Above the void of Fengxin City, Taiqing Dao's eyes seem to be open and unopened. Under the interweaving of the unprecedented vastness of the Great Sacred Realm law, a Taiqing River interwoven with three forms of clearness, turbidity and emptiness hangs high in the sky .

The long river hanging in the sky is like the stars and the milky way in the night sky, beautiful and dazzling.

However, as the saying goes, the more beautiful and magnificent things are behind, the greater the mighty power that destroys the world. The countless monks gathered in the entire Fengxin City, no one dares to underestimate this tumbling blue river.

Including Daxia Treasure Ship, Sima Annan, who already has the power to control time, also sighed.

However, if you carefully explore the long river phantom that is burning out of the three-phase power in the palm of Sima Annan's right hand at this time, you will find that there is still an extremely obvious difference between the two.

The phantom of the long river of time in Sima Annan's hands, although not as vigorous and billowing as the Taiqing River above, is particularly delicate. At the same time, there are countless colorful smoke and dust floating up and down in the phantom of the long river, emitting a profound And the mysterious glowing light.

Every piece of colorful smoke and dust is a memory of heaven, earth and time.

"Master Sima don't need to belittle yourself."

When Sima Annan's shameful sigh fell, the old voice of Li Chunfeng on the side immediately rang. Then the old man with white beard and hair raised his hand and stroked the white beard in front of him, and continued to speak:

"Although the old man is not high in his own realm, he is practicing the way of space anyway. As the saying goes, the universe and the universe are not separated, so he still has a little understanding of the way of time."

As the so-called Quartet is up and down, the universe has always been the universe. Therefore, when Li Chunfeng said this, the surrounding officials nodded, and then Sima Annan showed a hearty smile on the corner of his mouth, and said:

"Boss Li, what's your opinion, I'll listen to my ears."

"I don't dare to be a good opinion, just talk casually."

At the next breath, Li Chunfeng, who also showed a smile on his face, raised his hand and swayed, and said again:

"Although the River of Three Phases in the hands of the Taiqing River above and Master Sima, you both belong to the river of time, but from the deep core, the two are completely different."

After the words came out, Li Chunfeng turned his head and stared at Sima Annan's hands, the countless colorful smoke and dust rolling in the long river phantom, the old voice continued to ring in the ears of the people around:

"Master Sima uses the power of three-phase causality to mobilize time for realization. Therefore, the ubiquitous colorful dust in these long rivers are all fragments of a period of time.

"The power of causality can be traced back to the past. Therefore, if this method reaches a high level, it can completely extract a certain section of it for retrospect, which can be said to be against the sky."

After Li Chunfeng's admiration fell, he raised his head and looked up. Then he turned around and said:

"But the river of Taiqing above our heads is different, because the great sage of Taiqing hooked the river for a long time, it was the ethereal Taiqing Qi."

As soon as the four words Taiqing Qi came out, the thick color of thinking made it easy for the officials on the Daxia Treasure Ship to appear on the faces, and then everyone's ears, the voice belonging to Li Chunfeng, once again lingered:

"According to the news that this Shi Cheng learned, this Taiqing Qi is one of the three supreme auras of heaven and earth, and it already existed when heaven and earth first opened. It can be said that it has gone through countless years of changes in the entire Taixuan world.

"In other words, it is like the immortal god, watching the continuous changes of the entire world, even if the vicissitudes of the earth change, the masters on this continent have changed one after another, but they still exist. .

"Because of this ancient attribute, the Taiqing Qi after countless years directly brings the eternity of time. It also means that the Taiqing Great Sage who has mastered the mystery of the Taiqing Qi can be based on this Qi, Come and pry into the mystery of time."

"Master Li's remarks really made the kid look at him with admiration. It seems that your realm has risen a lot. Boy, I boldly guess that after a while, Old Man Li may try to dash that bridge between heaven and earth."

After Sima Annan's heartfelt admiration sounded, Li Chunfeng continued to raise his hand and waved, and responded:

"It's still a long way away. How can it be so easy to step on this bridge of heaven and earth."

After the words fell, Li Chunfeng looked up again, looking at the Taiqing River that became wider and turbulent, and finally completely occupied the entire sky, the old voice sounded again:

"Master Sima, the attributes of the long river of time in your hands are retrospective, but the Great Sage of Taiqing points out differently. What he explores is the trend and the general trend of the development of the world.

"At the same time, the clearness, turbidity, and turbidity in this river each represent a state of time."

As soon as the word state came out, the whole world suddenly began to change particularly drastically, and after the plan table, Taiqing Great Sage, extended his left hand fingers in front of Taiqingquan’s eyes and continued to stir, which belonged to the big river rushing. The roar directly resounded through the world.

"Boom boom boom!"

Under the deafening roar, the prince of Tianyun Palace, with fluttering clothes and extremely dusty temperament, stared at the clearest and most stable front part of this long river. His red lips were lightly opened, and a lot of softer voice came out. :

"What happened yesterday is irreversible and is a foregone conclusion. Therefore, this section represents the past section of the river, clean, without any ups and downs, because everything that has happened is definite."

After the solemn voice came from the head of the Tianyun Temple, the former moved his gaze to the middle, and fell into silence over the particularly turbid and tumbling river.

After ten full breaths, Palace Master Tianyun breathed out gently, and continued to speak:

"The chaos is boundless, the tide is tumbling, and it is accompanied by suffering and killing. This turbid river indicates that the world is suffering from the greatest chaos in tens of thousands of years. This should prove the present!"

Now that these two words came out, perhaps it was a confirmation that what he said was true. In the middle of the Taiqing River flowing in the void of the Tianyun Temple, the turbid river water exploded directly outwards.


Accompanied by a violent roar, countless black and red interwoven gas exploded outward in this muddy river, directly spilling the entire void.

"This troubled world is still hard to stop after all!"

Faced with such a chaotic and **** scene, the powers of the major forces sighed unanimously.

At the next breath, in the center of the Yunshang Hall where the Sect Master of the Taiqing Sect was located, within the eyes of the Taiqingquan, the same blood burst into the sky and cracked outwards.

Afterwards, all sides of this white and flawless Yunshang Hall, including the jade pillars that stretched out from the white clouds and supported the whole hall, were splashed by countless blood and disasters from the Hanoi of Taiqing. full.

After a short period of time, this shocking scarlet light reddened the hall and the sky!

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