The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1959: Walk for the sky

Not long ago, when the admiring Heavenly Cloud Hall Master had a heated discussion with the Taiqing Sect Master in the White Cloud Hall, he talked about the issue of Tao.

In fact, this question has completely different meanings to different people, but in fact, those who can really touch the realm of Tao are all amazing wizards.

Obviously, whether it was the former Palace Master of Heavenly Clouds, or at this time, the heads of the major wait-and-see powers who had no idea what to think about, all subconsciously believed that the Tao of the Taiqing Sect Master was rebellious. Sky walks.

It is true that, with one person and one sword, suppressing the formation of the forces of all the kingdoms in the entire Taixuan Land, this is undoubtedly a kind of reverse.

However, shortly after the world's Taoist society suddenly kicked off, Zhao Yu used the extremely confident emperor's voice to determine that the Taiqing Sect Master's Taoist heart was completely going in the sky.

The path of cultivation is like walking in the dark. When you reach the darkest place, the so-called Taoist mind is the guiding light for the monks to move forward. It is not unimportant.

In this way, once the Taoist mind is changed halfway, it will undoubtedly be a devastating blow to the practitioner.

Therefore, when that certain word came out from Zhao Yu's mouth, Sima Annan and Li Chunfeng behind the young emperor, the look of horror on the faces of the old and the young, was obvious.

"Your Majesty, if you change your Dao Xin at this time, then it will undoubtedly push the entire life's cultivation base to a new one. This is too costly. You must know that this is a great holy realm who has only been born for countless years. ."

After speaking, Sima Annan subconsciously took a step forward, and the voice continued to speak:

"Cultivation is like raising a tall building on the ground, and this heart is the foundation. Once this foundation is broken, the building will be rootless duckweed. The higher the cultivation level, the faster it will collapse!"

As soon as Sima Annan's words fell, Zhao Yu's response sounded directly beside him:

"Sima Annan, have you ever thought about such a possibility? Perhaps from beginning to end, the Taiqing Sect Master's way is to walk in the sky."

After the voice of the emperor came out, the young emperor's hands tightly gripped the deck railing in front of him, and the more and more majestic emperor voice rolled out:

"Because of this, it can almost use the power of one person to oppose the holy court. It is also because of this that it can be like this. He wants to divide the ranks of all the forces in the world and use the rules of this great road to delimit the borders. Set the soil, try to settle disputes in one fell swoop, and establish an enduring foundation."

Zhao Yu's emperor's voice continued to sound, its majesty became more and more vast, and it became more and more overbearing.

Everything in the world has a cause and effect when you drink and peck it. Sometimes you only need to look at it a little bit, and the whole chaotic and complicated general trend will be understood and straightened out.

"That's how it is, that's how it is."

At the next breath, Sima Annan's suddenly realized voice sounded, and then his black eyes gradually lit up, opening his mouth and continuing to speak:

"It turns out that from the beginning to the end, the Sect Master of the Qing Dynasty was doing the way for the sky!"

The four words for Tian Xing Dao just came out. In the depths of Fengxin City, which was originally caught in the weird silence, there was a loud and earth-shaking noise:


This loud noise passed from the eyes of Taiqing Dao above the sky, and the sound was as intense as the smashing noise made when the sky was opened, making all the monks tremble subconsciously.

At the next breath, countless lights all stared up, condensed directly on the huge Taiqing Dao eye above, followed by frenzied brows, and their hearts trembled.

I saw the Taiqing tornado that slowly circulated in the void, and in the picture of the Tianyun Temple that emerged, the Taiqing Great Sage, who was sitting behind the desk, continued to raise his right hand.

Palm up the clouds and turn, palms fall and rain!

In an instant, the sky above Fengxin City was surging, and the originally extremely strong Taiqing Qi almost turned upside down, and even a series of cyan steps visible to the naked eye extending downward, directly connected with the Taiqing lotus terraces above Fengxin City. Connected above.

After this scene took shape, an unforgettable scene suddenly appeared over the entire Fengxin City.

Above the void, every floating Dao lotus outside of Tianyun Mountain, no matter what rank it is, is connected to each other by a substantive Taiqing rank.

And along with the combination of these Dao lotus, the three types of Dao lotus, the upper, middle and lower ones, slowly spread out and differentiate, forming a huge and incomparable pattern around the Tianyun Hall in the center.

"This is a Taolian?"

With an unbelievable murmur, it was heard from the monks in Fengxin City, and then a look of more and more astonishment appeared on everyone's faces.

Because at this time, the entire sky above Fengxin City, whether it is Lanfeng, or because of the enthusiasm for the explosion, all dissipated.

Instead, it was a Taiqing Daolian that occupies almost the entire half of the sky!

This Dao lotus flower is in full bloom outwards, hanging high in the sky, beautiful, mysterious and mysterious.

At the same time, if you look closely at this heavenly Dao lotus, you will find that the outermost lotus petals are composed of 18,000 low-grade Dao lotus.

Inwardly, there is the second layer of lotus petals formed by the 1800 middle-grade Dao lotus. On the lotus petals, there are countless enveloping blue qi lingering on it, forming a rich and extreme Taiqingzhi force.

Then these Taiqing powers converged inward, and even formed a stream of Taiqing springs visible to the naked eye. What is even more breathtaking is that the center of the Taiqing spring surrounded by 108 high-grade Dao lotus forms. The inner layer of lotus petals overlap into a circle.

The whole world of Daolian, from the inside to the outside, from the bottom to the top, is intertwined, and the mellow Taiqing Taoism will be revealed in an instant.

At the same time, with the full bloom of this lotus, all the monks in the entire Fengxin City and even the entire Fufeng County seemed to be in the Taiqing Qi that surged like a tide.

At the next breath, the monks lowered their heads, raised their hands, and stared down, with a stunned face, because a sea of ​​cyan fog appeared all over their bodies.

The invisible and tasteless Taiqing Qi rushed through the bodies of these monks, giving people a strange feeling of being penetrated through the body, but it was not painful, but only an extremely strong feeling.


When bathing in this sea of ​​clear fog, every monk feels himself, as if directly facing this endless Taiqing Heavenly Dao, as small as a drop in the ocean.

Then as the billowing and clear air continued to descend, this sense of insignificance became stronger and stronger, and the next breath, the monks who were almost desperate to sink, were trembling, because a magnificent voice continued to resound from all directions:

"Everyone, Heaven and Earth Dao Lotus is waiting for it, why don't each sect sit down and set the stage?"

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