The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1968: Shaving castle

"Brother, you punch me, I, I didn't have any hearing voices, right? This, is the Great Sage Taiqing to redefine the boundaries of all forces?"

In Fengxin City, when the Taiqing Sect Master's voice was extremely magnificent, like a heavenly edict, lingering in the void, countless monks in the entire big city fell into a daze because of horror.

After dozens of breaths, the monk gradually reacted and continued to let out a painful exclamation:


This exclamation originated from the fact that he was slapped firmly by the fellow monks around him, and then the former stretched out his hand and rubbed his forehead, and continued to open his mouth and let out a strange cry:

"This is a big deal, a real big deal!"

Before he finished his words, the cultivator who opened his head turned his head and looked at the same dull eyes of the senior brother. From within the eyes of the other person, he saw a thick and unbelievable color.

After this initial horror, another question emerged directly in the minds of all the monks:

"How can this happen?"

This doubt has just risen deep in my heart, and the magnificent voice from the Sect Master Taiqing resounds once again throughout Fengxin City:

"One hundred and eight prefectures in the Taixuan Land. Except for the Central Plains core land and Beihai County, the incompetent powers in the rest of the prefectures must not exceed a hundred cities. Those who are superfluous, cut! "

When this word fell, it was tantamount to resurrecting the vast thunder on the ground, without any fancy resounding deep in everyone's heart:


Everyone can clearly feel the determination of the Taiqing Sect Master's will from the words lingering in his ears.

At this moment, the voice of the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi seemed to have truly become the word of heaven, and he began to lower his vast will.

As the so-called God’s will cannot be violated, the sharpest sword of the Heavenly Dao, the Great Sage Taiqing, has already pulled out its sheath. At the same time, the first sword cut out has the largest number of stabs in the Taixuan Land, but its individual strength. The weakest incompetent force.

This first sword pierced out, destined to set off a mighty infinite wave!

The next breath, the atmosphere in the entire Fengxin City changed drastically, and the vast numbers of monks were pale, their fists clenched tightly, and extreme panic and anxiety appeared in their eyes.

As everyone knows, the power of the entire Supreme Profound Land is simply as big as a feather, but there are only 18,000 inferior Dao lotus floating above the void.

The difference between these two numbers is directly a huge difference.

Therefore, in Fengxin City today, there are too many forces, or the competition for the lower grade Daolian failed before, or directly holding an attitude of watching the excitement, standing in the city with arms folded, not participating in the competition at all.

Among them, there is no lack of a large number of forces whose sphere of influence exceeds a hundred cities.

But in this short period of time, everything has undergone earth-shaking changes, and the devastating blow fell directly, and there was no sign of it.

At the same time, the damage this blow will cause to these forces is no less than the real stab of a sword of Taiqing, even if it saves a life, it is equivalent to being directly cut off the limbs.

"Taiqing Great Sage, please think twice, this is absolutely impossible, absolutely impossible, the territory that my sect controls now is the countless monks who threw their heads and sprinkled their blood to death, there is no reason to cut it!"

After a breath, the sharp roars made it easier for the monks in Fengxin City to roll out of their mouths. At the same time, more and more monks who reacted, their faces were pale, and the roar continued:

"Our sect has always followed the way of peace, and rarely has conflicts with other forces. Why, why should I cut the city of our sect, I will not accept it, I will not accept it!"

This voice of dissatisfaction, with a hoarse roar, it is true that for these forces within the scope of the city at this time, they will be deprived of most of the territory for no reason. The inner fear and anger can be imagined. .

Then there was a monk with an upsurge in his heart. He took a step forward and raised his billowing momentum to the sky. He looked up with particularly angry eyes, trying to use this to put pressure on the Taiqing Sect Master above. It changed his mind.

However, this is obviously impossible to work, how firm the will of the Xeon monk is, and before he makes a decision, he must use his thoughts to calculate countless times.

At the same time, as the sharp sword in the hands of Tiandao, the Great Sage of Taiqing must cut out this sword, and even the next second sword, the third sword!

Then within the next hundred breaths, countless monks roared one after another with angry roars, but the look of Taiqing Great Sage at the height of the sky still did not have any ups and downs, and some were only like the will of heaven. Indifferent and steady.

Then, facing the volcanic eruption of opposition in Fengxin City, this great sage, who was full of blue magic flying, overwhelmed the roar of the sky with only a faint word:

"There is still two quarters of an hour to fight for the lower middle-grade Daolian!"

This indifferent voice, like a bell ringing around the world, undoubtedly clearly showed the attitude of this great sage of the Qing Dynasty.

If you don't want to be slashed, then you can set foot on this entry-level Daolian. Not only can you preserve the territory of the city, but it can even expand outward. If your strength is not good, then you can't blame God's ruthlessness.

Thinking of this, the angry monk in Fengxin City could only open his mouth and let out a loud scream even if he was unwilling in his heart:

"His mother's, his mother's, are all for this Sect Master, even if you bite with your mouth, I will bite a low-grade Dao lotus for Lao Tzu!"

The development of events is always accompanied by two completely different sides.

There are monks who are angry and unwilling, and naturally there will be monks with joy, and these monks with ecstatic smiles are those who are above the lower-grade Dao lotus, but their own territory does not reach a hundred cities.

Among these forces, there are those who are lucky enough to pick up the leaks, and there are also low-key hidden forces, but no matter which one, after just a few breaths, the smiles on these people's faces can no longer be maintained.

Because in the entire Fengxin City, countless monks from all major forces roared into the sky and rushed towards the Dao Lian above.

The number of this monk is so large that it is difficult to even describe it in words.

At the same time, the violent killing intent pouring out of the monk's body without reservation, instantly converged into a tornado column that reached the sky and the earth, rushing up, causing all the monks guarding on the lotus platform to change wildly.

In the next breath, these cultivators were all approaching enemies, and hurriedly mobilized all the auras in their bodies, unreservedly blasted the killing magic power forward, and opened their mouths and let out a strange cry:

"The sky is up, I didn't expect the most dangerous moment to come until now!"

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