The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2025: Divine Distraction

"Boom boom boom!"

A loud roar and roar sounded from the deepest part of the void outside the Xianting Sacred Palace. It was the aftermath of the confrontation between the two Great Sage Dao Eyes, which smashed countless layers of space.

Obviously, at this time, outside the Nanxian Gate, the two strongest men who unreservedly showed their most vast rules, all the rules of the Great Sage possessed by them were completely different.

The Sect Master of Taiqing controls one of the three primordial auras at the beginning of heaven and earth. The core rules contained in it are creation and vitality.

But at this moment, every move, the Lord, who is engulfing the incomparable killing power, is the other extreme.

The rule of the Lord himself is naked destruction, destroying the world, destroying the gods, and destroying the heavens and the earth!

In other words, this is the strongest confrontation that belongs to the two rules of life and death, and life and death are the world's most eternal confrontation.


Holding the sword forward, the Great Sage of Taiqing who stepped out one step further, the sound of stepping on the square outside the fairy palace’s South Tianmen was not loud, but it made the entire space oscillate back and forth in the most violent posture, almost completely upside down. .

At the same time, Sect Master Taiqing, who continued to move forward steadily outside the Immortal Palace, had a tall and straight body under the cyan eyes, like a **** of creation.

At the next breath, behind the Taiqing Sect's Sect Master, within the completely opened eyes of the Taiqing Dao, the world-opening rules of creation are intertwined back and forth.

Then, in Dao's eyes, a clear stream of light rushed outwards, sweeping the front, without any fancy, completely extinguishing the destructive black thunder that was continuously produced in the front.


Suddenly, an extremely harsh sound resounded through the sky and the earth, and at the same time, under the stream of light, the cyan sword-holding figure moved forward again and across a long distance in an instant. At this time, the place where Taiqing Great Sage appeared was almost It is equivalent to hitting one head into the world of Taoist Eyes released by the Lord.


The loud bang once again caused every inch of the sky outside the sky to make a mournful cry. At the same time, the rules of life and death in the Great Sacred Realm. The big holy road eye that spanned half of the sky directly blasted in one place.

"Taiqing, under the heaven and the earth, there is no detachment, and people will die. Therefore, death is the fate of everyone. Do you still want to save the people of the world?"

Before Scarlet destroys Daoyan, the voice of the Holy Venerable is indifferent. Then the former let the Tsing Yi figure holding the sword in front of him, tearing open the rules of destruction in front of him, and pressing down his raised right hand fiercely. .


After an instant, the hand of Destroying that was completely condensed in the void outside the Nanxian Gate, wrapped the Chaos Deshenhai Sea water that turned into a tornado, and slapped it against the palm below.

This is the real hand of God Destroying!

In the next breath, with this terrifying big hand overturned, the originally vague hand of destruction suddenly became particularly solid, and all the countless monks in the sky can see above this giant hand. , That bulging blood vessel.

At the same time, the purest blood of destruction flows within the blood vessels with scarlet roots.


This short word of destruction is no less than the most angry destruction edict of the Mother of Death, and at the same time the area of ​​Nanxianmen Square in front of the Lord is completely covered by a giant palm.

Under the palm of this world-destroying palm, all matter, whether it is emptiness or anything, is completely transformed into nothingness, which can be called emptiness completely!

"Everyone, release the defensive barrier enchantment with all your strength, otherwise the entire Fengxin City will be overwhelmed by this aftermath of destruction, and ordinary monks can't hold the aftermath of the strongest man's destruction of supernatural powers!"

Although the scarlet hand that ruined the sky and the earth has not yet been fully captured, the terrifying wave carrying the aura of chaos and extinguishing spirit has swept outward, and it has begun to easily tear apart the outside of Fengxin City. There are countless sects. The door monk was released out of the barrier enchantment.


Under the continuous sound of fragmentation of the barrier, countless sect monks' complexions changed suddenly. After opening their mouths and roaring, they hurriedly shot with all strength to reinforce the barrier in front of them, but they still made a muffled hum.

I saw Fengxin City, originally hovering above the void, rolling upwards like a flying ball under the sweeping fluctuations.

Immediately after the city’s souls collided, the monks of the seven and eight factors still focused most of their attention on the shocking confrontation ahead, and murmured:

"I don't know if this palm hits Fengxin City and gathers the power of all our cultivators, can it be blocked?"

In this word, there was a thick color of uncertainty, and then the surrounding sect major repairs, which were not low in cultivation, fell into silence one after another.

The silent silence at this time is enough to explain the violent fluctuations in these people's hearts, but these arrogant suzerains in the usual days also refuse to admit this unacceptable fact.

Because this means that the entire Supreme Profound Realm, which is composed of over 60% of the sects, cannot withstand the slap shot by the Lord.

"Xeon, this is the Xeon!"

A heartfelt sigh came from the mouth of a high-ranking sect master, and these people's eyes were still solemn, firmly locked in front of the blue figure holding the sword and stepping forward.

These sect cultivators in Fengxin City also knew whether they could leave this outer sky with their heads high and start a new era, the key to the battle between these two strongest men.

At the same time, facing the mighty and overturning palm of the world, the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi held his sword forward without any slowing down. It was like a Taiqing arrow with a bow and a bow, moving forward indefinitely.

In the face of the overthrowing supernatural powers of the saint, the surging blue figure of the Taiqing Qi is like a light boat wandering up and down in the sea of ​​blood, a chaotic tornado that will be swept away at any time. Tear to pieces.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the palm of the saint took a complete picture of the doomsday, but in this doomsday, there is a little bit of life, it is a dazzling green light.

This ray of green light is vitality and sword light, and it is also a killing intent condensed to the limit!

Suddenly, under the gaze of everyone, this green light split into two directly and strangely. The sudden change even gave countless monks around him a sense of unreal illusion.

At the next breath, a large number of sect cultivators held their breaths, and completely saw these two sword lights.

I saw one of them blasted upwards towards the big hand covering the sky, and the other continued to engulf an inexhaustible momentum, and went straight to the dazzling figure standing proudly outside the Xian Ting Sacred Palace.

Until this time, everyone saw the specific appearance within Jianmang, opened their mouths and blurted out:

"Sacred Sage, another Sage of Supreme Purity!"

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