The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1779: Three times to ask

As the master of the Heavenly Cloud Temple said, the three parts of the mighty Taiqing River above the void, Qing represents the past, and turbidity represents the present.

And at this time, the sky above Fengxin City, there is no doubt that there is a picture that anyone sees, and it feels particularly shocking and trembling!

In that Heavenly Cloud Hall, every drop of blood splashed out was a reminder to everyone that the land of the Supreme Profound Realm was in unprecedented chaos and conquests everywhere.

And the death and withering of life is the most true portrayal of this world in the present tense.

"Unexpectedly, the situation nowadays has really reached such a serious point. This Sect Master had a fluke before, but now when I see it, my back is really cold and my hair is standing upright."

The blood stains and scarlet light that exploded in the middle section of the Taiqing River dyed the entire sky red, and at the same time made the light shining down like the setting sun, covering everyone's whole body under the red light. .

The red glow sprinkled on the face, although it did not have any temperature or weight, but for some reason, every monk who bathed under it directly raised a cold heart from the depths of his heart.

The chill was so violent that some monks tremble all over, and said:

"Under the covering of the nest, there are no eggs, maybe we really need to plan in advance."

After the voice fell, the sky of Fengxin City still sat steadily on the Taiqing River, the Sect Master of Taiqing, maintaining the same posture as pointed out by the left hand, and the bright voice of the sky then resounded through the sky:

"My fellow daoists, what the Taiqing River represented by this saint must be very clear to you."

As soon as this voice came out, the **** orangutan glow that was originally violently splashed, gave a slight pause, and then the sound of rolling above the sky continued to be heard loudly:

"The past has become a definite number and cannot be changed, just like the fairy palace collapsed overnight, and there is nothing to stop it.

"Similarly, since ancient times, no one can reverse time and chase the past again. That is nonsense."

After the Great Sage Taiqing spoke the words that could not be recovered in the past, he began to slowly lift the fingers of his left hand from the fountain of Taiqing in front of him. At the same time, a louder and louder voice came out again:

"As for this future, it is illusory in the long river of time, and who can see it clearly, because there are so many variables."

The next breath, with the sound of this voice, the last part of the long river above the sky suddenly became more vague and ethereal, like clouds and mist around the mountains, completely unable to see the scene inside, only occasionally flashes The countless lights and shadows passing by represent countless possibilities for the future of this world.

This world of heaven and earth pays attention to variables, and even the eight directions of heaven that dominate the ups and downs of the world cannot completely control all the variables, so no one can say that he can clearly predict the future.

Even heaven can't do it!

"Dear fellow daoists, things in the past cannot be repeated, and things in the future are unpredictable. This is one of the heavens and the earth."

This particularly magnificent voice continued to sound in everyone’s ears. The Taiqing Sect Master, who was behind the desk, pulled the fingers of his left hand completely out of the eyes of Taiqingquan in front of him, and then turned his fingers into his palms. With a loud shout:

"Since neither the past nor the future can be moved, it is clear that what we can change is now!"

After the decisive sound rang out, Fengxin City's sky began to change drastically. The time turbid river that was already tumbling violently was more like being completely boiled, rumbling and boiling.

At the same time, the screams of killings like a tsunami from the mountains began to spread out from the boiling muddy river. Inside the chaotic river, countless monks charging and fighting began to appear.

The supernatural power splashed, the sharp blade dazzled the eyes, and every sharp edge of the blade lit up, there was a big head falling, and at the same time the sky and the pillar of blood made the scarlet light in the turbid river even worse.

There are many places where monks are no strangers to the flickering light and shadow in this muddy river, and then a series of exclamations make it easy for the lower part of Fengxin City to sound:

"Look at it, this should be the front line of Tangdu, where the Central Shangguo and the Holy Court monks are fighting each other."

As soon as the exclamation sounded, everyone condensed their gazes to somewhere above, their complexion slightly changed, because the original prosperous ancient city Tangdu, the entire city center, there are countless buildings collapsed and devastated, and they have become the ruins. ruins.

At the next breath, another monk stretched out his hand to a little bit above, and the voice continued:

"That place should be Tianchi volcano, the Qingzhi Kingdom Shumei clan is besieging this Yan Jueguo underground monster!"

Along with the outcry of this shout, the countless light turned again, and in that light and shadow, a soldier of the Green Branch Tree Mei clan wearing exquisite and gorgeous jungle armor, holding a large bow, swung forward like The rain-like arrows shot and killed countless Yan Jedi demons lingering in the underground demon energy.

At this time, every picture that flashed in the Taiqingzhuo River was the killing that was taking place on this continent at this time. The large number of them and the number of deaths caused by them can only be shocking. To describe.

The next breath, the void of Fengxincheng enveloped by more and more scarlet blood, the ear-splitting roar from the Great Sage of Taiqing, like thunder, continued to resound:

"Everyone, this is the land we live in at this time!

"Wait, can you see clearly?"

After the rhetoric of the voice that sounded through the sky came out, the monks who heard it suddenly caught their heart, and then the bright voice above the void continued to roll out:

"At this time, the land under our feet is experiencing all the unprecedented suffering. Perhaps these wars have not yet burned to the county where you fellow Taoists are located, but here, this sage still has to ask the previous question."

Speaking of this, the Great Sage Taiqing on the sky stopped for a while, then continued to open his mouth, and the whole sky was heard:

"Who is the owner of this vast expanse of land?"

When the question came out, Fengxincheng was completely silent, and there was no sound at all. After that, the second question came out loudly:

"Er et al. think, who is the master of this era?

The Fufeng County Void where the needle fell can be heard, whose anger kept reverberating, but still no one responded.

At the next breath, the third roar from the mouth of the Great Sage Taiqing continued to reverberate through the world:

"You might as well ask yourself, who is the one who can save this era and save the land of the Supreme Profound Realm today?"

As soon as this last questioning sound came out, Void shook directly.

Afterwards, monks from various forces opened their mouths and subconsciously let out a muffled groan, their bodies shook for a while, and the soul trembled as if a big bell had been struck.

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