The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1939: Five classes

The world is like the river and the sea, and the creature is the crucian that crosses the river, but among the countless people, there will eventually be some differences.

They are different from ordinary people, and they are also the epitome of the best part of the entire era.

Ever since the man in the lye sat on the desk in the Tianyun Temple, he hadn't opened his eyes again.

Because in his eyes, there is only Tai Xuan common people below this!

In fact, the Palace Master of Tianyun Palace also understood that no matter what she did, it was always in vain, how firm the will of the top monk was, and she herself just wanted an answer and excuse to convince herself.

There are too many partings in the world, especially in the chaotic world. Life and death are involuntary. Too many people are powerless. Compared with the boundless world, all living beings are always too small.

Perhaps it confirms the legend of the flying race in the Tianyun Temple. With the fall of the night, the night sky outside the Tianyun Temple, the stars are completely extinguished one by one, and this hall, where only one person sits, becomes extraordinarily exceptional. Deserted.

Then this exceptionally long night time continued to pass, and tonight is destined to have countless people awake.

Under the deep night, in Fengxin City, the leaders of the powers of all counties and prefectures in the Taixuan Land were invited to put on the most gorgeous and majestic clothes almost at the same time under the service of the maid.

Afterwards, these extraordinary monks all made the same movement, standing with their hands behind them, staring at the quiet but faintly restless night outside the window, falling into thinking and silence.

"Master, what are you thinking?"

In Fengxin City, the Rock Sect resident, in the room where its sovereign is resting, the accompanying female family members who also wear gorgeous clothing behind them sounded with a little worried voice, and a faint response sounded, which was convenient for the old Rock Sect master :

"After the Taoist society is held today, I don't know what to do in this world?"

"The main cultivation of the Taiqing Sect is Tongtian. This time, he led the hidden Sejongmen to the stage to try to maintain the stability of this Taixuan land. The situation should get better, right?"

When the words Hidden Sejongmen came out, the old Sect Master who was staring outside the window was stunned for a moment, and then there was a meaningful laugh:

"Speaking of the Sejong Gate of the Hermits, do you not know that the Five Sects of the Hermits have completely become a joke, otherwise, how can the Twilight Kingdom and Nanze Kingdom be established at this juncture?

"You need to know how terrible the Taiqing Sect Master once was, and even picked up the entire so-called kingdom of the entire Taixuan Land with one sword. Anyone who can't receive one of the swords can't be called a country.

"So that for so many years, in the entire Taixuan Land, only the four upper kingdoms stand tall."

As soon as this word fell, a suspicious voice sounded directly behind him:

"Then Daxia, Daxia is actually a country, right?"

"Daxia is an exception, an exception that no one can predict, whether it is the Holy Court or the Taiqing Sect."

After the words fell, Sect Master Rock, who was waiting for the official start of the World Conference, showed a solemn expression on the old face, and then continued to speak:

"There is always a trace to follow in the transfer of Wanqiang logistics, and when the exception of Daxia appears, more and more exceptions will follow, making the situation of the entire Taixuan Land begin to develop in a completely unpredictable direction. "

After speaking, the old sect master stretched out his hand and pushed open the door of the house in front of him, and at the same time a voice came out:

"I don't know if this variable appears, is it a blessing or a curse?"

At the next breath, the door of the house opened, and there was a large square outside the house. There were a large number of monks who were ready, lined up in a row, with their heads high and their chests high, and they exuded a decent aura.

These people saw the figure walking out of their house, saluted directly, and said respectfully:

"See Sovereign."

"Is there any news from last night?"

As soon as this question came out, a sect elder in the courtyard stepped forward and said loudly:

"Back to Sect Master, according to the latest news, on the eve of our world’s underworld Taoist meeting, the entire 108 counties in the Taixuan Land were affected by the creation of the two kingdoms in the evening and Nanze. Said to build a kingdom."

"Oh? How many have been announced?"

"Because most of the big forces are preparing to participate in the World Conference in Fengxin City, so the announcements at this time are all little-known little forces, in order to fight for it.

"According to the summary of some news, there have been tens of thousands of so-called countries that have been announced to the outside world, and they are still increasing at an unimaginable rate.

"At the same time, within our sect's sphere of influence, several restless forces have also appeared, and their subordinates have sent letters back to the sect, asking the remaining elders to bring their disciples to suppress and exterminate them."

In the voice of the elder, besides solemnity, there was also a not-low evil intention. Then, the voice from the master of the family resounded again in his ears:

"At this time, the people who have jumped out to claim the country are all undaunted clowns. What this Sect Master is worried about is that we, who are about to participate in the World Daohui, will have the same terrible thoughts!"

Before this statement, there was a knock on the door that was not serious or serious, and it sounded directly outside the courtyard, and this sudden sound also made the sect monks in the courtyard subconsciously take a step forward and look at each other. All saw something unusual in the eyes of the other party.

"Open the door."

The old sect master is worthy of being the head of the rock sect, and soon recovered as usual, and the vigorous command sound was heard outwards, and then several disciples directly stepped out of the far courtyard gate, raising their hands to open the gate.

Outside the courtyard, there were three powerful figures standing. These people were well-dressed, and inside their eyes, there was a little majesty that the power holders had.

"Several sect masters, this day is not yet dawn, the world under the Taoist society has not been opened, I don’t know how to wait, what is the point of coming to my sect?"

After the vigorous voice of the old sect master in the courtyard came out, several figures standing outside the courtyard stepped forward together. After entering the courtyard, the leader did not sell anything, but directly spoke:

"Old Sect Master, let's also open the skylight to speak brightly. You should know that the Taoist Society of the World, which is about to open tomorrow, directly divides the countless forces of our Supreme Profound Land into several levels."

As soon as this statement came out, the very old Rock Sect Master in the center of the courtyard nodded and responded:

"This old man naturally knows this, because the land of the Supreme Profound Realm is vast and powerful, if all of them directly participate in the Taoist society, even if the Tianyun Mountain above our heads is big, the place will not be enough.

"So Taiqingzong united with Tianyun Temple to divide all forces into five major strata."

Speaking of this, the old sect master paused for a while, followed by a word by word, rolling out again:

"The five major classes are the low-grade, low-grade, middle-grade, high-grade, and the highest overlord level!"

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