The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1989: Ben Sheng has the final say

Deep in the heart of which cultivator, there is not a tall, tall figure with a cultivation base that can reach the sky?

Some people have become famous when they are young, they are the best among their peers, and they have amazing years. Some people stay with each other to guard a city to turn the tide and save the people from fire and water. Others walk the world with swords and carry the common people on their shoulders.

These people who have been amazing and brilliant in the long river of time will not only maintain the hot and hot temperature in the ashes of history, but also deeply imprint all those who have witnessed the souls of the creatures of this era.


The muttering voice came out of Sima Annan's mouth, and then a long river of time flowing forward emerged in the young man's dark eyes. At the same time, within the long river, a particularly young figure slowly appeared.

This figure is as tall and straight as loose, with a black shirt flying, holding a blood-colored dragon spear, and at the same time countless Feng Er rises out of thin air and begins to revolve around this figure.

Then this figure turned his head slightly, revealing his profile face. It was a rather ordinary face, but it had extremely heroic eyes and thin lips.

Thin lips mean life is hard.

But for all the younger generations in Daxia, this flashing figure like a meteor is an indelible memory in the heart.

"Master Sima, Master Sima?"

After a few breaths, Li Chunfeng's cries on the side pulled Sima Annan's thoughts back, and immediately after the latter's thoughts returned to the sea of ​​consciousness, he slowly turned his head, looked at Li Chunfeng on the side, and said:

"Master Li, what?"

"Master Sima, look at the top of the sky, this great sage is starting to move."

As soon as Li Chunfeng's old voice came out, everyone looked up, and saw that at the top of Fengxin City, Taiqing Daoyan, who had fallen into silence for a period of time, suddenly began to roll extremely violently.

Dao's eyes moved, the blue air rolled, waves of Taiqing air continued to sweep outwards, and instantly traversed thousands of miles.

At the next breath, he sat down again behind the table, the Sect Master of Taiqing, raised his head, his majestic gaze, directly like two swords of Taiqing, rushed into the void where the Buddha's light and the underground magic flame were intertwined. .


After a short while, a muffled sound came from the formations of Buddhist monks and Yan Jueguo monks. Then these monks moved forward at the same time, but under this gaze, their bodies were severely blasted and sank a lot. .

"The eighth-level Buddha, Buddhism is boundless!"

The next breath, a thunderous sound of the Buddha, came directly from the Buddha's mouth behind the little monk Jianhuai, and then all the Buddhist monks raised their hands together again, formed the Buddha seal in front of them, and displayed them forward.

After an instant, the phantom of an eighth-level Pagoda tower emerged from the depths of the void, shining in the void, enveloped all the Buddhist monks, and it was able to block the utterly clear air coming from the crashing tumbling and impact.

Although Buddhism has been excluded from the Central Plains for so many years, its supernatural powers are self-contained, and the inheritance is fairly complete, especially the eighth level of the Buddha's supernatural powers, which are extremely defensive.

The Octopus Pagoda can protect the Buddhist monks from being rushed by the clear air, but the underground monsters of Yan Jueguo on the other side don't have so many defensive supernatural powers to display.

This ugly-faced underground monster relied on its own powerful body, so after a breath, all the monsters of Yan Jueguo above the void, including the succubus king at the front, were surrounded by underground poisonous flames. Instantly skyrocketed outward.

There was even a very stern demon roar, which spread out from within this poisonous flame, but after a few short moments, this fierce demon roar directly turned into a sob with fear.

Because at this moment, the gaze from the Great Sage of Taiqing, accompanied by the boiling air of Taiqing, directly swept across the entire sky.

"Boom boom boom!"

The strongest person in the Great Sacred Realm, the place where the Taoist eyes are shrouded, is where his own rules lie, so the next breath, the deafening roar, directly resounded between the heaven and the earth.

This roar came not only from the Octopus Pagoda that barely stood up between the violent winds and huge waves, but also from the body of the underground monster that was trembling wildly and almost extinguished.

Then after this short and long intertwined moment, Sect Master Taiqing, who had been silent for a long time above the sky, finally opened his lips slightly, and his voice rolled out:

"Buddha, Yan Jueguo!"

After the names of these two forces came out from the middle-aged man with flying green hair, the aura that enveloped the entire Fengxin City suddenly became extremely deadly.

And this killing is different from any time since the beginning of the Taoist Society of the World. Within this killing, there is a real and true meaning of the great holy evil.

The world has begun to suffocate, and the murderousness has arrived!

Then, whether it was the Buddhist monks or a monster of Yan Jueguo, their complexions changed suddenly, and they all spoke together:

"The Great Sage of Taiqing, whether it is in the overall situation or in the development of events in the eastern and western regions of the Taixuan Land, the proposals of the two forces we wait for are the most appropriate.

"Moreover, our requirements are not excessive, we just need to have a foothold in this Taixuan Central Plains!"

This shout did not weaken the evil spirit that surged from the inside of the Taiqing Great Saint's body.

Then the former slowly raised the sword of Taiqing held in his right hand, and the response sounded word by word, resounding between heaven and earth:

"Even if what you said is true, but what about it?"

This rhetorical voice fell, and the ubiquitous Taiqing Qi that permeated the entire Fengxin City void began to surge and roar in the most violent posture.

Then the billowing Taiqing Qi began to surge and converge inward, and in a very short time, it directly converged into a vast sword that spanned the entire world and shook its fingers forward.

"In the Central Plains, the land of my Taixuan, although the mountains and rivers are different, but the wind and the moon are in the same sky, how can these foreign forces such as You be able to encroach and covet.

"This sage once said that only our Central Plains monks themselves dominate this era. Buddhism left the Central Plains before the fairy palace era. It does not belong to this era. Therefore, no matter how cleverly the Buddhist monks grow lotus, they Here, I can't make it through!"

The three words categorically unfettered, resounded through the sky, and then the Buddhist monks who were enveloped by the eighth-level buddha tower completely changed their faces, and then the little monk Jianhuai directly raised his head and shouted straight forward:

"Tai Qing Sheng, Buddhism has never given up returning to the homeland, so it is not like you, simply negating our countless years of hard work and inheritance!"

Jian Huai's mouth of the Buddha sounded outwards, with compassion that could affect people's minds, but it was clear that this still had no effect on the Taiqing Sect Master above.

At the next breath, the middle-aged man behind the desk raised his hand a little forward, and the sword of Taiqing that straddled the entire sky trembled suddenly.

Almost at the same time, the eighth-level Pagoda Pagoda before the monks shattered every inch, like broken glass, crackling and falling forward.

Then, the ears of the monks in Fengxin City, the overbearing voice, rolled out:

"Little monk, it doesn't count if you say it, Ben Sheng said that Er wait does not belong to this era, Er wait does not belong to this era!

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