The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1948: Tiger Noodle

As the saying goes, the only thing that can destroy the law is the law.

Because this time the rules of the Taoist Society of the World formulated by the Sect Master of the Tai Qing Dynasty, unexpectedly, only 18,000 of the lower class were set up.

This makes the various power monks who were full of confidence suddenly look very unsightly, and at the same time, their hearts are swaying back and forth between various choices.

In any case, there are more than 10,000 Taiqing lotus platforms above the void of Wind Heart City. Sooner or later, these people will go up and fight, and the key is the timing mentioned by the former Sect Master of the Rock.

Although the rules for the classification of the inferior class of the World Daohui this time are extremely simple, as simple as even a short sentence, the game behind this is even more thrilling.

However, the choice of timing always has two sides.

Like Crazy Sword Sect took the lead, although it can occupy the first position, and this first move is naturally extremely important, because for the forces in the entire Fengxin City, the Taiqing lotus platform above the void is bound to be easy to defend and difficult to attack.

But the point that everyone cannot ignore is that the sooner these sects reveal their strength, it means the sooner they lose their cards, and the sooner they are attacked by the stronger ones.

The Mad Knife Sect is the best example.

"Over the entire Fengxin City, there are as many as 18,000 lotus platforms. The rest of the lotus platforms are weaker than our sect. There are many people. Why do you stare at my sect?"

Above the Taiqing Daolian where the Crazy Sword Sect was located, a voice with extreme pain came out from the mouth of a cultivator of the Crazy Sword Sect headed by it.

I saw above the lotus platform, the originally awe-inspiring cultivator of the Crazy Blade Sect, at this time, his complexion was pale, his aura was wilting, and what's more, a dazzling ray of blood was flowing from the corner of his mouth.

More importantly, all the zombies in the hands of the crazy sword cultivators were shaken out like spider webs. This indicates that only one face was used, and all the cultivators of this sect were hit by a punch. Seriously injured!

Thinking of this, the Sect Master of Mad Saber fixed his gaze in front of him, and he was filled with resentment and hatred, as well as deep unwillingness.

At the next breath, he raised the big sword in his hand that was already full of cracks, and shook his finger at the crimson figure who had already stepped on the Taiqing lotus platform in front of him, and the biting blade intent came out again.

As the strongest master of the palm edge birth and death realm of the Crazy Blade Sect, he is the only one who still has the power to fight at this time. Then, in the ears of the former, a very young voice that is not old, but very young directly sounded:

"The most uncomfortable thing in this audience is the arrogant style of waiting, but I can give you a piece of advice. If you just retreat, you may still have a fight.

"If you continue to insist on meaninglessly, then you can only be bombarded into the void and fall into this incompetent stage, and there will be no chance of turning over again!"

This indifferent and cold voice fell, and the flame-shrouded figure slowly raised its head, and at the next breath, two more scarlet eyes seemed to shatter the void and stretched forward.

Then, under the gaze that almost evaporated the air, the Sect Master of Mad Sabre once again held the handle of the knife and cut it forward.

But this time, it poured out all the cultivation base, and cut out a blue and white sword energy that was unprecedentedly violent!

The sword air is like a moon and a rainbow, wrapped in a sharp-edged law, and it stretches out rapidly, sweeping the entire Taiqing lotus platform in front of it in a blink of an eye.

At the same time, before the fierce sword energy, the crimson figure continued to raise the heavy fist that the flames flowed, and clenched once again, the cold voice came out:


After speaking, this crimson figure suddenly took a step forward and stomped heavily on the Taiqing lotus platform in front of him.

The next breath, facing the sword energy from the tearing void ahead, the figure did not throw out with a fist, but raised his hands to the sky, opened his mouth, and took a deep breath.

"Tiger roar."

A sound like a giant whale sucking water directly rang from the mouth of the crimson figure:


And this suction almost completely absorbed the laws and vitality that were all around, so that even the time flowing in this Taiqing lotus platform stopped at this moment.

After a moment of time, the paused time on the lotus platform began to flow again, and then the crimson figure directly turned to vomit, and let out a loud scream:


This violent howl, in the ears of all the surrounding monks, was a tiger roar that was about to tear the sky.

The violent sound of this tiger's roar directly overwhelmed the surging sound of supernatural powers over this Fengxin City, causing everyone to gather their attention together, and then their complexions changed slightly.

In the next breath, in front of the crimson figure, countless substantial flames, accompanied by the roar of tigers in the sky, instantly converged into a huge tiger head.

After that, the tiger head also opened his mouth and screamed and threw forward. In an instant, all the monks including the Sect Master of the Crazy Sword, directly roared into blood powder.

For a while, the scarlet blood mist shot outwards, and the extremely strong smell of blood suddenly began to fill the sky above Fengxin City.

And this scarlet that is hard to ignore, also made all the monks who were fighting for the Taiqing lotus platform subconsciously stopped their hands, and their expressions became particularly cold.

Because of this moment, all the cultivators understand better that the competition for the ranks of the forces in this world of the Taoist society is not safe and worry-free, but is accompanied by blood and death!

"Dead, dead, all the cultivators of this mad sword sect were directly yelled to death?"

The muttering voice came from the cultivators in Fengxin City, but soon they fully accepted the **** fact.

Because no matter what era, the essence of the whole world is the survival of the strong!

At the next breath, in Fengxin City, more powerful monks rose up into the sky and continued to compete for this low-grade rank, but there were still a huge number of monks who fixed their eyes on the scarlet figure, and at the same time a voice of doubt sounded:

"Where is this person sacred, so strong, he shouldn't be satisfied with the inferior rank!"

"Although I don't know whether it has the mighty power of the terrestrial gods and fairyland, but the low-grade forest can't hold this mighty power."

"In general, this mad knife sect is also too bad luck, and the whole sect will die under a roar."

Accompanied by a unilateral crushing of electric light, flint and stone, one after another discussion sounded directly from all parts of Fengxin City.

But everyone's doubts still exist, because the identity of this powerful cultivation power is still a mystery.

"Hidden sect, is this the strength of hidden sect?"

The murmur continued to be heard from the cultivators in Fengxin City, and then these people opened their mouths, and their horror became more intense.

After a breath, the tall figure standing steadily on the Taiqing lotus platform retracted the head of the huge tiger, and then stomped heavily.

In the next instant, the more intense flames swept out in all directions. After banging against each other, they spread out, and then two huge characters appeared:

"Tiger face!"

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