The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1963: Soul of the ancestor

Taiqing sword and ghost armor.

It is tantamount to the ultimate edge of the world, the ultimate defense against the world!

In fact, the world has misunderstood one of the original five sects of the hidden world, the soul-burial sect that now forms the Dusk Kingdom, thinking that this sect collects the unburried souls of the world and merges them into the Yellow Spring Soul Demon, which must be a powerful means of fighting.

But in fact, the strongest thing in Burying Soul is not to kill, but to start with defense.

Because compared to the visible armor shield, the invisible soul will form an unimaginable barrier when combined in one place.

At this time, the pale white soul armor on the huge body of the elder of the Dusk Kingdom is undoubtedly the master of the defense methods of the Soul Burial Sect.

The soul armor is white, and the screaming sound resounds through the world!

At this time, the elder of the Dusk Country was like directly becoming the illusory Soul Master of Huangquan, exuding incomparable power.

But whether it is the entire Dusk Kingdom monk on the top-grade lotus platform, or the people watching all the other forces around, they feel that under that little green light, the former is not absolutely blocked.

The sword of Taiqing is extremely terrifying.

Even these kingdoms composed of hermit sects must gather the power of the whole country to defend them.

"This is the first time this seat knows that the Soul Burial Sect, one of the hidden Sejong gates, has such a strong defensive supernatural power. Looking at this soul-powered ghost armor, it is really mysterious."

On the Daxia Treasure Ship, the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu sounded with a little unexpected voice, and then Sima Annan next to him, with a little smile on his mouth, responded:

"The intelligence department of Kaiwu Daxia knows a little about this, and its core is to directly unite countless souls into one.

"Once it is impacted by magical powers, each soul can share with each other. There are many ants and the elephants can be killed. As long as the number of souls is large enough, they can gain endless and endless defense power."

After speaking, Sima Annan turned his gaze to the side, looking at the high-grade lotus platform where Nanzeguo was located, Yinglang continued to speak:

"We still know some of the methods used by the Twilight Kingdom, but what makes our chief curious even more is that this poorly understood Nanze Kingdom has any other methods.

"You have to know that the mere shadow of Yunmeng Daze can't stop this Taiqing sword?"

Sima Annan’s words just fell, perhaps confirming the former’s words. The green light of the Taiqing Dao Sword appeared after the void, and the entire Yunmeng Daze phantom that was shrouded in Nanze’s self-cultivation, was directly and without fancy. A huge hole was torn apart.

Under the edge of the sword of Taiqing, the shadow of the Daze was like a fragile cloth, and then the torn hole stretched forward, and a very harsh tearing sound came out:


As soon as this harsh sound came out, it directly attracted the attention of most people directly from the lotus platform where Huang Quanguo was located. Then the monks on the ground showed horror and exclaimed:

"This Yunmeng Daze is not even an enemy of this Taiqing Sword. What will Nanze country do to resist?"

"There should be other means, otherwise, with the confidence of Nanze Country, take the initiative to stand on this top-grade lotus platform."

Following the discussion of the monks, the old woman with the first born octagonal in the Nanze National Front suddenly stepped forward and slammed on the lotus platform in front of her.

This old woman's every move carried the power of the vast and heavy Daze, and even the sound of the rolling waves was clearly visible directly in the void.


At the next breath, the figure of the old Nanze woman stepping forward, the octagonal corners above her head began to light up with extremely rich blue light, and she directly looked up to the sky and let out a roar:


This roar, at first, was like the roar of a great Daze divine beast, but after a breath, it was completely transformed into a roar of an ancient giant.

"I hate it!"

"This, this voice, is it the ancestor of the ancient giant?"

With an uncertain voice, it came from the mouths of the monks, and as soon as the words fell, a strange cry sounded again:

"It's an ancient giant, look at it, in this Nanze Kingdom phantom, there really is a figure of an ancient giant."

This voice came out, under the cover of countless lights, on the top-grade lotus platform where the monks of the Nanze Kingdom were located, in the mist-shrouded, misty and misty Daze, the body of an ancient giant's ancestor slowly appeared.

But what made everyone even more shocked was how miserable this ancestor giant's appearance was. The skin on his entire body was not intact, all of which dried up and cracked because of chasing the sun, and at the same time revealed the hideous and terrifying internal body.

Not only that, within the body of this giant, the countless blood that is hot and flowing, evaporates under the violent and infinite power of the sun, and turns into a mist of scarlet blood visible to the naked eye, rising into the sky.

"My, unwilling!"

The next breath was another voice with extreme resentment, resounding through the sky.

At the same time, the dying ancestor giant, because of the hopelessness of looking for Yunmengze, and the incomparable resentment and unwillingness in his body, directly reached the peak, and even showed dark ripples visible to the naked eye.

After an instant, the octagonal old woman on the lotus platform raised her hands above her head, while the giant ancestor above her head also raised his broken hands everywhere, clenching his fists to the sky.

At this moment, this desperate breath, like a Daze that completely broke the bank, swept outwards vastly, causing all the monks who felt it to frown, revealing a little bit of pain.

For some reason, these monks only felt that their entire heart was being held tightly by the ancestor of the ancient giant. At the same time, they felt that the whole person was completely under the scorching of the Nine Heavens God Sun. The skin was burnt and painful. Incomparable.

However, this extremely painful feeling only appeared for a moment, but even so, most of the monks were directly sweating, and under the agitation of their hearts, they let out a muffled groan.

Then these monks took a deep breath and looked up at the sky, the color of astonishment in their eyes thickened.

At the same time, through the open pupils of these monks, you can see the ancestor of the ancient giant standing on top of the sky above the wind and clouds in Fengxin City.

"I am unwilling, I am unwilling!"

After a violent roar, the ancestor of the ancient giant smashed his fists from the sky and smashed the sword of Taiqing in front of him.


The void is shattered, and the Qi machine dances wildly.

On one side is the Huangquan Soul Shadow wearing a ghost armor, on the other side is the roaring unwilling giant ancestor, and two supernatural powers, which are extremely difficult to see in the world, poured out unreservedly, just for one thing.

Block that sword!

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