The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1962: Sword and armor

Yunmeng Daze, illusory and illusory, is one of the mysterious places that is extremely difficult to find in the land of Taixuan.

In ancient legends, when the ancestor of the ancient giant, who was thirsty and exhausted, was in the south of the Great Profound Land, he searched for this great zeal and tried to save his life, but he was always hard to find, and finally died of dehydration.

After that, this Yunmeng Daze was given a strong mystery.

Throughout the ages, legends about this Ze have been spread out from time to time, but few have truly entered this Ze.

"According to legend, within this Yunmengze, there are countless treasures of heaven and earth, and even if you are bathed in the Ze, even if you don't receive the energy for cultivation, this heaven and earth vitality will directly pour into the body, and the cultivation base will soar.

"But this legend is just a legend, no one knows what the mysterious Daze is."

When Yunmeng Daze phantom shining above the sky of Fengxin City, the monks on the ground were surprisingly calm this time.

It is true that in the face of today's situation, the so-called secret world of heaven and earth is meaningless, and then several older people narrowed their eyes and continued to speak:

"Although Yunmeng Daze is mysterious and unpredictable, it has always been inseparable from a place, that is, the marsh land of the Central Plains further south.

"So if the old man guessed correctly, the Yunmengze phantom that appeared above the void should be the work of a power."

As soon as this statement fell, there was a monk who recovered, and said directly, spit out three words:

"Nanze Country!"

As soon as these three words fell, as expected, a vague voice came out directly as Yunmengze's mist was steaming:

"Everyone in the Twilight Kingdom, don't worry, how can you lose my Nanze Kingdom without such a scene."

When the voice fell, a misty streamer directly extended from the mist of Yunmengze, straddling the void downward.

I saw a line of particularly tall figures wrapped in this mist and streamer, and then turned into a thick fog, crashing onto the top-grade lotus platform not far from the Dusk Kingdom, spreading out mightily.

After a few breaths, the figure of the group of people on the lotus platform gradually appeared under everyone's eyes.

Amazingly, it is Nanze Country's all repairers!

But what is surprising is that this time the head of the Nanze country is an old woman in a blue robe. There are octagonal octagons on the top of her head, and four corners on one side extend backwards.

At the same time, above the four pairs of long horns, the faint blue glow flickered, which was not weird.

"Dear friends of the Nanze State, this Taiqing sword is not easy to pick up. If you don't have confidence, then you can retreat on your own, so as not to laugh at generously and die."

When the cultivators of Nanze Kingdom smashed the barrier around this high-grade Dao Lian and stood on the lotus platform, the ridicule from the monks of the Dusk Kingdom on the other side was immediately heard.

However, the octagonal old woman was not annoyed, her face remained unchanged, and she just responded in a flat voice:

"Since we have made the plan to build the country, then we are not unprepared. In the troubled times, I also need to plan for myself and even the younger generations of the race.

"Now that you and I are both just established, why not take care of each other? It's better than fighting alone."

After the old Nanze's voice that was neither humble nor overbearing, the monks from the Soul Burial Sect in the dusk all fell silent.

Then the vague old man of the Soul Burial Sect did not reply, but directly raised his right hand and slammed into the Huangquan Soul Demon floating beside him with a fierce punch.

In the next instant, an extremely harsh roar, instantly shaped like a rolling sphere, the soul demon gathered by countless souls came out:


The roar of countless souls at the same time, almost torn the sky, is also like breaking the calm horn completely, allowing this killing air to reach fullness in an instant.

At the same time, at the highest point of the sky above Fengxin City, the middle-aged man sitting behind the desk in the Tianyun Temple directly raised his right hand and pointed to the front.

Accompanied by this pointing out, the madly surging Taiqing Qi gathered violently inward again, and at this time all the monks in Fengxin City were no longer unfamiliar with this picture.

Because this is the convocation of the Sword of Taiqing!

After a short while, under the eyes of Taiqing Dao, within the Taiqing Qi that was swarming inward, the edge began to appear, and this edge did not come from one Taiqing Dao sword, but two handles!

Of these two swords, one is facing the Dusk Kingdom, and the other is a guide to Ze Kingdom.

After another moment of time, the sky and the earth will brighten again, and the mighty azure light shines through the sky like a stream of fire in August.

Shining light, the sword of Taiqing dissipated in place instantly.

But this time, as long as the monks with a bit of cultivation, no matter how dazzling the light is, they will keep their eyes open, staring at Dusk and the high-grade lotus platform where the monks of Nanze and the two countries are located.

They knew very well that they could not lock the two Taiqing swords, but this sword would definitely appear outside the lotus platform!

Sure enough, just a moment later, two green lights suddenly appeared directly in the depths of the void before the monks of the two kingdoms of Dusk and Nanze were on the high-grade lotus platform.

As soon as these two green lights appeared, the entire void began to roll at a speed visible to the naked eye like boiling water.

This is a special phenomenon that belongs to the rules of the Great Sacred Realm, and is a special phenomenon caused by overflow. And only those who have truly experienced it will know how vast the power is contained in this boiling void.

However, if the monk is given a choice, he must not want to be directly under the Taiqing Dao Sword, because that is the Great Sacred Realm, capable of destroying the supreme edge of his own countless times!

"The soul demon possesses the body, the ghost is boundless, condensed, condensed!"

After the green light was revealed to the world, a wild roar was convenient for the elders of the Dusk Kingdom to be heard.

At the same time, within the Huangquan Soul Demon beside him, the countless souls contained in it seemed to have been summoned in some way, and they began to wailing while continuing to spread out along the old man's right hand.

In the next moment, these ghosts directly penetrated into the old man's body, causing the former's body to expand outwards to a frightening degree.

The pale, pale light radiated from the huge body of the old man of Huang Quanguo, shining on the face of the monk below.

At the same time, the old man's swelling body showed no signs of stopping, and even the entire void around him could not bear the power of the vast soul demon, and dense spatial cracks began to appear.

Then, under the intertwined gazes, a ghost battle armor appeared on the old man's huge body. This battle armor was completely composed of countless soul powers. Although it was intangible, it had shocking defensive power.

"Ghost Battle Armor, the strongest defensive supernatural power that has been passed down from the Soul Burial Sect for countless years. I just don't know if it can block this Taiqing sword."

This road fell with an uncertain murmur, and the old man of Huangquan Country standing proudly on the top-grade lotus platform, directly made a fist with his right hand, and then blasted a fist against the little green light in the depths of the void in front of him.


The next breath, a loud noise enough to make everything in the world silent, flooded the world. At the same time, the entire sky above Fengxin City was directly divided into two halves.

One green and one black!

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