"Tiger face?"

When on the lotus platform above Fengxin City, the two big characters condensed by the flashing flames appeared in the eyes of the world, the same questioning sound was directly blurted out from the mouths of the cultivators:

"What does the word "tiger face" mean, sect or race?"

For ninety-nine percent of the practitioners in Fengxin City, the content behind the word tiger face is completely unknown.

"It should be a race, but I have never heard of a race called Tiger Face. It stands to reason that it is so powerful. It shouldn't be anonymous."

In Fengxin City, after a voice of doubt sounded in the courtyard where the rock and other sects were located, the old rock sect master who was wearing a khaki robe shook his head and said:

"This is the hidden power that this Sect Master said before. Whether it is a sect or a race, it is not comparable to our ordinary monks.

"This is also one of the reasons why the old man didn't allow you to wait for a shot before. Incomplete protection is just like the crazy knife sect, which is directly obliterated instantly!"

The obliteration of these two words carried a particularly strong evil intention, and at the same time made the faces of the surrounding monks extremely ugly, and a voice of fear sounded:

"It's still the old sect master wise. Fortunately, he didn't make his head early, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

When the voice fell, some monks in the courtyard thought for a moment, and continued to speak:

"Now that this low-grade competition has just begun, so-called hidden forces have already taken action, which means that we have thought of it too much before."

When this statement fell, in the courtyard at the corner of Fengxin City, the monks who were preparing to unite with the Rock Sect to establish a nation, all continued to focus their eyes on the sky that is changing in the wind and clouds.

In the next breath, these people looked at the emptiness where monks were soaring into the sky and falling from far away, and their solemn voices came out again:

"According to the current situation, almost all forces have only one chance to attack the Taiqing Lotus Terrace. Once they are bombarded into the void, they have no chance of winning if they want to attack again."

"Not only that, after these few rounds of games, all the forces that occupy the Taiqing lotus platform at this time are not weak.

"They all say that we have to wait for the opportunity, but when is this opportunity? If it is dragged on, the power on the lotus platform will only become stronger and stronger, and the impact will become more and more difficult. Could it be that we have to wait until the last moment? "

This line came down with a little anxious question, and the monks in the courtyard all looked at the old man in the courtyard, with inquiry in their eyes.

However, faced with the direct stare of so many pairs of eyes, the old Sect Master of the Rock Sect was still calm, and continued to raise his hand to swing, and replied:

"The Taiqing lotus platform above the void is easy to defend and difficult to attack. This old man is naturally aware of this. It must not wait until the last moment before launching an impact. That would be too risky."

After speaking, the old man paused, and then continued to speak:

"But the old man is still waiting, waiting for more forces to start to sit still, and waiting for the situation to become clearer, whether you have not noticed that now the lotus platform is occupied by some unique sects.

"And according to the information we have learned, in these days, there are not a lot of forces that have joined forces with us to form a country with each other, but these people are still waiting and watching at this time."

As soon as this statement came out, the monks in the courtyard heard the words flashing a strange look in their eyes, and then their expressions became more and more ugly, because the supernatural power coming from above was even more pressured.

This world was as cruel as they had imagined.

You must know that before this World Dao Association was held, all the monks in this yard were gearing up, thinking that the strength of this low grade must be in the bag.

There are also several Zongmen overhauled, thinking that they can still try the rank of this high-grade power. Now it seems how ridiculous.

Because Guangguang, the eight thousand families of Taiqing Lotus Terrace, which symbolizes the lower ranks, is an insurmountable moat for the vast majority of smug monks.

"These people can really bear it, but they should be almost unable to bear it, because there are more and more people who hide their sects!"

Following the words of the old sect master, in the void above Fengxin City, monks one after another with violent aura rose to the sky one after another.

These monks rushing to the void are of different races, and their robes are flying, but they have one thing in common, that is, they are all wrapped in the turbulent weather and cross the entire void at an extremely strong speed.

At the next breath, these mysterious monks, who were not usually seen in the eyes of the world, appeared in front of the lotus platform, and then under a lot of horrified gazes, they directly showed their intrepid supernatural powers.

Supernatural roar, like thunder roar!

In an instant, a large number of monks on the lotus platform were blasted into the air. The light ones fell into the void with their chests, and the heavy ones were directly blasted into several pieces, splashing blood and blood.

Afterwards, these monks, who were full of powerful and boiling vigor, stepped on the Taiqing lotus platform that was soaked in blood, waved to the void beside them, and blasted the names of their own forces.

One after another extremely unfamiliar power names jumped out of the void, causing the monks on the ground to sigh with emotion:

"There are also a large number of forces that have never heard of a name. These hidden Sejong sects are really so powerful that no one can check and balance?

"If we continue to follow this situation, all the Taiqing lotus platforms above the sky will be collected by these hidden forces. From then on, you and my major sects will become the laughing stock of the entire Taixuan land. ."

It is true that the monk's sigh is not unreasonable. Before the beginning of this world, the powerful monks had more or less uttered their rhetoric.

There was a sharp contrast between the bold words and lofty ambitions before and the embarrassed appearance of falling above the void.

At the same time, when the hidden forces began to attack at the same time, like wolves into the flock, they began to expel the forces on the lotus platform one after another, this world Daohui forces were divided into stages, and they completely entered another one that was more popular and cruel. The stage.

These forces that have always been hidden in the shadows of the Great Profound Land, both in their hearts and in their actual actions, are in a state of extreme contempt and disdain for the bright-faced sects in the ordinary days.

Therefore, these shots are even more merciless, starting with a **** magical power full of killing power.

I saw the power of the roaring and roaring, rushing forward like a tide. After crossing the border, the blood mist churned, exuding a disgusting smell of blood.

"Too much deception, so deceitful!"

Facing such a **** scene, a powerful monk in Fengxin City, with an extremely cold complexion, continued to open his mouth and let out a roar:

"These hidden sects are so sect, why do those arrogant and domineering martial sects that usually don't say a word, they are all counsels!"

This roar was not loud, but it seemed to have some kind of magical power, and it sounded directly in the ears of everyone around, and weirdly overwhelming the chaotic surrounding supernatural powers.

In the next instant, with the spread of this word, the entire Fengxin City was completely silent for an instant, and the needles fell!

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