The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1941: Always change

"I'm asking for wealth and insurance, I'm done!"

Fufeng County, Fengxin City, countless courtyards shrouded in night, the Akashi lights illuminate everywhere, loud roars, one after another.

Among these roars, there was a determination like the old sect master, but also an unsteady anxiety.

After so many years of development in the Great Profound Land, every practitioner, especially the high-ranking power holders, is not a fool, but rather judges the situation.

Although these countless low- and middle-grade forces are still shackled by the earth, they can clearly see the trend of the tide of some eras and make some changes within their power.

The dragon has the dragon way, and the mouse also has the mouse way. This is how they have always survived!

It is foreseeable that when the dawn rises, how many forces the entire Fengxin City will begin to directly announce the news of its own nationhood, and this day is also destined to be recorded in the annals of history.

The darkness before dawn is always extraordinarily deep and slow, and once a decision is made, what people have to do is to wait, wait anxiously.

At the same time, in the center of Tianyun Mountain high above, inside the Baiyun Hall, a table was placed alone. After the table, the Sect Master of Taiqing still sat in the same posture.

In fact, after stepping into this Tianyun Temple, he has not opened his eyes for several days, because just as the master of the Tianyun Temple said, in his eyes, there is only the whole world.

At the next breath, a faint sound of footsteps sounded on the side of the hall, and then two young figures slowly appeared between the floating white clouds and the darkness.

The two people who appeared at this time, a man and a woman, were the young girl Yi'er, and Li Dingshan, who had matured a lot of temperament.

Then he walked slowly to Li Dingshan behind the Sect Master of the Taiqing Sect. Using pupils without any pupils, he stared at the back that was not stalwart in front of him, but felt as magnificent as the mountains of heaven and earth.

After a breath of concentration, Li Dingshan respectfully placed the long sword in his hand by the desk, and then said:

"Master, disciples should avoid this Taoist meeting."

After Li Dingshan's steady voice fell, Sect Master Taiqing raised his head slightly, and then said with a slightly smiling voice:

"Why, do you feel uncomfortable to see the Lord of Great Xia?"

"Master, it's not for this reason. I just don't want to see my old acquaintance."

Li Dingshan's response was still neither humble nor overbearing, and did not carry too much ups and downs. Then the Sect Master Taiqing waved his hand in front of him, but did not refuse, the voice came out:

"Then you take Yi'er to the side hall and protect her."

"it is good."

After a sound of response came out, Li Dingshan pulled the girl who was hesitant to talk and walked towards the side hall, and then silence and darkness once again enveloped the white cloud hall.


A gust of wind, suddenly, traversed the entire Tianyun Hall, and then the wind rushed out and plunged into the night sky, soaring freely.

After that, the breeze that shuttled across Tianyun Mountain seemed to smell a particularly alluring fragrance, and it directly changed its direction and headed towards the source of the fragrance not far away.

At the end of the wind, there is a huge and incomparably suspended treasure ship. At the same time, the entire body of the treasure ship, with wisps of colorful camouflage light, radiating outward from the treasure ship, like the stars in the sky, which is breathtaking.

At the same time, on the forefront deck of the treasure ship, there was a particularly burly, bald man walking out of the cabin.

I saw this big bald man's chest, tied with a special huge apron, on top of his fan-like hands, he was holding a large plate with carefully roasted animal steaks.

It is precisely this neatly cut, fat and thin animal row that exudes a rich fragrance that makes people mouth water, and even the wind above the sky is attracted.

Liang Po, who was walking on the deck, had a faint smile on his face, which represented that he was particularly satisfied with the cooking of the animal steak.

It is true that, under the seat of the Master of Great Xia, the recognized invincible person of the same level can show such a smile, I am afraid that only the color, fragrance, and delicacy can stand in the world.

After a few breaths, the beam that walked into the deck broke, opened his mouth, and a voice full of magnetism immediately sounded:

"Your Majesty, here comes the wine and food."

As soon as this statement came out, Sima Annan, who was already impatient at the white jade table on the deck, directly put the wine glass in his hand on the table and stood up and shouted:

"Quickly, I've been waiting for Master Liang to serve the wine and food for a long time, and my stomach growls. Even the wine is tasteless."

After speaking, Sima Annan greeted Liang Po to put down the plate, but did not start, but stared at Zhao Yu who was sitting in the position eagerly.

It is worth mentioning that there are not many people sitting at the white jade table on the top of the Daxia Treasure Ship’s deck at this time. Apart from the unparalleled and handsome Zhao Yu wearing the dark golden robe of the emperor, there is also a quiet face sitting with a smile on his face. The Empress Rouge of Great Xia, and Sima Annan in white fluttering.

"Broken, sit down and have a drink together."

Zhao Yu's steady voice lingered on the deck, and then Liang Po nodded first, neatly sorting out the beast meat in front of him.

At the same time, Sima Annan, with a smile on his face, also picked up the jug on the table and filled the glasses in front of him with fine wine.

Everything was in order and orderly, even without a sound.

The next breath, the pink jelly was poured into the cup, and then the tangy wine scent began to appear in the meaty fragrance, and the two did not conflict with each other unexpectedly, but under the interaction, it was even more salivating. .

"It's so fragrant, Master Liang's cooking skills are almost the same as his cultivation, so it's soaring."

After pouring the peach blossom wine, Sima Annan squinted his eyes and took a deep breath in fascination. He opened his mouth and let out a heartfelt admiration, but he still didn't do it directly, but waited for Zhao Yu to speak.

Zhao Yu, who was sitting at the white jade table, didn't have too many expressions on his expressionless face. With ebony eyes, he faintly watched the wine and delicacies exuding the warmth and rich fragrance in front of him.

The night was deep and the wind was blowing, but for some reason, Zhao Yu remembered a night that seemed to be familiar to him.

There was also a stone table on that night that was also so unpredictable, and when he was still young, he was eating beast meat and drinking tea by the lake, telling a story that has been unforgettable for a long time.

Then several young people at the stone table by the lake raised their cups, respecting the distance, respecting life, and respecting the world!

What a vigorous picture that is, it is also a night for the teenagers.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty?"

Time seemed to stand still at this moment, until Rouge's gentle reminder sounded, pulling Zhao Yu back from the past in the evening breeze.

Then the young emperor returned to his senses, nodded, and said:

"Eat, don't be cautious, Sima Annan, let the celestial army and the night dire division who are accompanying you come and eat together."


Sima Annanzheng nodded, got up and left, and then Zhao Yu's brows flashed with imperceptible helplessness.

Time has passed for so long, time is also passing, everything is constantly changing, and for Zhao Yu, even if he tries his best to keep his heart, some things will always change.

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