The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1969: Real World Daohui

The entire Fengxin City was originally ups and downs, because the steady but unrejectable voice of the Sect Master Taiqing once again began to resemble the sky and the earth, causing endless waves.

All this stems from two simple words.

Cut the city!

As everyone knows, the strength of a power is directly reflected in the territory it controls, and the so-called city is still the so-called city that can truly reflect the foundation and potential of those deserted unmanned areas.

The city represents the population and practitioners, and for the counties in the Taixuan Land under the current sect autonomy model, population is undoubtedly the first element.

In other words, the first sword that the Sect Master of the Qing Dynasty slashed against those inferior forces at this time was enough to cut off the latter's inheritance and foundation for countless years in the past, present, and even the future.

Therefore, these powerful monks within the scope of the city were angry, unwilling, and angry, but these were all in vain, and there was only one way to change the situation, and that was to rush to the low-grade Dao lotus.

"Boom boom boom!"

When the monks who covered the sky and covered the sun rushed into the void above the ground, an unprecedented fierce battle for the lotus platform began vigorously.

At the same time, in this competition for the lower ranks, almost every faction has struggled with their old fate, and all their cards are exhausted, in order to directly occupy a lower rank lotus platform.

"Go away!"

The next breath, a particularly cold shout, was posted on a low-grade lotus platform.

Afterwards, on the lower-grade lotus platform with the two characters of tiger face emerging, a figure wearing a big tiger-print robe raised his right hand into a claw, facing the large number of figures in front of him, without fancy, direct claws. Out.

"Supernatural power. Tiger claw!"

After a while, accompanied by the blast of this claw, a huge tiger claw that was completely scarlet, suddenly tore out from the depths of the void, and the piercing tearing void suddenly spread out.

I saw this tiger claw the size of a house, with sharp sharp edges, and the scarlet blood surging on it, like wolf smoke hair, rolled with vigor, and even the monks who rushed to this lotus platform changed their faces. , Yelled:

"No, this tiger-faced clan still hides its strength, quickly disperse!"

However, these people realized that it was not good at this time. It was already too late. They just wanted to use their physical skills, they were directly shot with a claw, and after a scream, they uttered a terrified scream:

"Ah, my body, my body is being corroded."

Accompanied by this terrifying scream, the monks who were slapped flying by the tiger's claws were horrified to find that there was an incomparably strange blood on their bodies, which was constantly corroding and melting their bodies.

The severe pain in the body, together with the fear in the heart, made these monks directly plunged into infinite despair.

At the same time, after swiping his claws to sweep the void in front of his lotus platform out of a large area, the tiger face clan figures directly raised their heads and stared at the larger, more dazzling mid-rank Dao lotus, and slammed forward. Take a step.

Immediately behind this figure, several voices sounded directly:

"Patriarch, what are you?"

As soon as the question fell, strands of scarlet smoke that seemed to be substantive, burned directly on the upright body of the patriarch of the tiger face clan, and at the same time, the vigor that came out of the body rose sharply.

Then a word by word response came from the mouth of this figure:

"The patriarch originally thought that this World Dao Society was just a wrangling, so it's just a low-grade force, but now it seems that this time, this great sage of the Taiqing will drastically change the pattern of all the forces in the entire Taixuan Land. .

"This is the best time for the birth of our tiger face clan, so we have to climb up whenever we say anything."

This road fell with a cold voice, the patriarch of the tiger face, who was completely surrounded by scarlet smoke, and his formidable scarlet eyes, together with his wicked gaze, directly locked onto a middle class not far away. Daolian.

At the next breath, the power monks standing on the middle-grade Dao lotus also sensed this undisguised killing intent, turning their heads to look at them, and then the eyes of the two parties met violently above the void.

"So courageous!"

At this time, the power occupying this middle-grade lotus platform was also a powerful sect. Then the burly monk headed open his mouth and let out an angry shout, grasping the Taoist weapon in his hand, lifted it, and slammed it out in front of him.

But in the next instant, a thick color of astonishment appeared directly in the former's dilated pupils, because the former's entire sea of ​​consciousness was completely flooded by a sudden tiger roar.


This tiger roar, even with the power of tremor that made the monks' spirits violently shake, even directly caused the many monks on this middle-grade lotus platform to have their eyes black.

Although this consciousness fainting is extremely short, only a short breath, but for high-ranking monks, there are too many things that can be changed in one breath.


After a breath, a painful muffled grunt suddenly spread from the mouth of the leading monk above the middle-rank Daolian, and then the former opened his eyes again, and in his clear eyes, there were extremely complex expressions intertwined with each other.

In this ray of expression, there is pain, unbelievable, and strong unwillingness!

After that, the power sect master above the middle-rank Dao lotus suddenly raised his hands and covered his neck tightly, while at the same time wisps of dazzling blood flowed out along the slits of his fingers and shot out.


An extremely vague and painful voice came from the former's mouth, and then the former's burly body slowly fell backward under the gaze of fearful eyes from the rear.

"Sect Master, Sect Master!"

The next breath came out with a soft bang, and the body of the burly monk in front of him completely fell to the ground, and the monk in the back just wanted to hug him up, but subconsciously stayed in place.

Because on this middle-grade lotus platform, unknowingly, there was already a tall and tall figure covered in scarlet tiger aura, and at the same time drop after drop of dazzling blood dripped on the former tiger's claws.

The identity of the original owner of these blood is self-evident, and then a fierce riot resounded on this middle-grade lotus platform again, because the figure like a demon **** continued to take a step forward viciously.

Then the **** killing intent shrouded the voice, spreading out:

"Is you waiting to go down by yourself, or does the patriarch screw off your heads one by one and throw them down?"

After the murderous words fell for just a few breaths, accompanied by a scream of screams one after another, the corpses of a large number of sect monks fell down on this lotus platform.

At the same time, with a voice of astonishment, it began to be heard from a monk in Fengxin City:

"The middle-rank Dao lotus, the disputes over this middle-rank Dao lotus have also begun, and there are already forces that have successfully attacked the lotus. This is the real Daohui in the world!"

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