When the edge of this supernatural power has reached the limit that the world can accommodate, then the remaining excessive changes have no meaning.

At the level of the strongest, all that is needed is to move forward, and pierce this unparalleled edge into the enemy's heart.

The sword pierced by this Taiqing Great Sanctuary is the ultimate sword of this world!

In fact, for the various situations encountered by this World Daohui, the Sect Master of the Qing Dynasty had already prepared extremely well. On the other hand, the former was prepared to fight with all his strength from the beginning.

The most obvious point is that the Great Sage of Taiqing had condensed two Great Sages to distract each other early.

The Great Sage Distraction is completely different from the clones of the Land Gods and Wonderland. Every distraction can be regarded as an independent monk who has practiced from scratch. It is extremely precious and also a part of the soul of the Great Sage.

In this way, it created the extremely terrifying characteristics of this great sage distraction. It was connected with each other, but it was the most perfect match, but it was independent of each other. It cooperated with the great sage body to fight at the same time, and the combat power increased several times.

What's worth mentioning is how difficult it is for a monk to start entering the body from the very beginning, then step up, and finally break through to the core level of the law.

This is true for monks with a complete divine soul, not to mention the distraction of only divine soul fragments, so every breakthrough of this distraction is hundreds of times, even tens of thousands of times more difficult.

This shows how terrifying this Taiqing Great Sage's own comprehension is!

"Taiqing, at the age of a thousand years, in addition to breaking into the Great Sacred Realm, it can also condense two distractions. Your comprehension has once again made this holy deity amazed."

The entire emptiness of the sky, the praise of the Lord, resounded from all directions, and even the magnificence of its voice, overwhelming the destruction roar of the Hand of Destruction, clearly lingered in the ears of all the monks.

At the next breath, outside the Nanxian Gate, the dazzling figure of the Hand of Destruction was turned over, slowly raising his head, which was shrouded in countless brilliance, and the indifferent and ruthless voice continued to be heard loudly:

"But so what?"

This is the second time the Holy Lord has spoken out such a rhetorical question in this heavenly battlefield. At the same time, in this rhetorical question, he still has the domineering and self-confidence to look at everything, and the reason for this is also very simple.

"This saint can't even remember how many years he has lived!"

After this radiant voice continued to be heard from the Holy Venerable's mouth, within his bright eyes, it seemed to directly shoot a gaze intertwined with inexplicable colors.

In this gaze, there is not only the vicissitudes of life for countless years, but also the indifference that does not put everything in the family's eyes, and if anyone can see the deepest part of this gaze, there is also a fleeting fear.

The longer the person lives, the more afraid of eternal darkness.

In fact, in the entire Supreme Profound Land, whether it is the heads of the major sects, or those wise men who claim to know everything, they don't know what the real purpose of this holy lord is.

The next breath, above the void of the sky, the magnificent and domineering voice continued to roll out:

"Taiqing, it took tens of thousands of years for Futing Sheng to reach the highest cultivation base of this era, and you are using a mere thousand years of age, and at the same time condensed two great sages, the world's best.

"Er Deng is a well-deserved leader of this era and a leader, but Er Deng may have forgotten one thing."

The voice fell, and the shining light became more and more prosperous, the Lord paused for a while, and then the roar that increased several times, then burst out again:

"Taiqing, don't forget, this holy deity is not only in this era, even before the previous one, or even before, I have already begun to accumulate the origin and rules.

"The sound of the court is based on realm, and what you rely on is comprehension, but in the eyes of this sage, these are just the epiphany of the times, which can only bloom for a moment of brilliance.

"In so many years, the generation of Ru'er, this saint has seen too many, but the only one who can live to this day is me, only me!"

This roar, with incomparable dominance, then the hand of destroying the world, against the two dazzling green lights below, grabbed it more violently.

At the same time, within the Chaos God Extinguishing Tornado under the hands of the World Exterminating Hand, the terrifying chaotic giant beast that opened and wound, after a roar, directly spit out countless chaotic tornadoes forward.

For a time, one after another chaos tornadoes formed the most terrifying death cage between heaven and earth, completely sealing the entire void of Taiqing Great Sage's body.

At the same time, facing the saint's overwhelming eruption, the figure of Tsing Yi holding the sword forward did not respond and remained silent.

But other than that, the Great Sage Taiqing used another way to announce his response to the world.

The sword is still a sword!

In the next moment, the Great Sage Distraction that jumped out of the Taiqing Sect Master's body, the whole body began to burn with the richest and richest Taiqing flame.

Then the billowing blue flames burned and swelled outwards, making this distraction, in an instant, an infinite sword of Taiqing.

In the void of the sky, a cyan sword light that is difficult to look at immediately began to appear.

Immediately after this sword light moved forward, completely ignoring the shackles of space and time, and instantly smashed the Chaos Divine Sea Tornado that swept in front of him.

This sword pierced and slashed with a clear stream of light, simply and neatly, cutting the chaos extinguishing **** cage directly into a gap, while continuing to divide it into two again under the incomparable gazes.

It is another Taiqing Distractor, and also an infinitely sharp sword of Taiqing!

This also means that outside the entire Nanxian Gate, there have been three Taiqing Great Sages and three Taiqing Swords!

"The two distracting gods shot at the same time. This Great Sage of the Qing Dynasty has no reservations. This also means that the land of the Supreme Profound Land, the strongest person with the highest understanding, will be able to divide the victory and defeat in this sword. life and death!"

Within the Taixuantian Void, the ubiquitous substantive killing intent clearly told everyone that the Taiqing Sect Master and the two people who were madly fighting against each other now had the heart to kill.

Especially the blue figure holding a sword on the platform outside the South Immortal Gate, and the murderous intent within the blue eyes, earth-shattering.


There was another sharp and ear-splitting sound of sword cutting resounding through the void, and every utterance of this sound meant that a chaos extinguishing **** dragon scroll was cut again by the sword of Taiqing.

"Boom boom boom!"

After the chaotic tornado was cut without fancy, countless turbulent chaotic stagnant waters roared into a reduced version of the chaotic beast, leaping into the void to counterattack.

But the next breath, the torrent of clear water, followed the infinite sharp sword light and swept across the entire void. Wherever it passed, the chaotic stagnant water was all evaporated, making an incomparable sound of evaporation:


The neighing sound was like a ghost howl, and the Great Sage of Taiqing crossed five miles to Nantianmen again!

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