The flying race in the Supreme Profound Land can be said to be one of the creatures closest to the sky on the entire continent.

Therefore, in the ancient legend of the flying race, there is a saying that if the people on the ground experience a difference, then the star above the sky will be extinguished.

The world doesn't know if there are stars extinguishing in the starry sky full of Fufeng County at this time, but Fengxin City, Tianyun Palace, is experiencing a silent parting.

Circulation of day and night, chaos and harmony, and the light of the stars in the sky, seems to have completely banished this gorgeous and white palace in the sky beyond the border.

People who are experiencing separation are usually called liren.

But at this time, the head of the Tianyun Temple in the Tianyun Temple, although he did not shed tears, he still refused to say goodbye.

Her gaze was fixed in front of her, and she became more and more resentful and melancholy, and even within this gaze, a substantial temperature began to appear.

I don't know if it's hot or cold!

At this moment, this small case table placed in the Tianyun Temple seems to be a swaying silver boat sailing among the stars, and at the same time it carries the completely pallet of the Heavenly Cloud Temple Lord. Shake your mind.

Time passed forward again every minute and every second, and in this mutual silence, the time passing forward in the Tianyun Palace seemed to become abnormally slow.

But the longest night, dawn is ushered in.

Then the stars above the sky began to gradually dim, so the Tianyun Palace also began to become particularly dark and deep. At this time, the Taiqing Sect Master, who had been silent, finally began to act.

I saw his lips lightly opened, and he uttered a word:

"Friend Tianyun, the world takes a drink and a peck. In many cases, there is really not much reason or reason. Why do you want to force it?"

"Forced? This is already the obsession of the master of the temple. If this obsession is not removed, it will be difficult for the master of the temple to take a step forward in this life."

In the response from the head of the Tianyun Temple, there was determination, and just as the former said, obsession is like a demon, this demon is not removed, no matter how hard it is to enter, let alone step out That is a crucial step.

"The Lord of the Hall has been trapped in this state for many years, and we must make a conclusion today!"

After the words fell, a sigh was heard again from the Taiqing Sect Master who continued to close his eyes:


Amidst this sigh, there were extremely complex emotions, and then the middle-aged man, who had been wearing a quilt, raised his hand and untied the hat above his head.

In the next breath, a light blue hair was draped over the Taiqing Sect Master’s head, and with the flying of this green hair, the temperament of the Taiqing Sect Master began to change drastically.

After that, the Taiqing Sect Master gently placed the hat in his hand on the table, raised his right hand, and waved forward. The surrounding Taiqing air seemed to have received some kind of order, and he directly faced the table in front of him. Converging from above.

The speed of this blue energy converging extremely fast, and the billowing blue energy began to emit a bright light, directly illuminating the Tianyun Temple under the deepest curtain of night.

At the same time, the Taiqing Qi gathered on the desk began to split up and down spontaneously.

The super clear and the muddy, evolved, it is the embryonic form of a world!

At the next breath, a small shadow of the world began to appear between the clear and the muddy, and expanded outward to form a basin-sized sphere.

Within the sphere, mountains, rivers, lakes, jungles and mountains have everything they want, and it is a world that has shrunk countless times.

If the Great Lord Zhongtian or Zhao Xiu were here, he would be extremely shocked, because at this time the world that the Taiqing Sect's right hand waved was the realm of the immortal that the two had been talking to before, which is what the people of Daxia said.

Endless mountain!

"this is?"

Also shocked, there was also the Palace Master of Tianyun Palace, who was sitting behind the desk at this time, with his beautiful eyes wide open. Then he stared at the world surrounded by billowing blue air with a probing gaze, and his voice continued to speak:

"World, is this a world?"

"Yes, this is the world that this Sect Master once saw within the eyes of Taiqing Spring, and that voice of inquiry also came from this world."

The steady sound was a response, which was heard from the Taiqing Sect Master's mouth again, and then raised his hands, trying to hold up the world surrounded by blue energy in front of him, but he passed it directly.

Such an abnormality means that in the hands of Sect Master Taiqing, this spring world is just a bubble-like phantom, difficult to touch.

At the next breath, the voice of the man in the clothes once again sounded in the ears of the head of the Tianyun Palace with wrinkled beautiful eyes:

"As seen by Fellow Tianyun, this Sect Master has always been looking for opportunities to enter this world, because this Sect Master has a hunch that the secret of the final detachment lies in it."

After the voice of Sect Master Taiqing fell, the Palace Master of Tianyun Palace opposite him continued to use his eyes to stare at the somewhat vague world in front of the blue air, and finally said:

"It's really a mysterious world."

When the voice fell, the color of the grievances on the female palace master's face did not change, she opened her red lips, and then faintly spoke:

"The Taiqing Daoist confided this world in the Taiqingquan to tell the little girl that what he wants in this life is only for this way of detachment?

"But if this is the case, you should hide at this time, hiding in the Taiqing sect, where you are so remote that you don't know where, watching those big forces fighting you to death and life, instead of sitting in this Tianyun Temple, waiting for this first. The world will be held!"

Facing the relentless words of the Palace Master of Tianyun Palace, the Sect Master of Taiqing still treated them with silence.

After a while, the Palace Master of Tianyun Palace, whose complexion gradually became calm, no longer insisted, got up slowly, and began to leave step by step.

For the wise beings in the world, sometimes what is needed is just a reason to convince themselves, even if this reason is not true.

As the Heavenly Cloud Palace Master said before, she is undoubtedly an extremely perfect woman with the most perfect body proportions.

As she steps forward, every piece of white feather on her neon clothes begins to fly, as if in the next second, she will fly in the wind and return to the sky that belongs to her.

She originally belonged to Skyrim.

After a breath, the white feathers on the neon clothes of the Palace Lord of Heavenly Clouds flew more and more violently, and the wind that ran through the whole world became more and more violent.

At the same time, a faint voice passed from the front, lingering in the hall:

"As soon as I leave, you and I have nothing to do with you. From beginning to end, you will never open your eyes, even if you just look at me.

"Perhaps you only have the world in your eyes, so here, I can only wish the Taoist friends of the Qing Dynasty, success in cultivation, and finally detachment!"

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