In fact, from the very beginning, Zhao Yu had said very clearly that the sword pierced by the Sect Master of Taiqing was a sword of defense.

The terms offensive and defensive have completely different meanings.

It's just that the truth behind this incident was so shocking that the taboos on the Daxia Treasure Ship, even Sima Annan, fell into a misunderstanding of thinking.

"Your Majesty, the thinking of the ministers has been limited. It is really not right to be blinded."

On the Daxia treasure ship, the voice of petition from Sima Annan and others immediately sounded, and this petition was ashamed, but the young emperor did not blame it. The young emperor's voice continued to sound on the deck of the Daxia treasure ship. Above:

"In fact, to put it plainly, you still didn't understand the horror of the top and most powerful people in the Taixuan Land. Although the manpower is exhausted, when the realm reaches the realm of the great sage, what you can do is no longer simple. Use the word person to describe it."

Speaking of this, Zhao Yu's lips were pursed, and there was a pure silver glow in his eyes, and Di Yin immediately came out loudly:

"They want to be the gods who rule life!"

The emperor's voice fell, with a bang, and the entire Fufeng County Fengxin City, which was enveloped by Taiqing Dao Eyes, suddenly reverberated with an earth-shattering roar.

Immediately afterwards, all the monks in the city were horrified to find that the void under the shadow of the Taiqing Dao Eye began to appear countless incomparably dark cracks.

"What's going on, the void is shattering, what is going on?"

The pitch-black void cracks, like a spider web that is spreading outwards, expanded rapidly, and exuded countless terrifying auras, which caused the fearful Fengxin City monks to suddenly change their complexions and open their mouths to shout.

At the same time, even those sect monks standing proudly on the Taiqing lotus platform of all ranks, with the same dignified expression, staring at the blue figure pierced by the sword at the top of Yu Taiqing Daoyan, muttered:

"If the sword of Sect Master Taiqing from above really slams into Nanxianmen, doesn't it mean that we and Shengting are completely torn apart. Every time we think of this, even if there are so many like-minded daoists, I just feel very worried inside."

As soon as this statement came out, the cultivators around who heard the words nodded in agreement. At this time, they had not yet sensed the level of the spatial position they were in, and they were moving rapidly.

At the next breath, there was a sigh, and then it sounded:

"The words of fellow Daoists undoubtedly poke our hearts. We must know that before the start of this world Dao meeting, our sect definitely did not expect that he would directly embark on the road of direct confrontation with the holy court, even now. , There are still lingering fears."

After speaking, the open-mouthed monk raised his hand and stroked his beard, and wanted to continue speaking, but what came out of his mouth was a painful snoring:


This subconscious grunt was also accompanied by a violent tremor of the soul, not just this monk who wanted to speak, the countless monks of the sect under the shadow of the Taiqing Dao, all suffered heavy losses at the same time.


The next breath, after an unprecedented bang, the void surrounding the void under the cover of countless light completely began to shatter outward, like completely broken glass, shattering with a thunderbolt.

Afterwards, the world outside the dao eyes began to appear in the eyes of all the monks of the sect, and the countless gazes that they watched had already brought an expression of extreme horror in an instant.

"Fu, Fufeng County is gone?"

After the extremely shocked voice came from the sect cultivator, these people closed their eyes and reopened them, but the scene that they could see still shocked everyone's minds.

I saw that around the huge Fengxin City, the land of Fufeng County that had been intertwined with countless wind and wind had long been gone. Instead, it was a vast void that was extremely strange and shrouded in orange and red lights.

This is a deadly silent, but extremely noisy world.

This is heaven!

"The sky is above, and the sky is above. How is this possible? We were moved from Fufeng County to this unknown place?"

Countless unbelievable voices came from the mouth of a sect monk, but the minds of these people have not yet eased. The deafening sound of killing in front, accompanied by a monstrous killing intent, is like a huge wave, billowing and rushing. Come.


This scream of killing words was like a basin of extremely cold ice water, pouring directly on the heads of all the sect monks, causing the former to tremble, and the biting chill penetrated into the body like a needle.

Afterwards, these trembling sect monks began to return their minds in horror gradually, turning their eyes to the direction from which the iron-blooded screams of killing came, and directly blurted out:

"Damn it, this ghost place turned out to be the battlefield where Central Shangguo and the Holy Court charge and fight!"

Before the roar fell, these sect monks looked at the assault army belonging to the Central Upper Kingdom, and instantly smashed the holy court's defense line. The horrible scene of flying flesh and blood made everyone's breathing stagnant. .

In this battle between the two armies, the Holy Court, which had the upper hand in strength, was now defeated.

"Kill kill kill!"

Under the constant roar, the thick blood mist began to fill the outside of the Xianting Saint Palace.

At the same time, in this unprecedented flee in the history of the holy court, the heads of countless holy court monks were chopped off by the soldiers of the Central High Kingdom who had been chased down, and the dazzling scarlet blood filled most of the sky.

After cutting off the enemy's head, the soldiers of the country raised their heads high and opened their mouths and shouted with great pleasure:

"It's really happy to behead the enemy's head, happy, happy!"

Such a cruel and **** scene, when reflected in the eyes of the monks of the sect of Fengxin City at this time, undoubtedly impacted the already tense heartstrings of these people.

Then a thirsty monk continued to look along the direction of the battlefield and saw the huge fairy palace shrouded in the light of brilliant diamonds.

Only at this time, the mind was violently tranced by the sect cultivator because of the shock, and then he began to realize his specific position.

"Tianwaitian, are we moved to Tianwaitian where the ancient fairy court is located?"

This scream exclaimed, like a big mountain smashing into Pinghu, and it instantly caused endless waves among countless sect monks.

At the next breath, this wave became more and more intense, swept all the monks in Fengxin City with the momentum of the wind and residual clouds.

Then these monks clenched their fists, staring blankly at the outer sky filled with the light of all colors, and continued to speak with an unprecedented tremor:

"Mother, without this, the law of co-ruling the world that has just been established on the front foot, will the back foot be drawn to a decisive battle?"

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