room for reversal between Taoism and Buddhism this time. If Dayanxiong Pass can be held, then this Buddhism will be consumed directly outside this Xiong Pass, and if this pass is broken, The west side of the Taixuan Land will once again become a Buddhist dojo."

After speaking, the atmosphere in the Tianyun Temple was full of solemnity, and even the melodious piano sound gradually began to become sonorous and powerful.

After speaking the above words, Sect Master Taiqing paused, and a more solemn voice came out directly again:

"The Western Regions today are the most anxious killing fields, and there is no room for relaxation.

"Between Buddhism and Taoism, one party is destined to sink completely in this battle, and then be swept out of this historical stage, completely turned into dust in the corner of time.

"Everyone in the world is attracted by the battle in the Central Plains, but few people know that this battle in the west is more dangerous, more tragic, and even more immortal!"

As soon as the words of the Sect Master Taiqing fell, Fu Qin Qianying's response sounded immediately:

"Because the west is too remote, as far as the Daomen and the land of yellow sand, it will almost be forgotten."

"Yeah, it's too remote. As the saying goes, this child who is not called has no milk to eat. These years, the Dao Sect has used its own strength to guard this western pass, and the monks in the entire Tai Xuan Land begin to think that this Buddhism is blocked. Outside of the Western Regions, it is the most reasonable thing, but I don’t know that this crisis of death is coming!

A sigh came out from the mouth of the Taiqing Sect Master once again, and perhaps it was a feeling in his heart that the sound of the piano lingering in the Tianyun Palace directly became a little uneasy and uneasy.

At the same time, the clouds in those halls began to dance no longer before, dancing back and forth, but began to hunch their heads, becoming a little depressed and dejected.

After that, the beautiful figure dressed in white feather clothes slowed down the hands of the piano, and said quietly:

"In short, the situation in the Taixuan Land today is really the most appropriate to describe it in terms of internal and external troubles."

"Internal worries, external troubles, this world is also about to shuffle the cards."

An increasingly solemn voice came from the Taiqing Sect Master’s mouth, and then a ray of blue aura emerged from the former's body, with a little grateful voice, resounding again:

"This time the World Dao Association, for the support of the Lord of the Heavenly Cloud Palace and the entire Heavenly Cloud Palace, this Sect Master is grateful!"

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