The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1955: Please pick up the sword

Under the world, there are all living beings.

In an infinitely long river of time, how small is the life of creatures that are like a drop of water and squandered by wind and sand.

Small enough to have the courage, no matter how impressive it is, it is impossible to make any waves and waves in this tumbling river.

From birth to death, a monk is destined to experience a life, and this process, for most people, is silent, dull and silent.

"If our people are like the old monks above the void, dazzling in the first battle, really die without regret!"

In Fengxin City, and even on the entire Tianyun Mountain, there are countless lights, shrouded in the ocher streamer charging towards the middle-rank Daolian, and within the streamer, from the old Sect Master of the Black Rock Country, holding a heavy hammer, enveloping the thick The strong power of the earth veins crossed the entire void.

Afterwards, the monks' discussions sounded again among the monks in Fengxin City:

"This Daoist friend's remarks are a little bit exaggerated, at least we are still standing in Fengxin City now, and we don't even have the courage to attack the lower grade Daolian."

As soon as the words came out, the people around them all silenced, watching the maddening advance above, without any pause, in their eyes, unknowingly, there was a complex color.

Courage is equal and everyone can have it, but not everyone will ignite the fire of courage in their hearts.

In many cases, what a monk lacks is not courage, but the little seedling that ignites courage!

After a few breaths, the old sect master of the Black Rock Kingdom, who was spouting turbulent earth vein power, jumped into the void under the eyes of everyone, and appeared directly on the side of one of the 1,800 middle-grade Taiqing lotus platforms.

After that, the old monk did not hesitate, facing the empty lotus platform below, the double hammers were directly thrown out, and above the entire void, there seemed to be two khaki spears that violently extended forward.


In the next moment, the two roads resounded through the sky almost at the same time, just like the loud noise produced by the collision of gold and iron. Then, outside the middle-grade Dao lotus, a blast of blue air surged, forming a light blue barrier covering the whole A huge Daolian.

Until this time, those monks who were watching Fengxin City opened their mouths and let out an exclamation:

"Barrier, besides this middle-grade Dao lotus, there is actually a barrier appearing. Doesn't this mean that if the strength is difficult to blast off this lotus barrier, doesn't it mean that you don't even have the qualifications to get involved?"

This cry fell, and the heavy earth hammer thrown from the hands of the old Sect Master of the Black Rock Kingdom hit the pale blue barrier again without any fancy, followed by another deafening roar.


After this roar, the blue air barrier that enveloped the middle-rank Daolian began to tremble extremely violently, and at the same time there appeared one after another spreading ripples, shaking endlessly.

"This blue qi barrier is so powerful, and this barrier alone can stop most of the sect forces. I just don't know if this so-called Black Rock Nation can break through the barrier and enter?"

"In this way, this middle-grade or upper-grade competition is not as simple as we have seen."

"Naturally it is not simple. If it is simple to determine the rank by just a victory or defeat, then it is enough for the little sects like ours. Those big forces will inevitably be dissatisfied."

After speaking, the monk looked around for a week and saw more and more powerful monks, watching the trembling blue air barrier above, frowning, and continuing to speak:

"These old foxes have long seen that this middle-rank Dao lotus is extraordinary, but they don’t do anything. If this time the Black Rock Kingdom can completely stand on this middle-rank Dao lotus, then these people’s intestines will have regrets. ."

As soon as this statement fell, outside of the middle-rank Dao lotus whose blue qi barrier was shaking back and forth, the old man's body intertwined and covered by the power of the earth veins appeared directly in front of the lotus platform like a teleportation.

At the next breath, its flesh and blood shattered, as if there was only one piece of skin left in the hands, holding the two heavy hammers covered with earth runes again, and raised them heavily.

At the same time, the cultivators of the Black Rock Nation from the rear rushed to the barrier of the middle-grade Dao lotus. Without hesitation, they directly poured out all the vitality of the world and the earth with all their strength.

"Earth vein thorn!"

After a roar, the vitality of all the monks in the Black Rock Kingdom gushed out, and the power of the earth veins and supernatural powers displayed in one place was directly condensed, and then the power of the rolling earth veins spread out and turned into a patch of pale yellow lakes. The huge pool.

At the next breath, the big pond surging violently, and then a huge rock spike rushed out from under the earth vein big pond, directly facing the middle-grade Dao lotus in front of him, stabs mightily.

There is a heavy earth hammer in front, followed by spikes of earth veins, the two supernatural powers are intertwined with each other, exploding out dozens of times the vast power.

At this moment, the monks of the Black Rock Nation showed their unique earth power, and immediately under the gaze of countless lights, this sharp ground thorn stabbed into the middle grade. In the barrier outside Dao Lian.


Accompanied by an extremely sharp rubbing sound, the barrier barrier outside the middle-rank Dao lotus directly began to appear densely cracked and shattered downwards.

"Good guy, it's really broken!"

The blue qi barrier shattered, and all the exclamations made it easy to sound directly from all parts of Fengxin City. Immediately after the black rock country monk whose aura reached the peak, the color of ecstasy suddenly appeared in his eyes, and one after another he raised his eyes to the sky and sent out an extremely happy Howl:

"Mid-rank, my black rock country, is the middle-rank sect of the Supreme Profound Land!"

It is not unreasonable for these black rock monks to be so excited at this time, because the number of medium grades is so rare, there are only a mere 1,800.

This means that once the newly established Black Rock Country stepped on the middle-ranked Daolian that exuded the green spirit in front of him, it could be said to have stepped onto the pinnacle in one step.

"Fall down, quickly down, old Sect Master, quickly set foot on this lotus platform!"

There was a urging sound behind him, and the old Sect Master of the Black Rock Kingdom, whose body had already begun to tremble slightly, clenched his fists and took a deep breath.

As calm as him, when facing the middle-grade Daolian who was within reach, he still felt a little dazed. At the next breath, the old man stopped hesitating, and directly raised his foot and stepped on it suddenly.

However, in the next instant, the expression of the old sect master suddenly changed wildly, because an unprecedented murderous intent came violently.

This murderous intent is so vast, like the radiant power of the sky, there is no escape, no escape, even a shout is hard to come out.

After an instant, above the middle-rank Daolian in front of the people of the Black Rock Kingdom, wisps of Taiqing Qi gushed out from the depths of the void instantly, directly condensing into a Taiqing sword.

At the same time, a majestic and vast voice suddenly passed:

"This suzerain once said that anyone who builds a country without authorization needs to take the sword of this suzerain.

"Black Rock Country, please pick up the sword!"

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