Quiet, deadly silence!

When Zhao Yu's voice reverberated in the sky, even the clear air that was permeating the sky and boiling outwards, it was so shocked that it fell into a stagnation for a few breaths.

After that, Fengxin City, where countless monks were located, fell completely into an unprecedented silence.

"I, refuse!"

The emperor's voice that came from the mouth of the young emperor was plain and flat, and did not even carry too strong colors, but it sounded clearly in the ears of all the sect monks.

At the same time, under this emperor's voice, time seemed to have stagnated, and in the sea of ​​knowledge of those sect monks, countless ups and downs of thoughts all fell into a state of downtime at this instant.

After a few breaths, time continued to flow forward, and then countless roars like the roar of the mountains and the tsunami made it easy for all the monks to blurt out at the same time:

"What! Rejected, the Lord of Great Xia, turned it down!"

"Ben Xiu heard it right, the words from the colorful treasure ship above turned out to be rejection?"

After these roads soared up into the sky with an incredible sound, they were as violent as a flash flood, and rumbling back and forth in the sky above the sky, particularly loud.

In the next breath, the eyes of countless monks once again passed through the big summer treasure ship surrounded by colorful aura, trying to see clearly the facial expression of the emperor shadow standing on the deck of the treasure ship with holding hands.

However, what shocked these monks was that no matter how these monks mobilized their spiritual knowledge, they still couldn't see the specific appearance of Zhao Yu's face, and some were just the Huanghuang Emperor's prestige straight into the soul.

Between the heavens and the earth, the Taiqing Qi and the vast imperial Qi are both rare and supreme auras. Therefore, after a few short breaths, the sky above Fengxin City was torn apart due to the explosion of the two Qis. There were dazzling thunders that were visible to the naked eye.


The thunder shattered the sky, as if the dazzling lightning was completely ignited.

At the same time, the upper body of Taiqing Dashengduan sitting behind the table, leaned forward slightly, and with this simple movement, the Taiqing Qi occupies the entire sky at the top, and moves forward like a waterfall. Slowly press forward.

The blue cloud pressed against the top, Dao's eyes trembled, and the world of Fengxin City seemed to be completely upside down at this moment, and then the voice of the Great Sage Taiqing resounded between the world:

"Lord of the Northern Territory, this saint can ask a question here, why?"

After this majestic and majestic voice came out, the vast and fierce Taiqing Qi above the void eased a lot, and then Zhao Yu, who was under the gaze of countless monks, slowly raised his head.

After an instant, Zhao Yu's dark eyes, which looked like stars, looked at each other with the gaze of Taiqing Great Sage from above.

And this moment of looking at each other is a real look at Wannian!

At this moment, in the entire crowded Fengxin City, countless monks seemed to have completely dissipated, and there were only two magnificent wills that were facing each other.

After a breath, Zhao Yu, who was dancing violently in the black and golden robe, watched the eyes above unchanged, and a steady and young response came out:

"It's very simple. My Daxia has set a national policy since the establishment of the country by His Majesty Taizu. No matter who is in power for future generations, no one can enter into this affiliation alliance with others."

Zhao Yu's emperor's voice is still not light or heavy, but it contains unimaginable power, as if it is enveloping the entire vast Beihai, pressing on the hearts of all sect cultivators.

After Di Yin fell, Zhao Yu, who was tall and straight, raised his right hand and waved in front of him. For a time, the endless mighty silver light was waved forward from Zhao Yu's hand, like a huge star galaxy, directly hanging on it. The entire sky is gone.

The emperor is like the vast sea, waved to call Xinghe!

After pushing back the treasure ship behind for a long time, Zhao Yu's complexion remained unchanged, his lips lightly opened, and the emperor's voice continued to resound between heaven and earth:

"National policy does not allow, even if it is I, I will not violate the edict of the great ancestor, sit on the sapphire case table in the Tianyun Palace, and participate in this alliance of common rule of the world."

When the emperor's voice fell, Zhao Yu paused for a moment, his voice continued to be heard:

"For the second point, my Daxia now occupies the Northern Territory, between the Northern Territory and the Central Plains, but the entire Yuanchuan is separated. You should be aware of the mystery of the Yuanchuan. Therefore, Daxia is also powerless to join this Tianxia Pavilion.

"Then my great summer has no desire to expand south, and I am willing to live in peace with the various schools of the Central Plains. Now that the war is full, if the Central Plains regain stability, it will be a great virtue and blessing."

After Emperor Huanghuang's tone came out, the Sect Master Taiqing in the Tianyun Palace did not speak, but these monks standing on top of the Dao lotus of various ranks exploded the pot together, opening their mouths and blurted out:

"Unreasonable, unreasonable, my Central Plains is still discussing the orthodox position of Daxia in the North, but I didn't expect it to be the first to draw a clear line with our Central Plains?

"This is simply a naked face slap, everyone, the old man now has a burning pain on his face."

This voice came out with a resentful voice, and the other monks nodded and opened their mouths to agree:

"This young Lord of the North is so arrogant and so arrogant that he can sit back and relax in the North?

"And you must know that because of the previous Beihai Secret Realm, many important monks died in each sect. This has led to many sects that are deeply hostile to the North Realm even for the overall consideration."

When these words fell, some monk thought of something, turned his head and looked around for a week, and shouted loudly:

"Didn't this sect master heard that the sects of the counties in the Taixuan Land formed a so-called Faxia Alliance, where are the monks of this Faxia Alliance now?"

After this loud inquiry came out, it directly caused the originally aggrieved monks to shut their mouths, and the monks who had joined the Faxia Alliance before immediately silenced and waved their hands again and again.

As the so-called complaint is the complaint, the conflict and opposition between the two giants above is not something that these forces can get involved.

When the praying man's arm is a car, it is often broken!

At the same time, as Zhao Yu raised his hand to wave a pure and vast imperial energy, the sky of Fengxin City was directly divided into two opposing parts of cyan and silver.

Cyan light and Yinmang each took half, and then Sima Annan, standing behind Zhao Yu on the Daxia treasure ship, with a confident smile on his face, stepped forward and said loudly:

"Daxia in the North does not conclude an alliance. This point, Qinglian Jianzong should not be unfamiliar with it. Since the founding of the country, Daxia has been a peaceful country and has adhered to one principle."

After speaking, Sima Annan's eyes narrowed, and his voice resounded from all directions:

"People don't offend me, I don't offend people, if people offend our country, our country will kill!

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