The monks in the land of the profound mystery, especially the high-level monks, the higher the cultivation level, the more they can appreciate the precious time.

Because once the cultivation base reaches a certain level, the meaning of time to these high-level cultivators will be completely different. In many cases, a breakthrough in a small realm will take a lot of years.

All monks who long for detachment have only one ultimate enemy, and that is the five decay of heaven and man and eternal death!

Therefore, every move of these monks will definitely not be a time-consuming pastime. For the same reason, this world Taoist society, which includes almost all the major forces in the Taixuan Land, naturally has its purpose behind it.

According to the rumors released by the Taiqing Sect before, the biggest purpose of this Daohui was to calm the increasingly fierce and conflicting chaos in the land of Taixuan.

As for how to calm down, no one knows, because a mere mortal, how can he speculate on the thinking of the Great Sacred Realm?

The world is like a chess board, and all beings are chess pieces.

If you want to play a game on this chessboard, the most basic point is to stand high enough to clearly see the chaotic world and countless surging undercurrents.

However, the land of Tai Xuan is too big and too big, and there are too few people who can do this, so most of the time, the life and death of all living beings on the ground are involuntary.

"Your Majesty, the total number of low-grade Dao lotus is 18,000, and the middle-level Dao lotus is 1,800. And there are only 108 high-grade Dao lotus. This is what the Taiqing Sect Master gave to this World Dao Association. The set rules and tone."

On the deck of the big summer treasure ship, the voice belonging to Sima Annan continued to sound, and then the face was young and handsome, but there seemed to be a young man with a long river flowing in his eyes. He stared at the front, and then he said:

"This rule and tone are nothing special at first glance, and even seem to be extremely reasonable in the eyes of some monks, but it is this seemingly surging Taoist lotus that is so clear that it really contains meticulous details. The great horror of fear."

Sima Annan's voice contained an obvious dignity. In fact, after so many years of experience, this young military aircraft Chief Cheng of Daxia has already managed to change everything.

Therefore, it must be extraordinary if there is such a solemn thing in the speech of the former, the next breath, the old voice of Li Chunfeng from the rear, resounded:

"Dare to ask Lord Sima, where are these great horrors of Taiqing Dao lotus?"

When the question came down, Li Chunfeng came to the edge of the deck with white beard and hair. After paying a salute to Zhao Yu, he respectfully said:

"Your Majesty, according to your instructions, and under the command of Marshal Wangjing Wang, a team of troops have moved south from Bafeng Pass, through the altar set up, and arrived in the southeast county. The soldiers pointed directly at the so-called GCC, headed by the GCC. Faxia's Alliance."

When the voice fell, Li Chunfeng paused, and then the rich and evil voice he brought with him continued to sound:

"If your Majesty needs it, within two hours, the heads of all the sects and elders of the Faxia Alliance can be sent directly to this treasure ship."

"Wait for now to see the follow-up development of the Taoist Society in this world."

When the sacred order of the young emperor came out, Li Chunfeng stood upright, and after answering a promise, he turned his eyes to Sima Annan beside him and motioned for the latter to continue speaking.

At the next breath, Sima Annan nodded and said:

"Master Li is not here just now, so maybe he doesn't understand the current situation, and the most important of these is the word rule."

After he finished speaking, Sima Annan raised his hand and pointed to the Taiqing Daolian lotus arranged from top to bottom, high-grade to middle-grade, and then to lower-grade. The solemn and undiminished voice sounded again:

"As we all know, the strongest of the Great Sacred Realm has the ability to create rules of its own, and the places where the eyes of Taiqing Dao Eyes in Fufeng County where we are at this time are under the laws created by the Great Sage of Taiqing. "

"This old man knows that, as his Majesty said, the land of the Supreme Profound Land has inherited countless years of heritage, and the greatest manifestation is above the strongest."

After Li Chunfeng's response fell, a slight sigh appeared on the old man's face, and then resumed as usual and asked:

"It is not surprising that the Taiqing Great Sanctuary created its own rules. Why is Lord Sima so solemn on this?"

"Master Li, you might as well think about it for yourself, what the Taiqing Sect Master is doing nowadays is not to set your own rules.

"He wants to set the rules for this Heavenly Dao, and for all the forces in the entire Supreme Profound Land!"

As soon as this remark came out, Li Chunfeng’s knowledge of the sea was empty, and thunder was heard out of thin air:


At the next breath, Li Chunfeng, who had recovered from his senses, raised his head abruptly, and fixed his eyes on the picture displayed under Yu Taiqingdao's eyes in front of him.

In the picture, the middle-aged man sitting upright is still steady, but in Li Chunfeng's eyes, although the former is alone, his figure is infinitely tall, covering the entire sky.

As Sima Annan said, this Taiqing Sect Master is now using the name of the Taoist Society of the World to divide the ranks of the entire world.

And to act in this way, only the world's co-master is qualified!

In other words, once the forces of the world are successfully classified by the Taiqing Sect Master this time, then under the boundless merits, the qi fortune from the entire world will flow into the body of this middle-aged man. within.

"With the body of the great sage, the power of walking the heavens, this hand, this hand is too big, and more importantly, all this can be said to be silent."

After Li Chunfeng's extremely shocked voice fell, Sima Annan slowly shook his head and responded:

"Playing against people, you have no regrets in your position, and there is no room for repentance in this game of chess for the common people in the world. The Taiqing Sect Master's hand is naturally a magical move.

"But Weichen still feels faintly that according to the current situation, the Taiqing Sect Master has played a bit too hastily.

"Because looking at the current situation, in fact, some of the great forces in the Taixuan Land have more control over the entire world situation than the military aircraft department expected.

"Although I don't know if I have seen through the layout of this World Taoist Association, the empty Taoist lotus underneath is very telling."

The voice of Sima Annan fell, and Zhao Yu, who stood with hands in front of a few people, did not change his expression of anger and prestige, and the majestic Emperor sounded:

"I said earlier that these forces have been able to pass on in the Taixuan Land for so many years without dying out. These forces themselves naturally have their own advantages. At least the principals are not stupid, and they will not be so easily hooked."

After the emperor's voice fell, Zhao Yu raised his right hand, held down the deck railing in front of him, and leaned forward slightly.

In the next breath, in the ebony eyes of the young emperor, there was silver light flowing in the sky. If someone observes carefully, they will find that Zhao Yu's eyes seem to contain the entire sky.

Immediately afterwards, the starry sky in Zhao Yu's black eyes turned faster and faster, and finally shrank inward. At the same time, the voice of the young emperor came out directly:

"Sect Master Taiqing's way has changed, he has gone from going against the sky, completely obeying the way of heaven!"

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