The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2009: The scale of luck

"Holy Lord, it's the holy Lord who made the shot!"

Along with the outside of the Xianting Saint Palace, the dazzling hand flicked forward, and the faint flame pierced the void of the sky, making countless monks who had seen all this look up at the sky and muttered.

These monks who opened their mouths were not only the people who rushed forward and fought **** battles in the Tang Capital of the Central Shangguo, but also the holy court monks who were led by the ladder to regain the heavens.

For so many years, the number one person in the world who sits on the High Hall of the Immortal Palace and overlooks sentient beings has never done so grandiosely in front of people.

At the same time, everyone actually wants to know how strong this holy one is?

Then, under the lock of countless lights, the green-red flame dissipated in an instant, and after it appeared again, it directly crossed the innumerable voids of the sky and appeared outside the whole body of the Panlong golden pillar.

Although the flame is small, it is a fire that exterminates the world, and what it is burning is the power of frightening luck.

Everyone knows how rare the power of air transport is. For almost all monks, every strand is the most precious treasure in the world and needs to be cherished.

However, the saint who shot at this time, facing the Central Shangguo army that is constantly rushing to the outer sky, starting with a type of unheard of luck in the world.

"Qiyun supernatural power, is this the legendary Qiyun supernatural power?"

A strange scream came from the old monk of Long Ting who was on the head of the golden dragon dragon.

After that, all the people who heard the words changed their expressions frantically, bowed their heads and stared down at the Panlong Golden Pillar, as well as within the large formation, countless people and soldiers rising by dragons, toward the people and soldiers who rushed from the sky, the people in their eyes. The color of fear emerged.

They are all important major repairs in the Central Upper Kingdom. There are old court masters in the Dragon Court and hidden veterans of various factions in the Upper Kingdom. It can be said that they directly include the top monk group in the Central Upper Kingdom.

And it is precisely because of such a high state that such a frightened color appeared in the eyes of these people at this time.

There is a great mystery between heaven and earth, and countless laws are intertwined, and only under mutual construction and action can they support the circulation of all things.

Whether it is the breeze, the flowing water, the sunrise and sunset, the clouds and the clouds, or the growth of all things, they are inseparable from the action of countless laws. Nowadays, practitioners are exploring the most essential mysteries of the world.

First, feel the vitality of the weather, use this as the foundation to improve the realm, and then touch the law, control the law, step on the bridge of heaven and earth above the nine heavens, and become an earthly immortal that everyone admires.

This step-by-step direction has condensed the crystallization of countless years of cultivating monks in the entire Taixuan Land, but the more you go up, the fewer people can practice to this stage in each age, and there has never been more than one road towards detachment in the end. .

But at the end of this last, there is always one thing that cannot be escaped, and that is luck.

The word "Qiyun" is illusory. It is a double-edged sword, even difficult to control, but this does not hinder the pursuit of top-level overhauls between heaven and earth.

They are afraid of luck, but they flock to it!

But once there is an existence that can turn Qi Yun into a sharp blade and turn Qi Yun into a supernatural power, it is undoubtedly possessing the power to destroy the world.

"The supernatural power of air luck is rare in ancient times. It must have the infinite power to upset the world. To stop this fire, we must stop this fire!"

There were bursts of roar from the monk of the Central Shangguo on the head of the dragon, and then the old man of the Longting Court, a thick color of determination flashed in the muddy eyes, and after a forward cough, the old voice Outgoing:

"Everyone, the old man is really too old. It is time to devote the last light and heat to the country. This type of luck is supernatural, I don't know if it can be blocked, but I can only fight to the death!"

After the voice fell, the old man continued to cough and raised his foot to take a step forward, but he was stopped by a hand raised. Then the former raised his head, looking at the back of the burly old monarch ahead, and asked:

"Your Majesty, you?"

"This qi luck supernatural power is different from any supernatural power you understand. The key to this is the word qi luck. You don't have enough qi luck to stop it."

After the faint explanation came from the old monarch, the golden emperor robe flew, and the breath of the whole body was already mobilized to the limit. The old man spread his arms outwards, and the dragon scales suddenly lit up, and the whole body outwards. It swelled rapidly, and at the same time, there was a loud roar, and it suddenly came out:

"As the saying goes, the only thing that can fight against the law is the law, and similarly, the only thing that can block the supernatural powers of Qi Luck is only Qi Luck!"

After finishing the words, the old monarch directly transformed into a dragon and rose into the sky, and suddenly a huge and extremely pure golden dragon appeared in the whole sky.

This dragon is huge, comparable to the largest and most majestic mountain in the world. Although the dragon head is slightly old, the dragon is still mighty, shaking the world.

Then this golden dragon began to stretch out its huge body, and the horizontal fence directly formed a mighty dragon scale barrier with its flesh and blood in front of the countless sky-slashing monks in the central kingdom.

At the same time, the flame of Qi Luck that was ejected by the holy sovereign's finger hit the void barrier formed by the emperor golden dragon without any fancy, and then burst outward with a bang.

A moment later, the infinite force of luck swept out from inside the flame of the blue lantern, and then the outer sky was like daylight, destroying the blue flame and devouring everything.

The blue flames generated after the air transport burned, spread to the four directions, burned and spread outside on the dragon's body. This situation was like a mountain of flames, and it was extremely terrifying.

But this is far from over. In the next instant, within this spreading and rolling Qi Yun burning cloud, an extremely magnificent shadow slowly emerged.

And as this Qi Luck Qingyan continued to erupt like a volcano, the specific appearance of the shadow within the tumbling Qi Luck flames began to show up in front of everyone.

But what is strange is that the phantom that appeared in the outer sky at this time was not the phantom of some kind of creature, but a huge and incomparable object.

The main body of this object is a straight bar with a hammer and a hook below each, and this object is familiar to all monks.

The next breath, a particularly shocking voice, came from the monks who watched upward:

"This is a steelyard?"

The voice fell, and the appearance of this scale was completely condensed.

I saw the steelyard, the whole body showed a cyan-gold luster like a metallic luster, which was extremely large, and at the same time an extremely mysterious aura permeated the scale.

But this was not over yet, and then not far from the steelyard, another huge shadow appeared, and it was another scale that was exactly the same.

"Why are there two identical giant scales in the void of this sky?"

The same doubts appeared in every monk's mind. At the same time, an ancient voice suddenly sounded in the infinite void of the entire sky, flooding all directions:

"Who calls the scale of luck?"

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