"Sima Annan, how long did it take to go from Fufeng County, the core of Taixuan, to today's Tianwaitian?"

On the Daxia Treasure Ship exuding colorful hazy light, a steady voice from Zhao Yuyoung suddenly sounded, and this unimportant emperor's voice broke the tranquility of a period of time before.

It is worth mentioning that at this time, Zhao Yu still held the exceptionally small wooden sword in his right hand. At the same time, the silver streamer like a golden syrup flowed faintly on the wooden sword, exuding an extremely mysterious aura.

At this time, the location of the Daxia Treasure Ship was also extremely dreamy. When Taiqingdao eyes were opened from above, one could clearly see behind this one, a piece of void outside the sky shrouded by orange-red lights.

In other words, at this time, the entire Dao Eye under Fengxin City was no longer Fufeng County, but was moved abruptly over countless distances and spaces, and came to this heaven outside the sky!

"His Majesty, it took about a thousand breaths from Fufeng County to Tianwaitian."

As soon as the young emperor's question fell, the response from Sima Annan on the other side sounded immediately, but at this time, the tone of the young Daxia Zhongli was obviously solemn.

Because the current situation is somewhat beyond Sima Annan’s expectations, especially this Supreme Supreme Being, on the one hand, on the one hand, he has just united countless forces from all over the land of Supreme Profound Land to form a world-wide co-governance alliance. Qing Yijian moved the entire Fengxin City directly to Tianwaitian.

Such an abnormal behavior is obviously not in line with the original intention of the Taiqing Sect's Sect Master to hold this World Taoist Association.

In the next breath, while Sima Annan was still thinking, the voice from Zhao Yu continued to ring in the entire Daxia Baochuan:

"Li Chunfeng, you are studying the way of this space. In your opinion, from the center of Fufeng County, the entire large city with such a huge area is directly moved to this heaven and earth. Does this matter conform to the rules of heaven and earth?"

When Di Yin fell, Li Chunfeng, who was also dignified, slowly raised his head and stroked the white beard on his chest. After a few breaths of thought, Yibian responded:

"Your Majesty, in the opinion of the old minister, this is naturally not in line with the law of heaven and earth."

After speaking, Li Chunfeng raised his head and looked at the sky, staring at the Immortal Palace that became more and more clear above, and his words came out again:

"Although the realm of the old minister is limited, and I don't know how vast the strength of this great saint realm powerhouse is, but since the first contact with space, I have deeply understood that this way is one of the most rigorous laws in the entire world. one.

"Space must be divided into different levels. At the same time, the distance between Tianwaitian and Fufeng County cannot even be measured by a specific length, because these two are fundamentally at different spatial levels, let alone with such a large city. "

Li Chunfeng's words were neither humble nor overbearing, and the old voice was also extremely stable, but the words passed into the ears of the surrounding Daxia officials, but thick thoughts appeared on everyone's faces.

Then Sima Annan, whose arms dropped naturally, stretched his frowning brows slightly, and responded:

"Master Li, according to your meaning, can it be understood that the situation we are in at this time must be tricky?"

"It's not just the so-called tricky, it may be a shocking layout."

Speaking of this, Li Chunfeng turned his head and glanced lightly at Zhao Yu not far away. Seeing that the latter had not spoken, he coughed and continued to speak:

"The key to the way of space lies in two points. The first is the energy required to tear open the void bubbles. The second point is actually the position, which is the so-called coordinates that your Majesty once said."

After the voice fell, Li Chunfeng stretched out his right hand and tapped lightly at the two positions in the void in front of him. The extremely easy-to-understand words immediately followed:

"Presumably, you should have no objection to the first point, but let's just believe that this great sage of Taiqing can use his own strength, and I can hardly imagine the cultivation level, the entire space of the entire Fufeng County Inner Fengxin City, Cut out from within the land of Taixuan.

"It can even drag this space and shuttle through countless sturdy extraterritorial barriers, but there is one thing that the old man is absolutely unbelievable."

Speaking of this, Li Chunfeng paused, and finally raised a lot of voices, which rang directly in the ears of all Daxia officials:

"Between the whole world and the earth, how complicated is the spatial location, even if we want to complete this distanceless transmission method in Daxia, we need the ancient stone statue tower as the base.

"Therefore, the old man does not believe that this Great Sage of the Qing Dynasty can directly lock the location of this Xianting Sacred Palace in the endless void through so many space barriers. You must know that this is the heaven that the ancient Xianting spent countless years to create.

"If it is this heaven and earth, it is so easy to be locked in position, the holy court will not have to spend tens of thousands of years to find this so-called method of teleportation!"

As soon as this extremely determined speech came out, the color of thinking on the faces of the taboos became stronger, and then these Great Summer monks of the Radiant Night Dire seemed to have thought of something, and a deep look of astonishment appeared on their faces. .

At the next breath, Sima Annan raised his hand to respect Zhao Yu, who was standing in front of him with a sword, and then a respectful voice came out:

"It turns out that Your Majesty has seen through this layout long ago, and the Weichen admires it extremely. Before, his Majesty said that the sword pierced by the Taiqing Great Sage was not an offensive and killing sword, but a defensive sword. The Weichen should have thought of the reason for this. "

Sima Annan's words fell, holding a sword in his right hand, raising his left hand, and holding down Zhao Yu on the deck railing in front of him, with ebony eyes watching the front, the steady Di Yin said:

"It doesn't really matter if you know it or not, because for the Lord, this is a scheming, because in his eyes, after the sound of the court was defeated, Central Shangguo is no longer a climate, so there is only one threatening one. enemy."


After Sima Annan murmured softly, he raised his foot and took a step forward. He also came to the edge of the deck, and a young voice came out:

"What your majesty meant was that the first thing this saint did after leaving the High Heaven Palace was not to directly suppress the central government, but to use some means to locate this space outside the sky. Directly placed in front of this Supreme Being?"

After speaking, Sima Annan took a deep breath, the expression of astonishment on his face became thicker, and the voice continued:

"The Holy Lord directly placed the position of the Xianting Sacred Palace in front of the Great Sage Taiqing, this fleeting opportunity, it seems that the Sect Master Taiqing did not let it go!"

When the words fell, Zhao Yu, who stood in front of everyone, shook his head, and the still steady voice of the emperor came back:

"Sima Annan, you are wrong about this, because if you want to stab this sword, it doesn't count if Sect Master Taiqing said it, including everyone around you, was arrested!"

When this emperor's voice came out, everyone was shocked!

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