The slow evening breeze, after blowing in, is easy to unknowingly remember the past, but even if there are only a few frames in the past, it also touched the young emperor's heart a little.

On the deck of the Daxia Treasure Ship, as Zhao Yu's sacred order came out, more and more figures appeared, and these figures in the robes of the Radiant Army and the Night Dire Division were also extremely young.

But on the entire deck of the treasure ship, the needles were still quietly audible, and the movements of every taboo were full of awe, and no sound was heard.

For the taboos at this time, the young emperor's shadow sitting at the white jade table in front of him is a well-deserved god.


Suddenly, a soft clash of wine glasses came from the hands of the young emperor.

Although this sound was extremely slight, it still made all the taboos present to stop, and then lower their heads at the same time, as if they were awaiting the holy order.

Then Sima Annan, who took a sip of the peach blossom wine, felt the slightly frowned brows of the young emperor beside him, gently put down the wine glass, and coughed:

"Your Majesty, because of the previous news, the entire World Conference will divide the power of the Supreme Profound Land into stages. This is the first time in the Supreme Profound Land in so many years. Therefore, after dawn, there will be a battle between dragons and tigers.

"After all, if it is recognized above the Taoist Society of the World, then it is truly recognized by the world."

After Sima Annan's words fell, Zhao Yu didn't raise his hand to pick up the peach blossom wine that was filled again, but stopped slightly straight, and said:

"This battle is indeed unavoidable, but what interests me is the undercurrent surging in Fengxin City. After all, the establishment of the two kingdoms of Dusk and Nanze proves one thing from the side."

As soon as Zhao Yu's words came out, Sima Annan's respectful response sounded immediately:

"Your Majesty, this means that the Sect Master Taiqing chose to compromise on the matter of establishing the country by force."

"Yes, for so many years, in order to try to keep the Taixuan realm without war, the Taiqing sect master almost suppressed the monks in the 108th prefecture with one person, and controlled his own territory in the way of the sect. ."

"Now suddenly it is the first to make an exception for the hidden Sejong Sect. Perhaps it is also a dangerous move."

In the voice of the young emperor’s opening, there was an increasingly strong imperial prestige, and perhaps even Zhao Yu himself did not notice. At this time, how strong his sense of oppression was given to the rest of his words and deeds, even void , Are trembling slightly.

"Your Majesty Shengming."

Then Sima Annan raised his hands, saluted the front respectfully, and then continued to speak loudly:

"As the Sect Master of the Qing Dynasty, as the only existence that can place a piece on the chessboard with the Lord for nearly a thousand years, perhaps he really felt a little urgency, so he made a completely different move from the past."

After speaking, Sima Annan's handsome face condensed, as if thinking of something, with an uncertain voice, he continued to preach:

"Your Majesty, is it related to the legendary world of immortals, that is, the endless mountain?"

As soon as the three words "Endless Mountain" came out, on the deck of the Daxia Treasure Ship, the taboos who held their breath showed solemn colors. At the same time, Zhao Yu frowned again and muttered:

"Whether it is called the realm of Xian Ting, or the endless mountain, when I vacate my hands, I must go here to take a look, because there are too many secrets to search for."

When the Di Yin fell, Zhao Yu raised his hand and waved forward, and the Di Yin heard again:

"It's going to dawn, you can go ahead, Sima Annan and Liang Po, will follow me to the Tianyun Temple to participate in the World Taoist Association."

As soon as the emperor's voice came out, all the figures on the deck stood up at the same time, raised their right hand to beat their chest, and let out a loud shout:

"Nuo, Daxia Glory!"

After speaking, the Radiant Nightmare Taboo headed by Xu Qing walked backwards back to the cabin, and at the same time Sima Annan got up and retired. Then the deck of the Daxia treasure ship was once again shrouded in deep silence.

The night is ups and downs, and the aroma of wine is especially preserved.

Under the colorful camouflage of the treasure ship, even if the stars above Fengxin City were completely dead at this time, it was not dark on the deck.

On the white jade table, Liang Po's carefully cooked beast steak still has a little left, and it still exudes the still charming taste, but the young emperor's brows are still slightly frowned.

Zhao Yu lowered his eyebrows and was silent, and his imperial prestige oscillated, subconsciously surrendering.

As the saying goes, the emperor is immense and the king's heart is as deep as the sea, but Zhao Yu's luck is that there is someone who can understand him sitting next to him.

In the next breath, a petite head lightly leaned against Zhao Yu's shoulder, and at the same time a nice scent floated from Rouge's hair and drifted into the former's nose, Rouge's soft voice sounded:

"Your Majesty, this world is fair. If there is gain, there will be loss. This is the most basic truth. On this point, your Majesty understands more than his concubines."

As soon as this gentle voice came out, Zhao Yu gradually stretched his brows, raised his hand and patted the girl's head next to him, and said:

"I understand the truth naturally. I am just a little melancholy. Master once told me that once I become the supreme of heaven and earth, there will be no difference between those who can talk to me. This may be an emperor's inevitable fate."

After the voice of the emperor came out from Zhao Yu's mouth, although he did not show any obvious emotions, Rouge was able to fully understand the mood of the young emperor at the moment.

She and Liang Po are the two people in the world who know Zhao Yu best!

Therefore, Rouge continued to lean his head on the shoulders of the young emperor and said softly:

"Your Majesty, aren't there still concubines and Liang Po? That adds up to two people. What you said is wrong."

As soon as this voice came out, a smile appeared on Zhao Yu's face.

Many times, beings live in the world to find the missing part of themselves, and there is no doubt that rouge is the missing part that the young emperor is looking for.

But as Yanzhi said, heaven and earth are fair, there will always be gains and losses, and happiness is always unrealistic.

So a trace of regret appeared in Rouge's eyes, but it was fleeting.

It is true that the three words of Immortal Realm, or Infinite Mountain, also shocked the heart of this Xiuwaihuizhong girl.

Someone can face death directly, but it does not mean that there will be no waves in the heart in the face of eternal darkness, and Rouge also knows that his life may not be much left.

At the next breath, a powerful hand lightly patted Rouge's shoulder, and at the same time the steady and firm voice of the young emperor directly sounded:

"I will protect you, even if this day, this so-called endless mountain will have a big hole, I will not hesitate!"

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