The land of Taixuan is extremely vast. In the so-called Central Plains, there are a total of 108 counties on which countless races and creatures live.

However, the definition of the land of the Central Plains is often still a bit vague. There are different opinions whether it is the swamp in the south or the vast North Sea.

On the other hand, for the northern boundary of the Taixuan Land, the hearts of this sect monk are also extremely complicated.

The Northern Territory was once the Central Plains of the Great Profound Land, the most proud jewel, but it was destroyed in the Great War tens of thousands of years ago, and it became a place where countless people talked about it and castigated it.

But just as the longest night will usher in the dawn, the Northland, which has been barren for countless years, has finally ushered in its own rebirth.

And this rebirth is so abrupt, even if the news of Daxia's birth has been circulating in the Taixuan Land for several years, but there are still many sect forces, which feel a little trance and inconceivable.

When Qiu Hengji, the supplicant, used several types of forbidden supernatural powers to destroy the world and completely wiped out most of the high-ranking monks in the Kingdom of Xuemei, no one questioned the power of Daxia.

And because of this, the sect monks raised their hearts one after another.

Because they have a hunch, once the Great Sage Taiqing and Daxia face each other, the impact will be much greater than the previous Buddhism and Yan Jueguo jumped out!

Above Fengxin City, with the gaze that drew the surging Qi of Taiqing, and the force of the colorful enveloping outside Daxiabao's ship, the Qi mechanism above the entire sky became more severe than ever.

Even the ears of all the monks sounded like a very clear bowstring pulling sound, this situation completely confirmed a word.


Then a sect monk with a solemn expression swallowed his saliva and asked subconsciously:

"For the existence of Daxia in the North, what does this Great Sage Taiqing think?"

In fact, for the Northern Territory, and Da Xia who suddenly appeared in the sky, these sect monks in the Central Plains of the Supreme Profound Land are surprisingly not too xenophobic.

"The way of heaven is very important. The northern border has been barren for so many years, and it is time to return to its former glory.

"This extremely mysterious Daxia, although it emerged directly from that unknown place, but the Daiyu Immortal Mountain where Daxia is located was once one of the most glorious areas in the Central Plains of Taixuan."

After this rather pertinent voice fell, the sect monks around who heard the words nodded and agreed:

"So the key now is how this Taiqing Great Sage should choose. If the latter refuses to recognize Daxia's position in the North Sea, then in the end, are we really going to send troops to the North?

"To be honest, this place in Beihai is too evil. This suzerain doesn't want to participate in this second Beihai battle. You must know that in the sea, but there are many dead cultivators buried."

This voice came out with a little bit of fear, and the eyes of all the cultivators once again condensed to the place where the Taiqing Sect Master was located above.

The next breath, the middle-aged man behind the desk, after a few breaths, under the shrouded eyes of various thoughts, he finally spoke slowly, his voice spread all over the world:

"The Northern Territory was barren for tens of thousands of years. Under the mighty power of Great Xia, he was finally reborn. This is the blessing of Tai Xuan!

As soon as this statement came out, the solemn expressions of the various monks relaxed for the most part, because the words of the Great Sage Taiqing undoubtedly set a rather peaceful tone.

Sure enough, the majestic voice that belonged to the middle-aged man continued to roll out:

"Heaven and earth are in a great calamity, and it is about every creature on the Taixuan Earth, and the Northern Realm has been a member of the Taixuan Central Plains from ancient times to the present.

"Therefore, Your Majesty the Lord of the Northern Territory, my Taiqing is here, and I invite your country to sit in the Tianyun Temple and jointly promote the law of co-ruling the world, please!"

As soon as this word of invitation came out, a thick color of horror appeared again on the face of a sect cultivator below.

In fact, it's no wonder that these sect leaders felt incredible, it was really because the words of the Taiqing sect leader at this time were completely in a dialogue with Daxia in an equal manner.

"This Daxia's strength may be stronger than we imagined by a few points, and even the Taiqing Sage must be so kind to invite."

After the murmur was heard from the monk, several other monks frowned and continued to speak:

"If you talk about the mystery of the power of the Great Profound Land, this Daxia can be in the forefront, but one thing is certain, it is this Daxia, but the kingdom of the human race."

The word human race came out from the monk's mouth, especially solemn, and then the voice of the former continued to ring in the ears of the people around:

"You should all know that for tens of thousands of years, the holy court has been chasing and killing the entire human race all over the world. This is also a cause and effect full of corpse mountains and blood!"

The term causality is the most mysterious, and all the heads of the sect know in their hearts that once they truly implement the principle of co-ruling the world, it is equivalent to dispersing the cause and effect of every power in the world to the head of every power. on.

"Friends, it's too early to talk about the cause and effect of this human race, let's take a look at this Daxia first, what's the reaction?"

After the words fell, many monks from the sect were straightforward, and then their gazes and spiritual knowledge turned to the colorful treasure ship exuding colorful colors in Tianyun Mountain.

In the next breath, a figure appeared in the eyes of these monks.

A dark golden emperor robe dancing, wearing a crown of heaven, and an overly young emperor!

This emperor stood at the end of the deck of the treasure ship in such a simple way. The brilliant light that erupted after the Taiqing Qi and the colorful glow of the sun were opposed to him, blooming in front of him, the figure of a powerful monk, guarding he.

This emperor had black eyes like ebony, and then all the sect monks felt Zhao Yu's gaze, and then they trembled.

Because in front of them, there is a great emperor who owns mountains, rivers and seas. He has mountains and seas, shadows of mountains and thousands of miles of waves.

Even in this gaze, all monks felt the day and night, as well as the countless stars gleaming in the night. In the end, these stars fell and turned directly into endless lights.

Every ray of lights that light up represents a citizen of Daxia, vast and vast, stretching into a piece, even if all the thoughts are exhausted, there is no end in sight.

This was just a look belonging to the young emperor, but it made all the heads of the sect consciously eclipse.

After an instant, a voice from above the deck, the young Lord Daxia in the north, slowly sounded, but in an instant it ignited lightning, and the sound shook the sky:

"I, refuse!"

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