The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1990: The most violent rejection

The eight-level Buddha Pagoda, one of the four top inherited magical powers of Buddhism, can be called the strongest defensive magical powers of Buddhism.

The inheritance of Buddhism can be described as both offensive and defensive, and the eighth-level Pagoda supernatural powers that are simultaneously blasted out by a large number of high-rank monastery monks have given the Western Region monks headed by the little monk Jianhuai a lot of confidence.

Cultivation practice, especially Buddhism, has the power of faith that is more exquisite than other sects, so there are not many things that can make these Buddhist monks who are not low in Buddhism and hard-minded, their hearts tremble.

However, when the sword aura of Taiqing across the entire void, accompanied by the words of Taiqing Great Sage's evil aura, scouring the entire sky.

The Buddha's light in front of him was condensed and the infinitely defensive Octopus Pagoda Pagoda cracked in front of him without resistance, and the Buddhist monks including Jianhuai flew back almost at the same time.

They have to retire!

Because that incomparable sword of Taiqing began to tremble slightly, and at the same time, the void in front of him was torn apart like a fragile white paper.

After an instant, a cyan phantom took a step behind the torn void, like a **** descending to the earth.

Amazingly, it was one of the three major distractions condensed from the Taiqing Great Sanctuary.

Subsequently, the endless power of Taiqing poured out within this distraction, and even the Taiqing tsunami that was set off was several points more violent than the previous North Sea hurricane.

It is worth mentioning that this great sage distraction does not have an exact face, but it also has blue hair flying all over the sky.

Within each of the flying blue silks, there are condensed the rules of heaven and earth created by the Great Sage Taiqing, and even after dancing, there are clear and visible spatial cracks in the void.

After an instant, this Taiqing Distracted God once again dissipated in the same place, and when it appeared again, it had already come to the front of the Buddhist monk Jianhuai, and it slammed a fist lightly.

With a punch, Taiqing moved wildly, and the void trembled!

Then the world under this fist seemed to be completely erased, and then it was reorganized again according to Taiqing Great Sage's own rules.

"The Great Sage of Taiqing, we were invited to participate in the World Daohui, but you are going to kill you?"

A scream came from the mouth of the little monk Jianhuai, and then the former no longer hesitated, and directly took out half of his phalanx from his arms, and held it forward respectfully.

At the same time, a calm and magnificent Buddha's name resounded through the void, and then the substantive golden Buddha light instantly gushed out from the inside of the phalanx, and within this Buddha light, a baby-like soft and white bergamot stretched out.

In the next instant, this bergamot pinched a mark together with his fingers and pushed forward.


After the word "Fearless" came out suddenly, the Buddhism Fearless Seal came out, and for an instant it was convenient for three fearless barriers under the empty horizontal fence in front of him.

At the same time as the Fearless Seal was displayed, a huge Buddhist hand emerged from the void under the feet of the Buddhist monks, lifting the Buddhist monks flying backward from the sky, and then retracted to the depths of the void.

After a while, there were three deafening roars of the void, tumbling down from the top of the dome:

"Boom boom boom!"

Every time this loud bang sounded, it foretells the distraction of the Great Sage Taiqing, and directly smashed the fearless seal barrier in front of him with a punch.

Taiqing's heavy fist collided with Wuwei Yin, and the sound was so violent that many monks could only lift their vitality to seal their ears, but they still shook their souls and snorted.

Then a monk in Fengxin City, with the strength fluctuations of his head pressed down like a mountain, bit his scalp and raised his head, just to see the hand of the Buddhism, curling up the figure of the Buddhist monks, and retracting into the void crack. Within, immediately murmured:

"It's such a vast Buddha's hands, who can take these monks and retreat from the hands of the Great Sage Taiqing. When did the Buddhists show such a great power?"

This way came out with an incredible sound of inquiry, and some people with extraordinary knowledge shook their heads and said directly:

"If this Buddhism had hidden the strongest of the Great Sacred Realm at this time, the fighting in the Xiongguan Pass of the Western Regions would be countless times more tragic.

"Therefore, even if there is such a powerful person in this Buddhism, it is definitely in a state where it is difficult to be born. According to historical records, there are only a few true Buddhas that have been cultivated by Buddhism over the years.

"And if you just saw it, the little monk held up a piece of phalanx before. If this monk didn't guess wrong, it should be a piece of true Buddha relic."

As soon as the words "True Buddha Relic" came out, the sect monks around who knew something about Buddhism all showed a strong expression of astonishment and blurted out:

"Since the age of the Immortal Palace, the land of the Western Regions has been circulating the legend that the Ksitigarbha Khiti concealed Buddhist treasures. Could it be that this real Buddha's relic was found by this Buddhist niche?

"If Buddhism really got the former Buddhism treasure, then the conflict in the Western Regions would be tantamount to adding fuel to the fire!"

After the exclamation fell, there were other sect monks, frowning, and directly said:

"We don't know if Buddhism has obtained this so-called true Buddha relic, but the Yan Jueguo underground monster on the other side will soon be unable to withstand it!"

As soon as this word came out, everyone turned their gazes together and turned to the other side of the void, and then there was a little delight in their eyes directly.

The Great Sage of Taiqing, as one of the best in the entire Taixuan land, when he raised his hand, he did not just attack the Buddhism alone, but directly used the Taiqing sword energy to oscillate the entire void.

The Qi of Taiqing swept both Buddhism and Yan Jueguo forces at the same time. Buddhism was able to retreat because of the half of the Buddha bone relics, but the group of Yan Jueguo that only relied on the underground monsters of the body did not have such good luck.

At the same time that the Great Sage Distracting Taiqing slammed into the eighth-level Buddha Tower, the distraction of another Great Sage Taiqing appeared in front of the monsters in Yan Jueguo's underground at the same time.

The same fist, the same fist forward, but the result is completely different.

Under this simple punch, the Succubus King who was the first to take the brunt, only had time to withdraw one step backward, and looked down at him inconceivably.

Because under this understatement, the body under the chest of this succubus suddenly began to squander like sand, turning into countless dust and flying away.

"No, this devil doesn't believe it!"

An infinite fear, together with an incredible murmur, sounded in the mouth of the Succubus King.

As soon as this sound fell, including all the Yan Jueguo underground monsters behind him, they all began to roar with extreme horror, because their lava-covered bodies also began to turn into fly ash.

Over the entire Fengxin City, a picture that silenced all the monks Yaque appeared.

With the punch of Taiqing Distracting God, the entire half of the sky was beaten into the chaotic state when the world first opened.

At the same time, this punch was clearly telling everyone that the Taiqing Great Sage chose to reject the conditions set by Buddhism and Yan Jueguo.

Reject in the most violent way!

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