The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1970: New world system

"Your Majesty, Sect Master Taiqing's method of unknotting knots is amazing, really too mysterious."

Although the situation above Fengxin City below was unprecedentedly chaotic and tragic, but within the huge cloud on the giant mountain in the center of Fufeng County, there was still a relative calm.

Although there is a thought of major repairs boiling and intertwining within Tianyun Mountain, there is still no major power to directly stand up against this Taiqing Great Sage's move to redraw the boundaries of power.

All these forces that really dominate most of the territory of the Taixuan Land have temporarily kept silent, waiting for subsequent development.

Then hung high above the deck of the empty colorful big summer treasure ship, the admiration from Sima Annan continued to sound:

"It turns out that this is what your Majesty said that people who need to tie the bell to untie the bell meant that the beginning of the conflict between these forces was because of the overlap of their spheres of influence, so naturally they would also let go of their hatred first because of this problem."

After Sima Annan's young words fell, the pitch-black eyes in his eyes rolled and continued to speak:

"What's more mysterious is that this trick directly delineates the scope of the territory and the number of cities that can be controlled by the forces of each rank. It can be said that it is from the root cause to curb the occurrence of disputes."

At this point, Sima Annan raised his hands, opened them outwards, framed the void in front of him, raised a lot of voice, and continued to preach:

"This move by the Great Sage Taiqing is undoubtedly a personal hand for the countless forces in the Taixuan Land to erect an invisible boundary barrier between each other. If you don't consider other things, Guangguang only stands on the perspective of heaven. This is undoubtedly A very effective way to stop fighting."

Sima Annan's words just fell, and the old voice of Li Chunfeng beside him immediately sounded:

"This method of the Great Sage of Taiqing, not so much the will of heaven and the erection of boundary barriers, can be called lowering the shackles. It not only locks the way of expansion between different ranks, but also locks the world's monks. Heart of expansion."

In Li Chunfeng's old voice, there was a deep thinking.

The rich life experience has created the good wisdom of the old man in front of him, and then Li Chunfeng raised his hand to caress his white beard, and continued to speak:

"Although the old man is far from the realm of the Taiqing Great Sage, and it is difficult to find the flaws in this method, but for some reason, he always feels a little weird."

"Master Li's feeling is right, and Shi Cheng also feels a bit weird, but he can't tell."

After Sima Annan's echoing sound sounded, at the next breath, everyone looked forward together. There stood the young Emperor Daxia wearing a dark golden robe and standing with his hands on the edge of the deck.

Zhao Yu's back is still tall and straight, and the rich emperor's majesty, along the flying dark gold robe, exudes waves of emperor's prestige.

Then Zhao Yu's steady and majestic voice sounded immediately:

"As Er et al. said, there is no problem with this method, because whether it is the coexistence of the nations at this time or the time when the fairy palace ruled the world, the means to contain the disputes in the world is nothing more than in the heart of the monks. , Erect the so-called barrier!

"Strict laws and strict rules are actually part of the barrier. In fact, the real key lies in how to implement it."

After the voice of the emperor came out, a more intense color of thinking made it easier for the surrounding Daxia officials to appear on the faces, and then Li Chunfeng nodded and said:

"So, your Majesty, what do you mean is that this time the implementation of the Sect Master of the Qing Dynasty will not be too smooth, and there will be more waves?"

"That is inevitable."

The next breath, the emperor's voice from Zhao Yu continued to sound:

"Leave aside, tens of thousands of years ago, in the ancient fairy palace era, the fairy palace was based on the vast and mighty power that dominated the world, and countless fairy court officials supervised the world, and this was able to stabilize the situation in the entire Taixuan land. Stable.

"I won't elaborate on the difficulty of this, you should also understand that, not to mention the immortal emperor, who is unparalleled in the world, and even the four imperial emperors who are unique in the world need to be entrusted to guard the Quartet. The kinds are countless."

At this point, the young emperor raised his eyes and looked, and the magnificent young voice continued:

"You have been with us for a long time to govern Daxia, and naturally know the difficulties of this world, not to mention the vastness of the vast land of countless times.

"The land of the Supreme Profound Realm is really too big, so big that even the top cultivator needs to spend countless time to hurry. Therefore, no matter what the subtle method is, if you want to control the entire land of the Supreme Profound, you need to solve the most Basic question."

As the emperor fell, the Daxia officials on the entire deck raised their hands and saluted in front of them respectfully, and then listened to the emperor's voice from Zhao Yu in their ears, and continued to sound:

"The most basic question is to control the method of teleportation. In other words, whoever controls the method of teleportation will have the foundation for a real world hegemony."

This huanghuang emperor's voice made the eyes of a great Xia Chong official suddenly light up, and then a deep awe-inspiring color appeared on their faces, and they all spoke together:

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

As soon as the uniform voice fell, Zhao Yu stretched out his hand and swayed gently, motioning for the figure behind to get up, his lips lightly opened, and he spoke again:

"The lack of control means is one aspect, and on the other hand, even this low-grade and middle-grade lotus platform can determine the power candidates in the end, but how can those who really play a pivotal role in the realm of the Supreme Profound Realm can be so manipulated.

"The simplest point is that our Great Xia is in the north. If the Taiqing Sect's Sect Master also includes Beihai County in the range of power levels, how should we and you deal with yourself?

"Although the Sect Master of the Qing Dynasty has taken this into consideration, and therefore separates the core of the Central Plains from our Beihai, this does not mean that the other counties do not have the so-called big power.

"In the Western Regions, there are Taoist Dayan Taoist Temples, Buddhism Shuntian Temple, Qingzhi Shangguo in the east, Xuemei Shangguo in the south, and so on, and their silence at this time is just waiting."

As soon as the young emperor's voice came out, the entire deck of the Daxia Treasure Ship suddenly became extremely quiet, and after dozens of breaths, the sound from Sima Annan's mouth broke the silence on the deck:

"The Dao of Heaven still needs the coexistence of all directions. It is indeed a fantasy to rule the world with one person, but I have to say that the move of the Taiqing Sect Master directly shocked countless cultivators.

"Those forces within the scope of cutting the city, at this time, it is estimated that they are all in trepidation and anxiety."

After Sima Annan finished speaking, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, as if thinking of something, every word of voice came out immediately:

"Weichen noticed the most crucial point. The Sect Master of Taiqing hadn't considered the well-deserved overlord of the Supreme Profound Land.

"In other words, one of the most important purposes of the Taiqing Sect Master at this time was to establish a world system independent of the holy court.

"This, this is a naked declaration of war!"

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