The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1953: Zhongpin Daolian

Bless the common people, this is a place that makes Tai Xuan, most cultivators can't even think of a topic.

Who can protect the common people?

When this question appeared in my mind, these high-ranking monks who were meditating on Tianyun Mountain began to think about it, and then they had only one name in the past thousand years, and they jumped out of their minds.

Sect Master Taiqing!

In fact, compared with those old monsters who have lived for a long time, Sect Master Taiqing who opened his eyes in the Tianyun Temple at this time is not too old.

But that's how long it is, and it's not a short thousand years. Looking at the Taiqing Sect Master's body and flatness, it perfectly fits the so-called legend.

Not to mention other things, its light hung above the heads of all monks in the Taixuan Land with one person and one sword. These ambitious people who dare not establish a country without permission for so many years, annexing the surroundings, are huge. Merit.

Although the country and the sect are both powers that control one party, they are worlds apart in terms of the core attributes.

Because once the country is founded, all living creatures in the entire national service will automatically inherit the attributes that belong to the country.

Guard and expand!

Things are always two sides, but for a country, blood and fire are the eternal themes. In other words, if it does not expand, it will be annexed.

The area of ​​the Taixuan Land can be described as boundless. The chaos and chaos of various places and the fight against each other are naturally fertile ground for the expansion of countless nations.

In recent years, although the holy court sits upright on the clouds and looks down on sentient beings, its consistent tone is to hide behind the scenes and control the destiny of the major forces.

The holy court does not care about the rise and fall and demise of ordinary forces, and even indulges and acquiesces, and that the lofty lord, what he wants is the entire Taixuan land, there will be no overlord-level forces that threaten his position. .

In this way, the entire Taixuan Land has been in a state of turbulence for tens of thousands of years, just like boiling water at the zero boundary point, and it will completely boil with only one opportunity!

But what even many powerful monks have never thought of is that this critical point, although it may break and erupt in the next breath, it seems to be held tightly by a hand that covers the sky.

"The reason why the situation in the Taixuan Land hasn't completely deteriorated over the past thousand years is actually to thank the Taiqing Sect Master."

On Tianyun Mountain, within those faintly intertwined major repair spiritual consciousness, a voice with a little emotion sounded.

Then within these divine consciousness, another strong voice responded:

"Friends of Taoism are true. If it hadn't been for the Taiqing Sect Master to suppress people from letting the nation build, the world would have been messed up long ago, but."

But as soon as this one came out, the atmosphere suddenly became depressed.

Because the overhaulers who were communicating on Tianyun Mountain at this time were not stunned people who didn't understand anything. They had spiritual perceptions that were countless times stronger than ordinary monks, as well as extremely keen insights into the general situation of the heavens and the earth.

But this time, the many monks on Tianyun Mountain all felt unusual.

Because the sky above Yunshan, the atmosphere that was originally stable and peaceful, unknowingly became extremely solemn, and at the same time, the suffocating aura turned into a ubiquitous, but invisible, strange aura that permeated Fengxin City.

In the center of Fufeng County, the blue aura that spans countless miles still fills the sky, and the majesty of the vast and incomparable Great Sacred Realm is like the Huanghuang Heavenly Dao, which is daunting.

But in the induction of some major repairs, the aura around his body became more and more weird.

It stands to reason that Taiqing Qi is one of the three treasures between heaven and earth. It contains the initial power of heaven and earth. It is pure and pure in itself and will not appear as **** with such a murderous intent.

"It's not good, it's not good!"

Accompanied by a series of solemn words, time is slowly passing by one minute and one second, and the countless forces in Fengxin City are still fighting for the lower ranks.

When the contradictions between the two sects of the hidden world and the bright face were made public, this world Daohui was more and more developed on the level of life and death confrontation, and the actions between many forces were life and death battles, and they were merciless. .


There was another deafening roar, which came out loudly, and then over the entire Fengxin City, a series of screams sounded one after another, and the violent energy generated by the magical power against the explosion swept all the cultivators' heads over and over again.

At the same time, between the fall of countless monks, blood splattering, and broken limbs flying across, the 18,000 Taiqing Taoist lotus stands that were completely stained red seemed to have directly become **** and disgusting. Slaughterhouse.

Such an abnormality caused more and more modifications to react, frowned, and murmured:

"The situation is not right, this time the World Taoist Association is too abnormal."

"Abnormal? Where is this abnormal?"

As soon as this rhetorical sound came out, the monk who spoke before shook his head and said:

"You have to ask for specifics. This monk really can't answer, but I always think that this Dao meeting should not be so bloody. After all, this is the Dao meeting hosted by the Sect Master Taiqing!"

As soon as the words came out, the monks around who heard the words changed their colors, because they also suddenly felt an invisible pressure. This heavy pressure that smashed like a mountain appeared directly in the depths of the sea of ​​knowledge of these monks, and directly These people's breathing stopped for a while, and it was difficult to breathe directly.

The next breath, a magnificent voice above Fengxin City, once again blasted down, and in a blink of an eye, it spread to everyone's ears:

"The world will compete for the lower ranks, and there is still half a quarter of an hour before the end."

After speaking, on the dome of Fengxin City, the tens of thousands of miles of Taiqing Qi with Tianyun Temple as the center began to surge again, and continued to rotate violently inward, forming an even larger one. The eye of the sky.

After this sky-reaching eye appeared, an aura that made everyone tremble slightly, it descended once again, and then another Taiqing sword began to extend out from the sky-reaching eye.

Then the voice belonging to the Sect Master of Taiqing resounded from all directions again:

"After 18,000 families of lower grades, we will set up 1,800 middle grade lotus stands during the World Taoist Association. Those who step on this lotus terrace will get the middle grade and they can climb to Tianyun Mountain to participate in the Taoist meeting. Right of discussion."

As soon as this magnificent word fell, the Taiqing Dao Sword that emerged from the top of the sky, once again converged inward, and instantly formed one after another even larger Taiqing Dao lotus.

And the Dao lotus that appeared this time, each petal of the lotus circulates the law of Taiqing that is close to materialization, exudes a lush green air, directly suspended in the periphery of Tianyun Mountain, and the number is not too much, exactly one thousand. Eight hundred seats.

"Middle Grade Daolian!"

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