The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1954: Impressive person

Middle grade lotus.

When the sky outside the Baiyun Mountain, the 1,800 middle-ranked Dao lotus that was larger than the lower-grade Dao lotus below, and several times more exquisite appeared, the atmosphere in Fengxin City began to change drastically.

The wind is more surging!

The next breath, whether it is on the ground, or the people of the sect in Tianyun Mountain who have been invited in advance, they have different expressions, and there are those who show a little bit of amazement, and there are also expectation.

It is true that according to the rules set by the Sect Master Taiqing this time, as one of the most basic lower ranks, there are only 18,000 seats. Therefore, everyone knows that the number of Dao lotus in this middle rank will definitely not too much.

However, there were only 1,800 middle-grade Dao lotus above the sky, all of which were revealed before and after everyone, but still shocked the hearts of a large number of monks.

"The competition for the lower-rank Daolian is so cruel, this middle-rank, presumably will set off a more violent storm."

There are so many powers in the Taixuan Land. Not everyone is willing to take the fate of the entire sect for the rank of this power. Therefore, at this time, many monks have begun to give up and rush to the sky. Honestly looking up in the city.

After all, compared with the lower-grade grade, this middle-grade grade is naturally more attractive, and it causes more competition.

"Which will be the first person to rush to this middle-grade Dao lotus?"

Qi Qi’s questioning began to be heard from the monks, and then some people with active minds saw something and said:

"Have you noticed that this time the middle-rank Daolian competition is extremely ingenious, just a quarter of an hour before the end of the lower-rank rank, which means that those sect monks who finally occupy the lower rank must face a A very dilemma choice."

At this point, the monk paused, a meaningful smile began to appear on his face, and then he spoke:

"Time is so hasty. Once the attack on the middle-rank Dao lotus fails, it is basically impossible to regain the lower-rank Dao lotus. In other words, it is a situation in front of the monks who occupy the lower-rank Dao lotus."

After the words were finished, word by word sounded immediately:

"If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent!"

This decisive voice just fell, and the monks who guarded the Taolian lotus at their feet began to realize their situation. After looking at each other, they all saw the strong unwillingness and hesitation in the eyes of the other party. color.

Then, on top of a low-grade Taiqing Dao lotus above Fengxin City, the Black Rock Country monk wearing a khaki brocade, looked up and stared at the middle-grade Dao lotus that was still free, and the few middle-rank Dao lotus still waiting to be empty, the voice of inquiry came out:

"Old Sect Master, this time, shall we fight or not?"

The sound of this questioning sounded, and the gazes of the surrounding cultivators stared at the former Old Sect Master of the Rock Sect standing in front of everyone, with the color of questioning in their eyes.

I saw this old man who had spent his life before and invited the ancient earth gods to possess his body, but still did not disperse his extremely extraordinary magical powers.

The strong earth-yellow earth veins flowed back and forth along the former's not tall body, and the vigorous aura gave the monk behind the old man a great deal of confidence.

But what the monks of the Black Rock Kingdom did not notice is that the old man's hair under the flowing light of the earth veins has turned into extremely dry, colorless gray.

Everything has a cause and effect, how fierce the aura surging in the old man's body at this time, after all this is over, how fierce the backlash he will get.

But at this time, the old sect master, standing proudly on the lotus platform, clearly knew that he had no choice. Therefore, after a breath, the former did not hesitate too much, and directly replied:


Although there is only a short word, it represents a resolute will.

At the next breath, the old man slowly lifted the heavy hammer in his hand. Before he took any action, he looked at the middle-rank Daolian above, the strong and powerful monks, who suddenly revealed their figures.

Most of these monks flew out of Tianyun Mountain, landing on the lotus platform with incomparable confidence, and then their eyes drooped, squinting down below.

As the forces that were directly invited to Tianyun Mountain, they naturally have full confidence. Their confidence stems from their strong strength, and the forces to which these monks belong, almost all of them are prestigious existences in the land of Supreme Profound Profound Realm.

Therefore, for a time, the middle-rank Dao lotus floating outside Yunshan Mountain was surprisingly calm. Even the spare Dao lotus was not as powerful as the other cultivators.

Time passed forward again every minute and every second, and at the same time, the empty position above the middle-rank Dao lotus seemed so dazzling in front of everyone.

After a while, among the crowd where the Black Rock Kingdom was located, a monk suddenly stepped forward and directly said loudly:

"Old Sect Master?"

Before this shout, this old man who was still extremely patient even though his lifespan was constantly consuming, finally started to take action. When he lifted the double hammers, his eyes widened, and he was full of madness. Roar:

"My Black Rock Country pursues not just to be inferior, but to follow the old man!"

The roar is ear-sounding, and the stone is shocking. After the previous low-grade competition, the old man of the Black Rock country once again broke the deadlock with his own practical actions. At the same time, the dazzling khaki streamer continued to cut through the sky and the void, shining on everyone. Right now.

"Chong Chong!"

A uniform roar immediately came from the monks of the Black Rock Kingdom. Under the roaring roar, they followed the old sect master, jumped out of the lower-grade lotus platform, and began to attack a higher place beyond Tianyun Mountain.

Even if there is no return, even if the success or failure is unknown, but it is never going forward, the momentum is magnificent!

Every time the world changes, there are ups and downs in troubled times. As the so-called troubled times come out of heroes, there are always some impressive monks. Among the major events of this era, they are impressive and remembered for a long time.

Undoubtedly, this time the Taoist Society of the World has been opened, this old man who has burned his lifespan in spite of his own life and made an impact on higher places is one of them.

"Aside from the rest, this monk still admires this old man very much, because under such a situation, it is not easy to still have such a choice."

A round of praise came from the monks who were watching all this, and then someone with a higher level of cultivation replied:

"It's a pity that when this supernatural power is over, he will die."

After the words fell, the open-ended overhaul paused, and continued to add:

"Perhaps, maybe we can't wait for this magical power to dissipate, it will die out!"

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