The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1967: Redraw the territory

The nature of the world is disorder and movement.

As everyone knows, since the collapse of the Immortal Palace, the entire Supreme Profound Land has fallen into a situation where the dragons have no leader for tens of thousands of years.

And those sect forces that developed uncontrollably and grew uncontrollably and savagely, if they were fortunately inherited, they would become an almost infinite line by now.

Countless years of conflicts of interest and countless years of fighting and killing have made these lines that represent the sect, intertwined, knotted, intricate, and difficult to untie.

For the Taiqing Sect Master who wants to reorganize the world and divide the ranks of the world's forces at this time, this situation is an end, and it is also a disaster!

The creatures in the heavens and the earth stand at different heights and naturally look at the problem from different perspectives. For example, Zhao Yu, who stands with his hands on the Daxia Treasure Ship at this time, pays more attention to the middle-aged people in the Tianyun Temple above. What means will be used to untie this knot.

"Your Majesty, as you said before, the interrelationships among the countless forces in the Great Profound Land are intertwined. It can be described as complex to the limit. It is almost impossible to straighten out one by one."

On the deck of the Daxia Treasure Ship, when Zhao Yu’s voice fell, the voice of Sima Annan immediately rang. Then the young Daxia Zhongli, the color of thinking in his eyes, continued to speak:

"Weichen courageously substitutes himself for the position of Taiqing sect lord to think about this problem, but for a while, he will not be able to think of a way to solve the knot, unless the supreme cultivation base is used to overwhelm the world and force the fight."

"As the saying goes, people are doing it, and the sky is watching. At this time, the Great Sage of Taiqing is acting in harmony with the sky, but if these forces are forced into this Taiqing lotus platform, then it is not conforming to the will of heaven, but going against the trend. , This is obviously not the way of Taiqingzong."

After Zhao Yu's calm and unwavering response fell, he continued to watch the violent fighting in front of him, and the **** fog filled the sky above Fengxin City, and the depths of the ebony black eyes, thoughts undulated.

But to everyone's surprise, the man in Tsing Yi sitting in the Tianyun Temple continued to maintain great patience for the scene that was getting more and more out of control below.

It is like the incarnation of the will of heaven, watching the dissipation and fall of life below indifferently.

The higher the cultivation level, the more the individual can feel the insignificance of the individual, even if a **** storm is going on in Fengxin City at this time, even if the broken arms and limbs have been scattered all over the streets and alleys of Fengxin City, but they are watching The top monk, but there is still no wave in his heart.

Blood and death have always been one of the most basic melodies in this world!

"Your Majesty, in the humble opinion of the ministers, if you want to go in the sky and solve this knot quickly, perhaps only a fast enough knife can cut this mess."

After a long time, Sima Annan's words sounded immediately, and then saw Zhao Yu in front of him, shook his head, put away the color of thinking in his eyes, and responded:

"Sima Annan, I wonder if you have ever heard such a sentence, you must tie the bell to untie the bell, so if you want to untie this knot as soon as possible, the key is for these cultivators to untie it yourself."

As soon as this emperor voice came out, not only Sima Annan, but also Da Xia Zhongxiu, including Li Chunfeng who was not far away, showed a deep doubt on their faces.

Then Li Chunfeng raised his hands and bowed in front of him, and the voice continued:

"Your Majesty, the mutual enmity between these forces in the Great Profound Land has reached the point where it is difficult to reconcile unless one of them is dead. The minister is stupid, and I don't know how to let the cultivators of all parties solve the knot by themselves, and I hope you can solve them. "

Li Chunfeng's respectful voice came out, and all the Daxia officials on the deck lit up, and they listened to the emperor's voice from Zhao Yu, and continued to linger:

"First of all, you have to know why these forces are fighting back and forth like this."

"Your Majesty, because of enmity."

"So where did these enmities arise?"

After Zhao Yu's mouth continued to ring the question of Emperor Yin, Li Chunfeng did not hesitate, and immediately responded:

"Because the disciples or people of the school died at the hands of the other party, after countless years, the blood feud between each other has reached the point of irreconcilability."

"So what was the beginning of this conflict?"

"In the beginning?"

After the murmur fell, Li Chunfeng raised his hand and brushed the white beard on his chest, and continued to speak loudly:

"Your Majesty, although the Weichen is not clear about the concealment of the conflicts between each power, most of them can still be said.

"In general, apart from personal reasons, the sharp conflicts between these forces are at best overlapping in the spheres of influence controlled by each other.

"This kind of overlap has caused the two sides to fight life and death around the disputed area. In the end, even under the accumulation of blood feuds, it has become the situation where they just meet and fight."

Li Chunfeng, who was talking eloquently while caressing his white beard, suddenly seemed to have thought of something after he had just finished speaking. He suddenly turned his head and looked at the back of Zhao Yu in front of him. A horrified voice came out:

"Your Majesty, what do you mean, this Sect Master of the Qing Dynasty, does it have to start with the control area where each sect is located?"

As soon as Li Chunfeng's voice fell, the figure in Tsing Yi, who had been sitting firmly behind the desk of the Tianyun Temple, moved once again.

At the next breath, this Great Sage of Taiqing lowered his head slightly, and at the same time, his vast gaze, through the Taoist eye that hung high above the sky, looked down on the entire group of beings.

At this time, the Taiqing Great Sage's gaze seemed to have directly brought substantial power, causing all the monks who were shrouded to take a subconscious action.

After that, a thick and vigorous voice was suddenly passed down in the eyes of Taiqing Dao, resounding everywhere:

"As we all know, the disputes between the powers of the world are mainly caused by the conflicts of spheres of influence, and the purpose of this World Taoist Association is to set the tone of peace in this world.

"Severe cases should be treated with strong medicine. It is as chaotic as it is today, and there is endless warfare. Therefore, after the world's forces enter the lotus stage, whoever reaches the lotus stage will redraw the boundary of the power in the follow-up World Dao Association!"

As soon as he said this, the whole world of Fengxin City became silent in an instant, countless monks raised their heads together, their mouths opened, and they looked terribly shocked.

They could hardly believe the words they had just heard, and even in their minds, there was a sudden thunder that was blasting loudly, one louder than one louder, one stronger than another.

After a few breaths, when everyone's sea of ​​consciousness was still buzzing, the voice from the Taiqing Sect Master above their heads continued to ring in everyone's ears:

"After the power of heaven and earth is re-delineated, among them, those who have climbed the Taolian lotus and obtained the power of the lower rank can obtain the territory of the power of one hundred cities, with one hundred cities as the lower limit, and two hundred cities as the top.

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