The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1964: Compromise in the end

Dao begets one, one life two, two begets three, three begets all things.

The same is true of Taiqing Daojian.

Following the instruction from the Sect Master of Taiqing, the Taiqing Dao Sword transformed into two handles and rushed directly forward, one towards the Dusk Kingdom and the other towards Nanze Kingdom.

However, it is worth mentioning that although the sword of Taiqing has the strongest edge in the world, after it was revealed to the world, it did not have the sound and momentum of destroying the world.

The only thing that manifests is light, just like another round of dazzling light directly descending on the world!

The next breath, in this dazzling cyan light, two more dazzling cyan sword lights, slowly extending out in the depths of the void.

This sword light was especially slow in everyone's eyes, but even the entire space around the body showed a distortion that was visible to the naked eye.

Waves of void ripples spread outward, causing the time and space above the sky to lose its original meaning.

At the same time, it is extremely strange that even at this moment in everyone's line of sight, this Taiqing sword light is still floating in place.

But whether it was the old man wearing the ghost armor of the Twilight Kingdom, or the old woman of the Nanze Kingdom who summoned the ancestor of the ancient giant, it was difficult to smash the magical punch forward.

In this situation, it is as if these two people who are not overhauled have an invisible wall of barriers, and to be more precise, in front of these two people, there is a torrent of Taiqing who is charging.

In the next instant, the two Taiqing swords hovering in the void finally began to move forward slowly.

Quiet like a virgin, moving like thunder!

In just a moment, the two swords of Taiqing appeared before the overhaul of the two kingdoms at the same time, and then they continued to move forward.


At the same time, two earth-shaking roars sounded indiscriminately. This roar, one roar from countless ghosts, and the other roar from the soul of the ancestor of the ancient giant.

The same thing is that in these two roars, there is an obvious color of pain!


After that, not only the ghost and the soul of the ancestor of the giant, but also the old man of the Soul Burial Sect on the lotus platform and the old woman of Nanze all let out a muffled hum, and then bowed their heads incredibly.

I saw the two of them right in front of them, two Taiqing sword lights, and at some point, they had already broken through the numerous barriers and magical powers in front of them, appearing without warning.

"The rule of the Great Sage, is this a rule created by the Great Sacred Realm. It directly ignores the original basic rule system in the world, or even completely obliterates it, and then uses its own rules to impose on it, it is really terrifying."

On the Daxia Treasure Ship, the murmur came from Li Chunfeng's mouth, and then he heard the unexpected voice from the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu, and then immediately sounded:

"Sect Master Taiqing, these two swords have been released."

As soon as this certain word fell, even more horrified, appeared in Li Chunfeng's eyes, and after a breath, Zhao Yu, who was standing on the edge of the deck, nodded, and Di Yin Chuan made his debut:

"It is indeed very obvious to release water. First of all, the two swords have been waiting for the overhaul of the two kingdoms to fully condense their supernatural powers before they are released. It is very strange.

"And this second point, this stabbed Taiqing sword, avoiding the critical point."

As soon as Zhao Yu's emperor sound came out, two more painful muffled hums directly resounded through the void.

In the next instant, the two Taiqing swords that appeared in front of the two overhauls instantly dissipated once again, wrapped in the power of the Great Sage that obliterated all rules.

At the same time, the old man of Dusk country and the old woman of Nanze country rushed their hands to the lower abdomen, but it was still too late.

Before the two's hands had been shot, Taiqing Jianmang had already torn away the former's last defense around the body, and pierced into the flesh without any hindrance.


Until this time, the vacant fluctuations accompanied by the fierce blast of the sword of Taiqing came late, and all the monks above the two high-grade Dao lotus were blasted into the air, like the wind rolling yellow sand, flying and rolling. backward.

However, these monks from the Sejong Sect had an extraordinary cultivation base. When the main edge of the Taiqing Dao Sword was resisted by the lord in front, they desperately released the united supernatural powers in an attempt to stabilize their body tumbling on the lotus platform. shape.

After a few breaths, the rest of the monks from these two kingdoms were finally on the edge of the fall, stopped their figure firmly, and suddenly raised their heads, staring at the two that were completely pierced in the abdomen by sharp swords. Silhouette.

Because they are very clear, even if they spare their lives, they can't stop the sword that strikes in front of them. Their only hope is to pray for the strongest cultivation in front of them, to stand upright on the lotus platform, and not to fall down. under.

"Can it succeed?"

The same questioning sound came from a monk in Fengxin City, but under the eyes of these people, the bodies of the two major repairers completely pierced by the sword were so dazzling.

It is true that under this sword of Taiqing, even the ghost armors released by the two major repairs with all their strength, or the unyielding fighting spirits of the ancient ancestors, are in fact no different from ordinary clothing.

In fact, the key lies in how strong the Taiqing Sect Master wants to kill these two people.

"Really a big show."

When the heaven and the earth fell into the silence, Sima Annan slowly let out a sigh of relief on the Daxia Treasure Ship, Yinglang's voice fell, and the Nantian King Xiliu lifted his head and flicked his flaming blond hair, and then said:

"The secrets are chaotic and the situation is turbulent. With the Holy Venerable being able to exit at any time, even the Sect Master Taiqing has to arrange some drama to increase his chances of winning."

After finishing the sentence, Sima Annan nodded, and then said loudly:

"So we inferred that it was correct, the Taiqing Great Sage, after all, compromised.

"It used the acquiescence of this evening and the successful establishment of the two nations of Nanze as a bargaining chip, and let these two forces take the lead in setting foot on the Taoist lotus.

"In other words, perhaps it is not just these two forces, they have reached certain conditions with more hidden big forces before the start of the World Daohui.

"At the same time, this also released a very unusual message!"

When the words fell, Sima Annan paused, and then a thick solemn color flashed across Jun Lang's face, and the voice continued:

"The matter of establishing a country was once an untouchable thorn in the heart of this great sage of Taiqing. Now even this matter can be compromised. What does this mean?

"This means that for this sect monk, no matter what the conditions are, as long as he is willing to enter the lotus stage, the Taiqing sect master is all easy to discuss!"

As soon as this statement fell, on the top-grade lotus platform above, the body of the old man of Dusk country and the old woman of Nanze, who stood upright, shook slightly, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

However, the two of them did not fall back, but knelt on one knee. After a violent cough, they raised their heads and looked forward.

At the same time, in the eyes of the two of them, the hot flames visible to the naked eye burned, and the murmur came out:

"This country is established after all!"

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