The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1960: The sharpest sword of heaven

Although the power of the great sage cannot be equal to the sky, this power is so powerful that it is already comparable to the little heaven.

As soon as the Great Sage Dao eye that penetrated the sky and the earth came out, the Taiqing Qi directly enveloped the heaven and the earth, and then the void under the eyes of this Dao eye, the rules no longer belong to the heaven and the earth, but belong to the Holy Realm overhaul.

In Fengxin City, the center of Fufeng County, wave after wave of Taiqing Qi sweeps outward from the Heaven and Earth Dao Lotus that occupies half of the sky, like a blue wave, wave after wave.

In other words, the entire surrounding of Tianxin City was washed away by this clear mist. At the same time, at the corner of Tianyun Mountain, the treasure ship floating in the air, the colorful rays of light suddenly increased.

Afterwards, these colorful lights became more dazzling, and even a strand of silver intent flowed inside, preventing the clear mist from the front.

At the same time, besides the young emperor, Sima Annan and Li Chunfeng, on the deck of the Daxia treasure ship, a figure of a taboo in black robes appeared quietly.

After a breath, a bald man with a particularly burly figure walked out of the tall cabin of the treasure ship.

At this time, Liang Po took off the apron he had worn when he was cooking, and put on a full black radiant army robe embroidered with scarlet interlaced rune scales. As he walked forward, his power came from Show.

All the people of Daxia knew that Emperor Fuyao's guardian Liang Poliang was invincible!

This kind of invincibility has already been carved into the subconsciousness of all Daxia's citizens, and it also represents a brutal battle that is shocking to the heavens and humans.

After Liang Po's figure stepped out, closely following behind was a beautiful woman with red-golden hair.

At the next breath, following the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu who walked out behind Liang Po, he raised his hand and pulled his dazzling golden hair, staring at the horrifying scene in front of him, and said directly:

"The Great Sage Daoyan has created his own rules, and he also has to set the ranks for the common people in the world. The Sect Master of Taiqing is really a big battle."

After speaking, the expression in Chang Xiliu's golden eyes became brighter and brighter, and he took a few steps from the side, past the Liang Po in front, and continued to speak with interest:

"This lady just slept in and missed so many hot scenes. Tsk tsk, and use the lotus terrace to distinguish it. If this is done, it will be terrible."

The voice of Chang Xiliu, the Southern Heavenly King, frowned, looking at the still empty lotus platform in front of him, his voice continued:

"There is so much vacancy, especially this high-grade Daolian, and there are not many. It seems that these old foxes are not willing to be the first to come out, hiding behind them."

As soon as Chang Xiliu's words fell, Sima Young's response not far away immediately followed:

"The great forces of the Great Profound Land are more sensitive to the situation than they thought. This is one of the reasons why the Weichen said that the Sect Master of the Taiqing was too eager to make this move."

"This is anxious, it must be a little anxious, but Sect Master Taiqing has no choice."

After Chang Xiliu finished speaking, he walked to the edge of the deck, stretched out his hand and pressed forward, and continued to linger on the deck with every word:

"Under the general trend of this turbulent world, no one can guarantee that they can proceed step by step, because there are too many uncertainties, even for the strongest of the Great Sacred Realm like Sect Master Taiqing."

Speaking of this, the tall Chang Xiliu gently shook his flames and hair that had been blown away by the wind, his red lips lightly opened, and he spoke again:

"In a sense, the most important reason why this World Dao Association can be held lies in one point."

When this word came out, Chang Xiliu didn't sell Guanzi, but went on to speak directly:

"The most crucial point is that the saint, who was blocked by the third in the world, has been in the High Heaven Palace for three years!

"In other words, for these three years, the Taiqing Sect Master is almost invincible, and he even has a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to hold this Taiqing Taoist meeting that sets the tone for the common people of the world.

"But it's obvious, including him, that the Holy Venerable once again broke out of the temple, and it's not long away, perhaps right in front of him."

As soon as these four characters came out, a more solemn expression reappeared on the faces of the Daxia cultivator on all the decks.

It is true that for so many years before Daxia was born in Beihai, the Lord was recognized as number one in the world!

The words No.1 in the world have an unparalleled sense of oppression for the monks in the world. Then Zhao Yu, who stood upright beside Sima Annan, slowly spoke:

"In the face of the vast world, everyone in the world will feel terrified. Perhaps, as Chang Xiliu said, this Sect Master of the Qing Dynasty can't wait long.

"On the other hand, these powerful forces naturally have a balance in their hearts, and they are also extremely disturbed in their hearts.

"Because this Daoist society is also forcing them to make a decision, whether to fall to the side of the Lord, or to honestly follow the rules set by the Taiqing Great Sage and stand on this division of the world. Taiqing Daolian!"

The emperor sounded, and the monks on the deck of the Daxia treasure ship bowed their heads respectfully, and then the voice belonging to Zhao Yu in his ears sounded again:

"From beginning to end, he is a sword of Taixuan Tiandao!

"Therefore, the Sect Master of the Qing Dynasty is anxious, which naturally means that Heaven's Dao is anxious, and this alone speaks for the problem."

As soon as the emperor's voice came out, all those who heard the words were shocked. Compared with the monks, the sense of heaven's influence on the general trend of the world was countless times stronger.

A monk, even the strongest person in the Great Sacred Realm, will have a wrong prediction of the unknown situation, but the Heavenly Dao will not.

God won't!

Thinking of this, both Chang Xiliu and Sima Annan raised their heads subconsciously, staring at the figure sitting in the Tianyun Hall above the void, with the usual face, a particularly cold chill, unconsciously welling up in his heart. .

As Zhao Yu said, he is the sharpest sword in this heavenly path, and now, this sword is out of its sheath.

The sword of heaven is out of its sheath, then the sharpness that will be revealed will surely destroy the world!

"Since the Great Sage of Taiqing summoned the forces of the world to gather here, he certainly wouldn't just watch so many lotus platforms empty, he should have a back hand."

On the deck of the Daxia Treasure Ship, when the voice of Sima Annan just fell, the situation in Fengxin City suddenly began to change.

I saw the void originally shrouded by Taiqing Qi, directly like a stream of water, breaking open to both sides, and then a huge bone claw surrounded by dark ghost energy stretched out in the void.

The bone claw is huge, like a huge mountain blasting out from the depths of the void, and a group of people stand proudly on the bone claw.

The whole body of these figures are covered with countless twisted souls and wailing, and the ear-piercing whistling, continuously spreading into everyone's ears.

At the next breath, under all eyes, the bone claws continued to extend downward, placing the group of people in the claws into a high-grade Dao lotus.

Then a hoarse voice rolled out:

"I go to the country at dusk, and I would like to take a sword from the Taiqing Sect Master!"

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