The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1980: The real master of the times

"Who is the owner of this vast land?

"Who is the master of this era?

"Who is the one who can save this land of war-torn Great Profound Realm?"

These three sounds like the big bell of heaven and earth, suddenly ringing rhetorical sounds, when lingering in the sky, the countless monks in Fengxin City, no matter their status, status, and cultivation level, their minds are violently shocked, and the sea of ​​knowledge is like an infinite wave. , One wave is higher than one wave, one wave is higher than one wave!


The next breath, an uncontrollable muffled grunt, came from the monks' mouths, and then a trace of confusion appeared in the former's eyes, and the muttering sound immediately sounded:


This one was very weak at first, but as time passed, it became louder and louder, and in the end, within the sea of ​​knowledge of countless monks, he opened his mouth and let out a hoarse roar:

"who is it?"

Before the roar fell, many people already knew the answer.

But they didn't have the courage to say it, because those two words were so heavy, like a huge mountain of heaven and earth, pressing on their own heart, making people unable to answer.

As the Taiqing Great Sage above said, the Taixuan land is vast and boundless, and there are countless people. Who would dare to speak and bear the infinite weight of this land.

Because of this, despite the roaring inside, and even the whole body trembling, the whole Fengxin City is still silent and extremely quiet.

The wind no longer screamed, the magical power no longer screamed, and even the monk's breathing was so tightly suppressed that there was no sound.

And there is no doubt that the high-than-one questioning of the Sect Master Taiqing directly pulled the heartstrings of countless cultivators in Fengxin City to the limit, qi and blood surged, and souls trembled.

After the three breaths of short silence, the magnificent voice of the Great Sage Taiqing from above tore the silent silence again, and came down mightily:

"Since you dare not speak, it is up to this sage, Lai Tie Er and so on to say."

When this word fell, the Great Sage Taiqing, who straightened his body behind the desk, slapped the eyes of Taiqingquan in front of him with a slap, and at the same time continued to sound the words, spread all over the world:

"In the entire Taixuan Land, the only person who can rule and save this war-torn continent is you and me!"

As soon as the words came out, there was a violent loud noise like the opening of the heavens and the earth, and it rang out loudly from the highest point of the sky. It was a tearing sound magnified countless times:


At the same time, with the left hand photographed by the Great Sage Taiqing as the center, the infinite Taiqing Qi gushes out, transforms into a blue sea visible to the naked eye, and rushes into the Taiqing turbid river below.

The next breath, under the tumbling clear air, the muddy river with **** fog flying into the sky and scarlet light splashing all over, as if infused with extremely clear river water, began to gradually dilute and stabilize.

After that, the Dao lotus of the upper, middle, and lower three levels formed a huge heaven and earth Dao lotus, began to spin and soar, slowly appeared on the billowing Taiqingzhuo River, and suppressed it down.

"Everyone, nowadays there is great chaos in the common people, and wars are everywhere. However, the sky has eyes and can't bear the charcoal of life. Therefore, the saint holds the sword to save the world, but the saint is terrified, how can he calm the world's disputes with one person?"

The voice fell, and there was a clear air all over his body. The middle-aged man who was boiling like a flame, holding a sword in his right hand, began to slowly stand up behind the desk.

At the same time, with the upright figure standing up, the stronger Taiqing Qi directly turned into long dragons of blue energy running through the whole world. After soaring into the void, one after another rushed into the heaven and earth Dao lotus.

After that, the steady and magnificent voice of the Great Sage continued to sound in everyone's ears:

"The entire river of time containing extremely long years, the front end is the past where the dust has settled, and the last section is the illusory future. Only this turbid and tumbling middle section can change the present!"

The words of the Great Sage of Taiqing, every word is jeweled, and the words are unequivocal!

It is true that both the past and the future are elusive, only the present can change.

And with countless Taiqing Qi swaying down like a rain of rain, the tight heartstrings of the monks in Fengxin City also began to loosen slightly.

Then a heroic aura began to gush out from the deepest part of these people's hearts, their fists were clenched, and they almost screamed from the sky.

"Only by changing the present can the future be reversed. You must be clear that the people standing on this earth today are us, and the creatures that will gallop Taixuan in the future will be our descendants.

"So what reason do you and I have, such as the tortoise, do nothing?"

The roaring sound like thunder continued to be heard from the Taiqing Great Sage's mouth, and then the former raised the Taiqing sword in his hand, pointed to the side with a sharp edge, and the sound of each word came out again:

"Don't expect to pray for the mercy of others. There are too many existences coveting in the Taixuan Land today. Among them are the sleepless people in the Sea of ​​Despair, coveting the vitality that can bring them back to life.

"There are losers from the last era. They are also unwilling to experience what they have experienced before. They covet the entire world and look forward to a comeback.

"The most important thing is that under the general situation, there are lurkers from the past, who are hidden behind the scenes, controlling the forces at hand, and arranging the world."

When the three words for the lurker came out, the hearts of all the monks suddenly shuddered, and a frightening name appeared directly, and then looked at the Taiqing Sect Master above, also full of calluses on his left hand, and grasped it. On the hilt of the Taiqing sword, the voice continued:

"Although the heaven and the earth are like chess, and sentient beings are like chess pieces, how can chess pieces be reconciled to such a random arrangement?

"These people come from the past that has already been concluded, trying to manipulate the present in order to achieve the purpose of the future. This saint can only ask the last question again, why?"


The reason for this sound is no different from the thunder of the sky. The blue veins are exposed on the fists clenched by the monks, and the same evil spirit is lingering in the eyes.

"We are the main body of this era, not the old monster who has lived for countless years and lingers!

"They are bent on plundering the general trend of luck that belongs to us in this era. They are the blood-sucking moths of this era, and they are the most vicious predators.

"Well, wait, are you willing to become their vassal, watching your own time, being trampled on by such ruthlessly, giving and asking?"

After this word of heaven fell, there was finally the first monk in Fengxin City. He opened his biting lips, opened his mouth, and let out the first roar forward:

"I don't want it!"

After this reluctance to sound, there was a brief moment of silence, and then there was a roar like a tsunami, like a volcanic eruption, and it began to explode:

"I don't want it!"

The entire Fengxin City went from being extremely quiet to being shrouded by the extreme hustle and bustle, and it may only take a short moment.

After a while, under this unwilling sound that was enough to cause the mountain to collapse, the Great Sage Taiqing on the top of everyone's head used force with his left hand to directly pull out a bit of the sword of Taiqing in his hand.

The next breath, the void of the entire Fufeng County, once again dazzled the voice of the middle-aged man:

"You and I can fall behind, but we must never give in. The universe is uncertain, then we will play this game of chess with this past covet!"

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