The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1946: Inferior contention

"There are 108,000 families, there are only 18,000 of these low-grade forces!"

When the five characters of these eighty thousand families were lingering in all directions in Fengxin City, a monk of the forces in the city subconsciously opened his mouth and roared wildly.

And the reason for these people's horror is not that the number of these eight thousand is too large, but that it is too small, much less than everyone imagined.

"There are only so many inferior powers, but they are only inferior!

"Everyone, no one can tell exactly how many powers there are in the entire Taixuan Land, and so many powers are competing for the Taiqing lotus platform, which is less than 20,000. This clearly shows that it is a life-and-death battle! "

The sound of increasing horror came from the countless population in Fengxin City.

Then these people raised their heads and stared at the completely solid, but empty Taiqing lotus platform, and the color of confidence in their eyes was changing drastically.

These numerous forces gathered in Fengxin City, such as the previous hesitation whether to connect with the Rock Sect, originally thought that they should have obtained the position of inferior grade with their own strength, but at this time, their hearts have already begun to be worried. .

It is true that there are only less than 20,000 low-grade tiers. This also means that if you want to climb the Taiqing lotus platform, which represents the low-grade tier, your strength will inevitably enter the top 10,000 of the Taixuan land. Eight thousand!

The next breath, above the void, the incomparable voice of Sect Master Taiqing continued to linger over Fengxin City:

"The Taixuan forces are in the lower rank. One lotus platform and one family can participate in the World Taoist Association over Fengxin City and have voting power."

And this word directly brightened the eyes of the monks, and those who were more confident took a step forward suddenly.

"The rules of the World Daohui this time are very simple. After half an hour, if you can still stand on top of this Taiqing Daolian, you will directly enter the lower grade!"

The magnificent voice of Sect Master Taiqing rang back and forth, and before it fell, a powerful monk in Fengxin City who had already raised his energy to the limit, apart from anything else, he directly joined the people of the sect beside him, Soaring into the sky.

In an instant, in Fengxin City, these countless monks who used various methods to fly to the sky above the sky, directly like locusts covering the sky and the sun, rushing formidable and mighty towards the Taiqing lotus platform above.

At the same time, the wave of supernatural power pouring out from the monk's body without reservation, directly shattered the void almost completely.

In the next breath, the original vitality of the heavens and the earth in Fengxin City was almost completely vacuumed in an instant because of the simultaneous use of magical powers by countless monks.

"Puff puff puff puff!"

The sound of breaking through the sky one after another, tearing through the void, was extremely sharp, but in a blink of an eye, it was completely overwhelmed by the roar of the monk.

"The seat of the Qinglian lotus platform must have a place in my sect!"

Before the shouts came to an end, only three monks with awe-inspiring aura appeared first on a Qinglian Taoist platform.

I saw these three people dancing in robes with a forceful aura. After stepping on the lotus platform, they stared at the bottom with scorching eyes, and the whole body circled around with the sword energy flowing outwards, and continued to roar:

"The Crazy Blade Sect is here, He Zong dare to be presumptuous!"

As soon as this roar came out, he rushed to a part of the sect of this lotus platform, but because of fear, he changed direction abruptly and headed towards other lotus platforms with weaker aura.

Suddenly, the violent sound of the violent magical power against the blast resembled thunder, resounding through the void, and the entire Fengxin City was completely flooded by countless intertwined magical lights in an instant.

"The first one to stand firmly on the lotus platform was the sect, who claimed to be the Crazy Sword Sect. What is the origin of this sect, so rampant?"

Almost the same question, the monk Yu Fengxin City still heard from the monks who were watching, but a large number of monks still shook their heads and showed their doubts.

The land of the Supreme Profound Realm is really too big, so the light of a name really makes most of the monks confused, but there are many sects who have gathered in Fengxin City this time who rely on intelligence for a living.

This includes the Shenji Pavilion. Although this Shenji Pavilion has been constrained due to the Shangxiao City incident not long ago, the convening of the World Dao Association is naturally indispensable.

Soon, a piece of news spread directly from the Shenji Pavilion in Fengxin City, and spread to all the monks' ears in a blink of an eye:

"Crazy Sword Sect, the place where the sect was founded is on the banks of Daze in the south. The sect's children are good at making swords, their supernatural powers are not weak, but their temperaments are mad. They control close to a hundred cities and their strength is not weak.

After the news of the Crazy Blade Sect came out, with a little strange thinking color, it directly appeared on the faces of the principals of the major sects.

Obviously, the first crazy sword sect to show good strength is undoubtedly a very clear benchmark, which can be used to evaluate his own strength and see if he can get on the lotus platform.

"Under this mad sword sect, controlling hundreds of cities is already not weak, and you see, this sect master, with a strong and powerful aura, is already a master of the palm fate life and death realm with no low realm.

"As for the other two elder-level monks, they are also master-level masters, plus some core disciples with a high level of cultivation. Ben Xiu believes that with such strength, he should be able to defend this lotus platform.

"So this may be the threshold for entry into the inferior product."

A group of people gathered in front of a courtyard in Fengxin City. Then the monk who had opened his mouth before turned his head and glanced at the old man who was the Sect Master of Rock beside him, and continued to speak:

"Old Sect Master, we can completely refer to this crazy sword sect and compare our own forces."

When these words fell, another monk at the level of the master beside the few people lifted up his broad-sleeved robe and flicked it, speaking confidently:

"Everyone, before our sects were even able to establish the country, each of them couldn't control less than a hundred cities, and their strength was comparable to that of the Crazy Sword Sect, not to mention a stable win, but it was also very different.

"What's more, now that the three of you and I are already united with each other, and the strength is much stronger than before. It is completely possible to blast this crazy sword sect down the lotus platform. Why don't you take action at this time, lest there will be more nights?"

When the voice fell, the eyes of the cultivators in the yard directly showed the color of change, but in the center of the yard, the old cultivator with the oldest age and the highest cultivation base in the rock sect, directly raised his hand and made a blocking posture. .

Then the old monk's gaze remained unchanged, and the old voice came out:

"Everyone, since you and I have already decided to establish a country, then the rules must be set. How old is the old man. This time, the world will listen to me, okay?"

After speaking, the old monk squinted his eyes and stared at the void of Fengxin City above his head. He had already begun to explode in horror, and his voice immediately came out:

"This time, the low-grade grading is very abundant, with a full half an hour, so the forces that take the lead, although they can take the lead, have obvious disadvantages, and everyone knows this too.

"Therefore, the strategy of how our Zong climbed to this Taiqing Lotus Terrace is very important and crucial."

When the voice fell, the old sect master raised his hand to caress the white beard on his chest, and his determined voice continued to sound:

"To talk about the 18,000 powers in the land of the Supreme Profound Realm, this crazy sword sect is not good, even after we unite, it is estimated to be choking, and the timing must be grasped!"

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