The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1952: Who can shelter the common people?


When the old Sect Master of the Black Rock Kingdom thought that the time had come and started to burn his lifespan, everyone in Fengxin City began to focus on the sky.

In today's situation, this world Taoist society has been given a lot of extremely special meanings.

"The kingdom finally has the forces that have just established the kingdom to take action, and finally it is no longer a scumbag!"

After the Black Rock Kingdom cultivator took the shot, on Tianyun Mountain, a group of high-ranking cultivators who had already suffocated their stomachs, spoke one after another, and then some elders, after a few thoughts, went on to say:

"I have to say that the timing of this country called Black Rock is extremely clever.

"If this country can occupy a Taiqing lotus platform this time, its prestige in the Taixuan Land will be completely different."

"There is no shortage of courage and wisdom in this Black Rock Kingdom. What's more important is that it does not hesitate to spend his own life, but also to seek the future for the descendants of the sect. It is true and righteous!"

When this monk's voice fell, there were other extraordinary overhauls, nodded, and said:

"This person can be cultivated, but his age is too big and his potential is limited, but his strength is okay."

After the words were finished, a few interested eyes looked down again.

At the next breath, brandishing a violent hammer, he completely smashed the black claws in front of him, and completely smashed the old man of the Black Rock Country, taking a step forward and taking a fierce step forward.

With this step, a stream of intense yellowish-yellow light rushed forward violently, just like the earth veins tumbling, and like the earth **** getting angry and threatening.

It is true that at this moment, this old monk who spent a lot of lifespan and invited the earth **** to possess his body can be said to truly possess some of the grace of the ancient earth god.

Then the power of the earth veins surging above the old monk's body continued to rush forward, like a broken bamboo, smashing the already riddled black ink barrier in front of him.

After a short while, the figure of the old man disappeared directly under the eyes of everyone, and immediately after that, it emerged directly in the surging light of the earth veins.

Between this disappearance and appearance, it crossed most of the lotus platform in an instant!

After an instant, the old Sect Master of the Black Rock Kingdom stared at the Mo Xin Clan monk in front of him, his mouth opened, and he let out a loud roar:

"Where is the monk of the Black Rock Country, the roar fell, a Black Rock Sect monk who jumped into the void in Fengxin City on the ground, roared in response:

"I'm here, kill and kill!"

Before the roar fell, the old Sect Master's figure, together with the force of the rushing earth veins, rushed into the Mo Xin clan's formation.

For a time, the murderous intent was everywhere, and the energy was flying. The vast murderous intent that had been a little silent once again was surging and boiling like a volcanic eruption.

In other words, the monks of the forces who unite overnight to form a kingdom need a fuse, and the Black Rock Sect is the fire that burns the entire forest.

"Roar, Lao Tzu also comes to fight for this low-grade Dao lotus."

Soon, another awe-inspiring roar made it sound from somewhere in Fengxin City, and then dozens of monks rose into the sky and rushed to a hidden sect occupying the lotus platform above. At the same time, the voice continued:

"By the way, don't forget, Lao Tzu is from the newly established Full Moon Country!"

"The Taoist Society of the World, there are 18,000 low-grade forces, and the capable people live there. How can I lose the Cangyun Nation."

Along with the sound of this roar, more and more national-level force monks continued to rise like a white bird out of the forest, soaring into the sky, covering the sky.

In such a picture, even the high-ranking monk who was looking down at the top of Tianyun Mountain, opened his mouth and exclaimed:

"Dear friends, this era has really changed. In the past tens of thousands of years, how scarce this country was, only a few big kingdoms can stand proudly in the world.

"But now, without mentioning the two kingdoms of Dusk and Nanze established by the Second Hermit Sect and the Daze forces, these little-known little forces below have also established their country.

"This makes Ben Xiu wonder, how long ago did this country become so easy to stand?"

After this inexplicable voice fell, the cultivators fell into a breath of silence, and then some cultivators responded:

"As the Taoist friends said, the times have indeed changed, but perhaps no one has predicted that from the time of sect autonomy to the age of the coexistence of the nations, the change will be so rapid and sudden. The rapid change of this era is totally impressive. It's hard to react."

"Friends of Taoism, in fact, the times have changed a long time ago. It's just that the land of Tai Xuan is really too big, and it always takes time to fully begin to reveal itself."

At this time on Tianyun Mountain, the great power monks who climbed in advance were still in harmony, and then there was a major repair to hide their figures, caressed the white beard on his chest, and the voice continued to make his debut:

"As the so-called general trend of the world is divided into time, it must be united. The change of the times has also confirmed the needs of the heavens. In other words, the heavens today start to think that the land of the Supreme Profound needs an absolute hegemon like the fairy court of the upper kingdom.

"Therefore, the old man began to have a faint feeling that this time the world will not be too peaceful."

"That is inevitable!"

At the next breath, another extremely ethereal voice sounded, and then the former coughed slightly and said loudly:

"The birth of the overlord of the world must have gone through an unimaginable turmoil, and the 8,000 low-ranking forces in the area below have created such a killing, let alone the unification of the world."

Speaking of this, the person who spoke suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and after Shen Ning some time, he continued to mutter;

"Do you think that this time the low-grade forces are competing for the low-grade forces, the spirit of killing is too much, and it even violates the purpose of this Taixuan Daohui.

"Imagine that if most of the monks confessed to Fengxin City, the significance of the Taoist Society in this world would be greatly reduced. Therefore, the old man guessed that the Sect Master of the Qing Dynasty would intervene."

As soon as this statement came out, the overhaulers on Tianyun Mountain nodded their heads in agreement, but what made these people feel weird was that even after a long time, they did not see anything unusual in the Tianyun Temple above it.

This is undoubtedly a very unusual signal!

Then the gods of those high-ranking monks on Tianyun Mountain began to contact, all with a very incomprehensible color.

Because according to what the cultivators knew about the Taiqing Sect Master, apart from the fact that he was able to reach the sky, one thing was absolutely certain, that is, the former did not like to kill.

But now he is indifferent, which makes the overhaul of each person start to think about it.

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon."

The next breath, a low, condensed sound appeared in the minds of some major repairs, and then these people's eyes, accompanied by a solemn, inaudible voice, sounded again:

"The sky is above. If the Taiqing Sect Master also begins to change his own behavior, then who else can protect the entire world?"

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