The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1935: Heart of common people

The Tianyun Palace, composed of countless flying races, actually occupied an extremely important part of the entire cultivation ecology of the Supreme Profound Land for tens of thousands of years after the collapse of the Immortal Palace in the Supreme Profound Land.

Because every monk's travel, whether it is a short distance between city and city, or a long distance travel between counties, almost all need to take the flying race of Tianyun Temple.

This is undoubtedly the most convenient and fastest means of public transportation in the Taixuan Land today.

In other words, the existence of Tianyun Temple filled the gap after the fairy palace teleportation array was broken, and it also made the vast area of ​​Taixuan, as far as possible, into a whole.

The importance of Tianyun Temple is undoubted, but his influence is subtle, not as vigorous as the other major forces, and the world is known.

There are a large number of flying races that belong to the Tianyun Temple flying above the sky in the 108 prefectures of the Taixuan Land. However, in many cases, the closer they are to life, the less they are valued.

Tianyun Temple is a good example, and since the establishment of Tianyun Temple, it has always belonged to a neutral force, which undoubtedly weakened its role in the Taixuan dispute.

It is true that this kind of contempt is undoubtedly a good thing for flying races that do not have much ambitions themselves.

However, as the Sect Master of the Taiqing Sect said at this time, this time the Tianxia Daohui was held, and the Tianyun Temple was held as the host. For this hall, it is undoubtedly a great risk.

"Your Heavenly Cloud Palace has been uncontested in the world for tens of thousands of years. At the beginning of its establishment, it was also to let the flying race have the power to rely on, without being oppressed by the troubled times. Now this suzerain drags you into such muddy waters and quagmire. When I think about it, I feel ashamed."

In the Tianyun Hall, the voice of the Sect Master Taiqing behind the desk was full of guilt, and then the man in the blouse, who still closed his eyes and covered in a light blue aura, turned sideways and nodded. , Continue to speak:

"This time the World Dao Association is held, without the help of Tianyun Temple, it is absolutely impossible to gather most of the monks from the entire Supreme Profound Land in Fufeng County in such a short period of time.

"Therefore, this Sect Master didn't say much for the extra words, and once again thanked the Master of Tianyun Palace."

"The words of Sect Master Taiqing are heavy."

After the solemn voice of the middle-aged man in the linyi fell, the white hands of the Palace Lord of Tianyun Temple who were stroking the qin first gave a slight pause, and then played more cheerfully, even the outward sound of the qin also brought a little bit of difference. taste.

Within the sound of the piano, there was a hint of anxiety and a hint of excitement, and it was all the girl's careful thoughts.

Afterwards, the head of the Tianyun Palace, who was dancing lightly in all white feathers and neon clothes, showed a faint smile on his face, and said softly:

"My Tianyun Temple has been guarding this Fufeng County for so many years, and has not gotten into the heart of the world. This point, whether it is the holy court or the so-called four great kingdoms, is extremely clear to the world's forces.

"It is precisely because of the uncontested attitude of my Tianyun Temple that it is the most suitable place to hold this world Taoist society. Although the master of this palace is a female generation, he will not shrink back if he is able to help. ."

After the words fell, the head of the Tianyun Palace turned his beautiful white face, and then, with a flower-like eye, stared at the middle-aged man in front of him, after a breath of thought, he spoke again:

"On the other hand, there are countless flying races in the Tianyun Temple. They follow the purpose of this temple. They don't like killing and fight against the world. They just want to live in peace and stability in the world.

"But the Lord of the Hall also knows that the troubled times are like turbulent tides, and the lives of all the people are like weeds. Who can be spared?

"As the saying goes, the tree desires tranquility, but the wind does not stop. If my Tianyun Temple wants to remain stable, all it needs is peace in the world!"

The four words "Tai Ping under Heaven" came out from the head of the Tianyun Temple, the word Zhuji, and only at this time, this beautifully beautiful Tianyun Temple Lord, revealed the domineering and self-confidence of the helm of the top power. .

It is true that a flying race of scattered sand can be brought together into the Tianyun Temple of such a large scale, and lead the entire huge race to remain neutral and away from disputes. Until now, this Tianyun Temple Lord is naturally not a mere mere existence. Beautiful vase.

She has vision and no shortage of decisiveness!

She knows the truth that there are no eggs under the covering nest, and she also knows that once the world is truly in chaos, the flying races in the Tianyun Temple will no longer be able to maintain their neutral posture as they are now.

The next breath, the voice from the head of the Tianyun Palace, continued to linger in the main hall:

"Friends of the Taiqing Daoist, the Holy Court is not a fool. It has been coveting my Tianyun Temple for a long time, especially in recent years, its penetration into the Tianyun Temple has become more and more blatant.

"The Lord of the Hall knows that for any power in the Supreme Profound Land, whoever can control the Heavenly Cloud Palace can hold the throat of communication in the entire Supreme Profound Land. Those small powers may not understand, but those who are truly ambitious. , Has already focused on the main hall."

The voice from the head of the Tianyun Temple became more solemn, and then a trace of worry began to appear in the bright eyes of the former, and then his red lips lightly opened, and the voice continued to speak:

"So if my Tianyun Temple does nothing, then it is undoubtedly the fish on the chopping board to be slaughtered. As the support of countless flying races, the master of the temple must make plans for the future of the Tianyun Temple.

"Now my Tianyun Temple takes the initiative to host this World Taoist Association. It would be great if this troubled world dispute can be resolved. Therefore, fellow Taoists, you don't have to feel guilty. This is the Lord's choice."

This statement by the Lord of the Tianyun Temple is justified and well-founded. If there are other people in the White Cloud Hall, they will surely be overwhelmed by the former.

But to the disappointment of the female palace master, after some words came out, behind the table in front of the case, the face of the man in quilted clothes, outlined by the years, did not change in the slightest.

The eyes of the Sect Master Taiqing were still closed, and the breath of his body was not visible. It seemed that everything that happened in the world could hardly change his complexion even the slightest.

And anyone who knows the life of the man in front of the clothes, knows what the ups and downs of the Taiqing Sect Master's life has been.

The reason why a legend is a legend is that after thousands of sails and arduous hardships, he still maintains his original aspirations and retains his own way!

It's just that some people care about love and love, while others care about the common people in the world.

Thinking of this, the blurry color in the eyes of the Hallmaster of the Tianyun Palace was even thicker, and even a little bit of resentment, but in the end he still did not show too much, after taking a slight breath, he said:

"Friends of the Taiqing Daoist, the little girl has a question, can you help me?"

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