The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1966: Inexplicable knot

Undoubtedly, at this time, the Sect Master of the Taiqing Sect, sitting in the center of the Tianyun Temple, has completely revealed his ambition to the whole world.

He wants to act for the sky, divide the world's forces, and completely stabilize the chaotic world!

In the face of tens of thousands of years of accumulation, the cruel and chaotic world that is about to burst the embankment, even if it is dangerous, even if it is a concession and compromise, this middle-aged man in the Tianyun Palace is still using breathtakingly Way, reorganize luck, and divide the world.

As the saying goes, blocking is worse than sparse. On the other hand, the entire Taixuan Land can do such a thing, and it is the Taiqing Sect Master.

It is said that the times make heroes, but everyone knows that only real heroes can do things that ordinary people can't.

A legend is a legend!

Just as Sima Annan on the Daxia Treasure Ship said, when more and more forces choose to rise to the sky and set foot on the vacant Dao lotus, then this is the Taiqing Sect Master. This move is a big step towards success.

"More and more forces have given up the idea of ​​taking refuge in the holy court, and directly chose to ascend this lotus platform. The situation seems a bit bad."

In the depths of Tianyun Mountain, after a very hoarse demon sound sounded, a demon from the subterranean flames, continued to wrap his eyes on the group of monks facing the sky from the sky like a fountain, and continued to speak:

"All the time, we have made countless efforts to return to the surface. If the attitude of the holy court is unclear, then the will of the Taiqing Sect Master has consistently rejected it.

"It has never wanted our country to land on land, so once it has assembled this heaven and earth lotus, it is not a good thing for my country."

After this icy magic sound fell, the ugly faces of the surrounding demons from Yan Jue Kingdom became extremely unkind, and several aura tyrannical men immediately spoke:

"Why, do you want to stop it?"

As soon as these words came out, scarlet eyes suddenly lit up one after another, and at the same time the cruel and tyrannical evil spirit began to rise and fall in the void.

But at the next breath, a magical shadow in the front raised his right hand and made a gesture of stopping, and a cold voice came out:

"Don't rush to do it first, all of this is so simple. If this world force can use these lotus stands to determine the order so easily, then these tens of thousands of years, someone has already become it.

"The situation today is extremely complicated. Even if the Sect Master of the Qing Dynasty has begun to compromise, it is clear that it is far from enough.

"Because a lot of disputes are dead ends. To give the simplest example, if this Qingzhi Shangguo steps on that lotus platform, Naer et al. think that my Yan Jueguo is going to go or not?"

As soon as this interesting rhetorical voice came out, all the people who heard it showed the color of thinking, and then looked inside the demon shadow at the forefront, the cold voice continued to spread:

"So don't worry, everyone, it's still an appetizer at this time, the real good show has just been staged!"

As soon as this statement fell, in Fengxin City, after a large number of cultivators looked at each other, they nodded and directly displayed the flying technique, which burst forth.

This is the third wave of monks flying to the upper Taiqing Daolian, and it is by far the most numerous.

But after a few breaths, in these figures carrying the elites of the sect, suddenly there are some monks, and a strong killing intent suddenly appeared in their eyes.

Because these people saw not far from above the void, the feuding forces of their own sect, there were also many people heading towards a certain Dao lotus.

In the next second, the sound of gritted teeth was easily heard from the head of the monk:

"According to the command of this suzerain, condensing supernatural powers, and blasting me fiercely at the shards, in short, these shards, which are never allowed to appear on this middle-grade Dao lotus in a stable manner!

As soon as this murderous words fell, dozens of supernatural powers condensed directly, and then blasted towards the unconscious hostile forces in front of them without any fancy.

"Boom boom boom!"

The continuous muffled sound resounded directly through the void after a short while, and then the violent magical energy, even the stump of the limb that was torn out in the same instant, and the particularly pungent scarlet blood mist, exploded outward.

"who is it?"

Then, with an extremely frightened roar, it spread out from the mouth of a large number of monks, and immediately organized the manpower to release the magical power to fight back.

At the same time, starting with this wave of magical powers pouring outwards, a large number of people with murderous intentions can no longer restrain their inner anger, directly facing the enemy in front, blasting the air with all their strength. The technique of killing and cutting.

Suddenly, the sky above the entire Fengxin City suddenly became extremely chaotic. The magical powers blasted against each other, bursting open, and the colorful magical powers that radiated outward were like blooms that filled every inch of void. Fireworks.

"Damn, kill my disciple in a sneak attack, this sect is at odds with you!"

"A few years ago, when your sect attacked the great city of our land and looted the slaughter city, did you think about today?

"Under the gaze of the dead souls in the city now, even if this Sect Master is fighting against the Taiqing Daolian, he must kill these executioners here!"

The roar with infinite killing intent resounded through the entire surging void of supernatural powers, and the appearance of this war was so abrupt, but it was unprecedentedly tragic.

The blood was all over the sky, and a large number of monks who had lost their lives fell to the ground, completely unrecognizable, lacking arms and legs, and extremely miserable.

What is even more shocking is that this confrontation has not weakened because of the deaths of these monks, but has intensified.

Because on this battlefield full of supernatural powers and vigor, a large number of monks had already completely smashed their eyes, and even became indifferent to each other.

At the same time, there are a large number of sect forces on the ground, wrapped in the billowing evil intentions, rushing into the battlefield, trying to be the oriole behind.

"It's messed up, this situation is messed up!"

Just as the Yan Jueguo major repairs said before, the power of the entire Taixuan Land is undoubtedly one link after another, and the situation is extremely complicated.

Every sect has enemies or allies, and enemies also have enemies. This situation can be regarded as the most difficult thread in the world, and it is also the most difficult thread to straighten out.

It is precisely because of this that the sky above Fengxin City at this time has once again become Shura Hell!

The supernatural powers roared, shouting to kill the sky. At the same time, on the deck of the Big Xia treasure ship at the corner of Tianyun Mountain, Zhao Yu still stood with his hands in his hands, his black eyes staring at the front, the voice of the emperor, which was neither serious nor serious, and then came out:

"It is said that the problem of love, hatred, and hatred in the world is the most difficult to solve, especially when it comes to the hatred of all living beings. I really want to know, this knot, how does the Taiqing Sect master solve it?"

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