The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1947: Crazy Blade Sect, what is it?

There are only 18,000 of Taixuan's lower rank forces and those who can enter the ranks.

Just listening to this number, the monks in Fengxin City who knew a little about the situation of the entire Supreme Profound Land were shocked by the scarcity of this number.

But the one who could really feel the cold behind his back was an elderly person like the Old Sect Master of the Rock Sect.

These people traveled through the counties in the early years, and their knowledge is not low. They naturally know that the counties with such a huge area of ​​Taixuan are undoubtedly fertile ground for practitioners. After countless years of accumulation, I don't know how many powerful forces have been born.

And from these countless forces, choosing the best of the top 20,000, the fierce competition is destined to be unparalleled.

"In fact, the most difficult thing is the hidden sects that are not visible or dew on weekdays. The old man has seen these sects invisibly when he travels to other counties.

"In other words, these talents are the real controllers of some counties!"

When the voice fell, the old rock sect master raised his hand to stop the monks behind from moving unchanged, and the voice continued to spread out:

"These stand behind the scenes and control more than one so-called big power in their hands. Yu has accumulated silently for countless years, and his strength can be described as unfathomable."

In the courtyard of Fengxin City, there was a solemn voice in the old rock sect master’s voice, and then he looked around for a week, and the voice once again lingered in the ears of the surrounding people:

"Our primordial land is like an unfathomable sea, and the real predators are often hidden on the bottom of the sea.

"But now the times have changed. In other words, the rules of the Taoist Society of the World set by the Sect Master of the Qing Dynasty this time can be said to be the most straightforward way to turn the entire sea directly upside down.

"At the same time, the forces that are hiding and pinching can no longer sit securely, because whether it is for the follow-up game of the general trend of the world or the battle for rank at this time, they must take action."

As soon as the voice fell, all the monks in the compound suddenly raised their heads at almost the same time, not just them. All the monks in Fengxin City who were closely following the changes in the situation, their eyes condensed, and they subconsciously let out a surprise. call:

"It's such a strong coercion. Some strong people have taken action. From what kind of force?"

Before the exclamation sounded, an orange figure that exploded like a hurricane tornado directly rose into the sky from the ground.

At the same time, the vast coercion unique to high-ranking monks exploded outwards at an unparalleled speed. Accompanied by the orange-red vitality tide, it was like a violent volcano, erupting at will.


The strength of the cultivation level contained in this person's body can be said to be extremely good. When the body is rushing up, the red flames are burning, and the monks along the road will be completely blown away without any fancy.

"Damn, damn!"

The billowing flame magical power swept outwards, and loud shouts continued to sound. Every loud shout came out, which meant that there were a large number of monks who had fallen down before they even touched the Taiqing lotus platform.

For a time, a large number of monks were like falling rain, smashing, it was so spectacular!

"This person is so vigorous. At this time, the people who rushed to the Taiqing lotus platform were all masters of the sect master level. Such a cultivation base is not the enemy of this figure. It is really terrible!"

The words of horror that came from the monk above the ground did not disappear. The next breath, the figure surrounded by burning flames, already appeared near the Taiqing lotus platform.

Then the turbulent momentum directly formed a torrent of flames tumbling forward, and the place where this torrent rushed was the lotus platform where the Mad Sabre Sect was located.

"Look at it, this mysterious man is fighting against the most powerful Crazy Sword Sect at the moment. This must be a battle between dragons and tigers!"

When the torrent of violent flames appeared outside the lotus platform of the Mad Sword Sect with a figure wrapped around it, the eyes of countless people in Fengxin City were all lit up.

This is undoubtedly one of the heaviest duels since the start of this World Dao Society, so it instantly attracted the attention of countless monks!

At the next breath, I saw that the monks of the Crazy Sword Sect who had already occupied the Taiqing lotus platform steadily under the eyes of everyone, drew their swords out of their sheaths together, and shouted wildly:

"This lotus platform is owned by my Mad Sword Sect. How about going to the other lotus platforms?"

The voice fell, the head of the mad sword sect master, firmly grasped the handle of the big sword in his hand, the solemn color in his eyes did not weaken at all, but became thicker and thicker.

Because in front of him, the torrent of flames did not show any signs of slowing down. On the contrary, it was even more powerful, tearing the void and rushing forward.

After a breath, the billowing flames rushed on the body of the mad sword sect master in advance, making the latter's robes fly while his eyes were narrowed, and the killing intent in his eyes was even worse.

After that, the mad knife guest master no longer hesitated, and directly lifted the knife, from top to bottom, violently hacked out in front of him!

"Crazy Blade Flow!"

The dazzling knife light, tore the air, and rushed forward, but immediately afterwards, there were hundreds of sword lights in the world.

In order to maintain their lower rank, everyone in the Crazy Sword Sect swung their swords forward without any reservation, tilting all the cultivation bases out.

Striking, sharp and sharp!

In the next instant, the tumbling blade gas appeared directly in front of the figure wrapped in the violent hurricane, and then the two collided in one place without fancy.


An ear-splitting roar sounded directly, and within the torrent of raging flames, a small hand stretched out directly, and then slammed a fist.

With the clenching of this fist, everyone's ears sounded like a violent pull of a bowstring.


This violent pull of the string foretells how violent power is contained in this fist, and it is even enough to directly squeeze the entire air.

In the next instant, wisps of flames condensed into a pair of red flames outside the fist, and the flames flowed outward, wrapping the clenched fist.

Then this figure clenched a fist and blasted a punch against the thousands of sword energy that violently attacked in front of him.


The heavy punch and the sword qi collided, and it was directly a very harsh fine iron percussion that swept outwards.

The sound was so intense that even many monks directly stretched out their hands to cover their ears, and their eyes went dark. Then these monks shook their heads quickly and after removing the discomfort in their minds, they raised their heads in a hurry, showing horror on their faces.

Because the original imposing mad sword formation, under the fist surrounded by the flames, was like fragile glass, directly shattered by an easy punch.


As if the sound of glass shattering suddenly sounded, the shards of sword energy that were completely shattered scattered outwards, immediately under the light of supernatural powers, reflecting the eye-catching light.

At the same time, the man of the Crazy Sword Sect on the Taiqing Lotus Platform snorted, then withdrew one step backwards, with a painful expression and a frenzied expression.

In the next instant, the flame-shrouded figure stepped directly on the Taiqing lotus platform, and an extremely cold voice came out:

"Crazy Blade Sect, what is it?"

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