One shot, one grip.

Above the silent sky, the dazzling hand that stretched out from the burning lamp of Tai Xuan, with only two simple actions, used the sharp and sharp supernatural powers that Central Shangguo is most proud of. Completely pinch out.

You know this golden dragon spear, but not long ago, it ripped open the nine heavenly faults without fancy, and even smashed the great outer heaven barrier that once symbolized the difference between the immortal and the common world.

But it was this sharp, majestic shot that was now like shattered fireflies, covering the entire quiet and dark sky.

At the same time, the big hand that understates the sky after doing all this without stopping, raising his hand and gently sweeping it outward.

At the next breath, the entire sky outside the sky began to roll violently again. At the same time, the countless floating barriers rising above the Tangdu Void were completely enveloped by a corresponding light extending from the void. .

These entrained lights are vast and mighty, just like bunches of blooming flower stamens, shining the entire dark sky, and the place where this entrained light shines is not elsewhere. It is the Tangdu that stands in the void for countless years. The ancient ladder to the sky.

"This, this is the light that leads to the sky. Since the time of the Shangguo Immortal Palace, special envoys have been responsible for drawing people from the ground to heaven. Why can this holy court be driven?"

With a voice of astonishment, it was posted on the head of the dragon where all the major repairs of the Central Kingdom were located, and then the golden dragon that took the lead in carrying countless monks and rose to the sky from the ground, another solemn voice continued to be heard. :

"The ability to control the ladder to connect to the ground and the outer sky shows that the holy court's control of this fairy palace is beyond everyone's imagination."

When the voice fell, the person paused, watching the burly old monarch standing proudly above the dragon's head in front of him, and his voice continued to sound:

"In other words, the Lord has been sitting on the High Heaven Palace for tens of thousands of years, and he has been a little bit of silk in the entire Xianting Palace!"

As soon as this remark came out, the complexion of the surrounding central Shangguo Longting overhaul became extremely ugly.

Because these Shangguo monks who were cultivating in Tangdu, the core place, naturally knew very clearly that this fairy court palace was undoubtedly the hub of the entire sky.

And one of the reasons that the ancient fairy palace can rule the entire Taixuan Land for so many years is the existence of this heaven outside the sky!

At the next breath, the voices from the old monarch sounded in the ears of all the shocked Dragon Court monks:

"Everyone, regardless of whether this saint controls the Xianting Palace or the entire sky, one thing is certain."

After the words were finished, the old monarch's right hand covered with golden dragon scales clenched his fist tightly, and the words of the emperor came out:

"That means you and I have no retreat. There is no choice but to rush towards the High Heaven Hall, pull the Holy Lord down from the Throne and into the Hell!"

The sound of the emperor fell, and the huge golden dragon under the old monarch took the lead along the gap opened by the Panlong array and directly rushed into the high heaven.

And at this moment, the voice of the entire sky outside the sky truly passed into the ears of all the impacted monks.

It was a faint whistling, and it was also a kind of humiliation in the dark, and this vague voice became louder and louder, overturning like a sea.

This violent loud noise is the dissatisfaction anger from this heaven!

Because this is the land of immortals, is it a place where these mortals can set foot?

And the old monarch of the Central Government, with an army of mortals, set foot on the sky without authorization. This is the first time that this place has encountered such a situation!

"Since ancient times, there is a difference between Xianfan, Yin Zun, you and the blasphemers you brought up, no one can go back alive."

After an instant, within the burning lamp of Tai Xuan, the voice from the holy lord suddenly came from near and far away.

Then the old monarch, who was constantly rushing out of the Panlong formation with the army of golden dragons, gave a burst of laughter to the sky, an undiminished response sound, and loudly sounded:

"The world regards you as a holy deity. From my point of view, it is a joke. In the age of the fairy palace, how dare you claim to be orthodox when you were just a little fairy?

"I have the blood of the Immortal Emperor in my body. How can you allow you to occupy this Tianwaitian and Xianting Sacred Palace? This Tianwaitian, even if we exhaust all the soldiers from the Central Kingdom, must return to the orthodox hands! "

The billowing old Di Yin had a resoluteness that couldn't be rejected, but the blue lantern burning outside the Nanxian Gate did not fluctuate. It just pulled the big hand that covered the sky that stretched out of the lantern and began to retract upwards. .

It is worth mentioning that since this blue light appeared outside the Xianting Saint Palace, it heralded that the Holy Venerable once again walked out of the High Heaven Palace. From beginning to end, the former did not attack the Saint Court monks below. There is any command and transfer.

This kind of indifference is just like these monks who belong to the holy court do not exist, and even if the Panlong formation explodes outwards and destroys floating barriers one after another, there is no existence in the blue lantern. Said.

That is a true indifference to mortals.

Because he is the Lord.

Because he, who has been sitting in the High Heaven Hall for tens of thousands of years, has wiped out the last trace of his humanity!

Therefore, these monks who belong to the holy court have never been the priority of the Lord, because like him, the supreme being who puts himself above all living beings, from the beginning to the end, only believes in himself.

The next breath, in the Taixuan burning lamp outside Nanxianmen, the hand that retracted to cover the sky, stretched forward again, and then the ring finger of this hand was bent downward, and then lightly with the thumb Gently buckle, showing a twisted flower shape.

At the same time, in this outer sky where the calm for countless years has been completely broken, the undulating and humming sounds in the depths of the void are even worse.

After that, the orange-red light emitted outward after the blue lamp burned directly soared, as if it had turned everything in the body into a purgatory furnace.

After an instant, there was nothing in front of the bright hand that held the flowers, and with a bang, a cyan flame began to burn again.

This flame that suddenly appeared was completely different from the Taixuan burning lamp floating outside Nanxianmen.

It is more tyrannical and violent, just like a volcano of destruction that is completely uncontrollable and almost erupting!

At the same time, the hand of the holy lord who was holding up the flower still compressed it the most crazily, as if it had compressed the destructive power capable of destroying the world into a small point.

"After the sound of the court, there is no one in the central government. They are all clowns. This is what the deity said!"

In the next instant, within the Tai Xuan burning lamp, the Huang Huang voice rolled out again, resounding throughout the sky.

After finishing the words, this dazzling hand flicked outwards, and the green fire before the hand was immediately ejected, and the direction was surprisingly where the old monarch of the Central Shangguo was.

At the same time, within the sky outside the sky, wisps of ethereal aura began to emerge, and then, like a whale swallowing the sea, it was completely absorbed by the green flame.

"Well, is this a supernatural power of luck?"

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