The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1956: Great Sage's Eye

Thousands of years ago, when the middle-aged man with a hair like sapphire and fond of wearing quills walked out of the eyes of the Taiqing Spring, the entire disputed Taixuan Land quietly added another rule.

The rules belong to this middle-aged man!

This rule was not conspicuous at first, and was even ridiculed by people, but when the middle-aged man swept all the powers that established the nation in the entire Taixuan Land in just half a month, this rule changed. Become the rules of the Taixuan Land.

Because at that time, there were so many powers in the land of the Supreme Profound Realm that it was impossible to describe with specific numbers, but even such a large number was picked from beginning to end by one person.

According to the rules, the middle-aged man can only use one sword, but under this sword, the kingdom under the sword has no power to parry and all fall apart.

Thousands of years since then, when one country after another was shattered by a sword, the word "liguo" has become a taboo among the forces.

"Taiqing Yijian, this is the real Taiqing Yijian!"

On the middle-grade lotus platform, the phantom shadow of the blue sword that was completely condensed by the Qi of Taiqing, slowly emerged, the exclamation was convenient for all the monks to hear, and there were many powerful highs among them. Order monk.

"All of us guessed wrong. Sect Master Taiqing did not compromise, because this rule is still a rule."

After the even more shocking voice sounded, whether it was in Fengxin City or the monks who participated in the founding of the country on the lower-grade lotus platform, their expressions changed wildly, and a deep color of fear appeared in their eyes.

"not good!"

Before the words fell, on the middle-grade lotus platform in front of the black rock nation's cultivators, within that sword of Taiqing, wisps of blue aura intertwined, and at the same time, the vast and extremely coercive gushed out, converging into a The locker is completely desperate and supreme.

After an instant, a blue light blasted out of the sword of Taiqing, and the entire void sky dome of Fengxin City suddenly lit up, as if there was another big day, jumping out of the void, even directly causing most of the monks. , Closed his eyes directly.

This blazing light came quickly, and went quickly, and passed away in a flash.

Afterwards, the monks opened their eyes again, and at the same time hurriedly raised their heads to look at the Tianyun Mountain above, their pupils shrank severely.

I saw the old sect master before the middle grade lotus platform, the right foot that stepped forward, staying in place, it was difficult to step on it.

The old man had many feet on the surface of Daolian in front of him. In fact, the difference was only half a palm of his hand, but at this distance, it seemed to be separated by thousands of mountains and rivers and was difficult to approach.

As a certain overhaul at Tianyun Mountain said before, this young old man is decisive and has no lack of wisdom and timing.

What's more worth mentioning is that this old monk still has the courage that countless other monks admire.

Courage, wisdom, courage, and the determination to bless the younger generations, these various characteristics demonstrated by the old suzerain before, are extremely rare and excellent qualities of spiritual monks.

As the saying goes, excellent qualities are one of the prerequisites for a monk's success, but what is desperate is that many times these so-called excellent qualities are just futile.

The whole world is so cruel, even if you have achieved your limits and perfection in every detail, but in the end, it still ends in an instant.

After an instant, the past becomes empty!

Then, under the eyes of all the people, the earth veins on the old sect master's body called for supernatural powers, and they dissipated directly, and then the earthy yellow earth vein armor that had surrounded his body also began to crackle and peel off.

As the armor fell, what was revealed was the pale, even flesh-and-blood body of the old Sect Master. The old Sect Master who sacrificed Shou Yuan had already burned out of his body, and there was almost nothing left in his body. A piece of skin.

At the same time, a finger-sized hole appeared in the middle of the old man's forehead, and the breath of the former had already completely disappeared.

"Dead, dead, the old Sect Master of the Black Rock Nation, completely dead."

After another breath of time, the time that was previously suppressed by the mighty power continued to flow, and at the same time, the cultivators of the Black Rock Country before the middle-grade lotus platform, every one of them fell down like a bird with their wings cut off.

In this way, it also means that in this world conference, the extraordinary demeanor blooms, and may spread throughout the entire Taixuan land, the new country of Black Rock, and it will die.

It falls directly before it blooms. Perhaps this is the sorrow and helplessness of the weak, but the rules are the rules.

The next breath, the voice belonging to Sect Master Taiqing resounded across the sky again:

"Thousands of years ago, I said that anyone who wants to build a country needs to take the sword of this suzerain. Now, although the nations have risen together, the rules set by this seat cannot be profaned.

"Therefore, anyone who climbs the lotus platform needs to take a sword from this seat."

This voice fell, and the huge cyan eye that was slowly rotating over the entire Fufeng County began to change. Although it did not appear as detailed eye parts like a creature, it still gave people a kind of majesty and vastness. sense.

Afterwards, the cyan eyes turned inward faster, and in the sense of a monk, it seemed that the eyes that occupied half of the sky were slowly opening outwards.

This is a mysterious and mysterious feeling, although it is not true, but it feels that all this is what it should be.

The high heaven has the eyes of heaven that can see into all things, but what the world doesn't know is that in fact, the great holy realm, which is only one step away from the legendary transcendence, also has its own eyes.

After an instant, the eyes of Taiqing Dao above the sky were completely opened, and a gaze overlooking the world was shot downward.

As far as this gaze can be seen, the Qi of Taiqing has turned into style and rain, flooding the entire sky.

Then, within these tumbling Taiqing Qi, a huge picture slowly emerged.

As far as the eye can see, it is a huge hall with undulating white clouds, and the whole body is white and flawless.

At the forefront of the hall, an ordinary desk was placed, and behind the desk, a man wearing a turquoise robe with flying blue hair was sitting upright.

"The Tianyun Temple on Tianyun Mountain, this is the Sect Master of Taiqing, that is to say, the picture above is the place where the next Dao will be held that day!"

A cry of exclamation began to be heard from a monk in Fengxin City. Compared with before, Sect Master Taiqing’s eyes had already opened, and he was watching with that indescribable gaze. To the front.

His gaze seemed to be able to see clearly the appearance and heart of every creature through the heavy white clouds and void in front of him.

At the next breath, Sect Master Taiqing raised his right hand and pointed to the front. Above the void of Fengxin City below, the Qi of Taiqing began to gather rapidly again, and continued to converge into a sword of Taiqing floating in the air.

After a short while, the sword of Taiqing turned its sharp edge, and each sword shook to point at a country power above Taiqing Daolian.

Each country has one, no more, no less!

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