The Hardest Opening System in History

: The 20th and 31st palm, you once had me in your heart

Between the heaven and the earth, not only will there be various kinds of life, for example, the son of Taixuan who gathers the luck of the whole heaven and the earth, there will also be wonderful people who astound an era.

These wonderful people, every time they appear, will leave a strong mark in history, and make all the younger generations linger in dreams, and even regret for life.

And there is no doubt that together with the Great Sage of Taiqing, the Palace Master of Tianyun Temple, who has been called the peerless double arrogance in these thousand years, is the wonderful person of this era.

Since ancient times, confidantes have been so fateful, and almost every wonderful person who has amazing years seems to be caught in a certain kind of curse.

They used their incomparable beauty, and the final poignant ending, to add a completely different splendid color to the entire era.

Life is an incomparably splendid existence, especially for those peerless beauties in the stunning era, showing this splendor of life with an incomparably poignant posture, which is even more shocking.

This kind of shock is different from the deep despair brought by the saint's use of the power of destroying all three destructions and ravaging the void, but the kind of empathy of being a Taixuan creature together.

The saint has lost the so-called human nature, and he claims to be a high god, but the rest of the people above the sky outside the sky are different, he is still a human, and he also has the seven emotions and six desires possessed by living beings.

Therefore, the monks in Fengxing City, looking at the white figure leaping towards the Nantian Gate, a thick sadness appeared in their eyes.

"You and me are laymen in the world, but this Heavenly Cloud Palace Master is really a shock to the world."

After the murmured sigh came out of the mouths of the monks, everyone's eyes were firmly locked on the stretched figure, struggling to move forward like a dragon.

In front of the Lord of the Heavenly Cloud Palace, the strongest being raged by the power of the Three Destructions destroys the battlefield. At the same time, the pitch-black sky-destruction chain, every time it strikes, it will make the two handles in front of you too clear. The sword uttered a heart-wrenching cry.

"Ding, Ding!"

Every cry of grief indicates that these two infinitely sharp swords of Separation Taiqing have suffered an unimaginable destruction impact, followed by a trace of uncheckable cracks, appearing on this sword of Separation.

"Taiqing, you only have a thousand years of cultivation time. No matter how high your comprehension is, the accumulation on the foundation of cultivation is nothing but you. Therefore, the holy deity knows that you can only make one sword, and you can only make one. sword!"

The majestic and domineering voice came from the Holy Venerable's mouth, and the voice fell, and the sky-miting chain was directly directed to the scroll below, curling up the sword of Taiqing Dividing Sacred Sword, and slammed it against the ground below Nanxianmen. .


After a loud bang, the Sacred Sacred Sword of Supreme Clearness **** by the Sky Extinguishing Chain bounced all over the platform, and the glow of Supreme Clearness flowing around his body was instantly dimmed.

"What about Taiqing's sharp edge? Even if this saint uses twice, or even several times, the power of the Three Destructions to hedge, your sword can't pass this area for a few miles!"

The holy lord’s words were like a howling of gods and demons. After lingering in the ears of all the surrounding monks, the expressions of the great monks suddenly changed, but suddenly, the pupils in the eyes of these monks suddenly swelled and shrank, and they couldn't help but let out a loud noise. Exclaimed:

"No, now there is only one sword that is too clear, and it can't stop the Lord's chain of Destroying Heaven."

Before the shout, the black chain of Extinguishing Heaven was already like a purgatory dragon, appearing in front of the Taiqing Great Sage along the ground of the square outside Nanxianmen.


In front of the main body, the Sword of Separation of Taiqing still appears as the most loyal guardian, right in front of the chain of the sky, but this time, the Sword of Separation that appears like a teleport is not two, but only one. .

And this other sword, because of the previous violent smash, caused the air to tear the space to be slow for a short moment, but this moment was enough to completely change the entire battle.

In this battle of the strongest, which is enough to destroy most of the county where any aftermath pouring out, the defensive line formed by the two swords of the Supreme Separation Sage can be described as airtight, and each guards and lifts the Great Sage. On both sides of the body.

Now that the Sword of Taiqing Dividing Sacred Tear the Void appears slowly, it also means that there is a huge loophole in the side of Taiqing Sect Master’s defense.

And in this instant, this loophole was enough to make the Holy Venerable destroy the vitality that the Great Sage Taiqing had condensed all the time, and even detonated the style ahead of time, the Taiqing Sword, which was infinitely gaining momentum.

From the beginning to the end, the Taiqing Great Sage's body just held the sword forward and never really shot it. It was hiding the sword.

Because as the Holy Venerable said before, the Taiqing Great Sage’s practice time is still too short, even if his comprehension goes against the sky, but the foundation is still insufficient, so he cannot easily mobilize the power of the three extinctions like the Holy Venerable. Pouring his own boundless power without scruples.

In other words, the victory or defeat between Taiqing and the Lord is only between this sword!

"Taiqing, with this sword, do you stab or not?"

Rumbled and asked, bursting into the void of the sky again, and at the same time, the chain of Extinguishing Sky that threw forward, turned the direction that he had photographed between the moments, and directly bypassed the erected barrier. The Sword of Dividing Saint, the gap on the other side, rushed into the front of Sect Master Taiqing.

The edge of destruction was like a heavy punch from the gods and demons, and it fell straight down to the middle-aged head in the blue shirt below, and then a large piece of the void was stripped again. Even the clothes of the Sect Master Taiqing began to burn the black and red of the sky. flame.

"If you don't stab this sword at this time, you will be utterly destroyed, too clear!"

The voice of incomparable indifference that continued to sound from the saint's voice was like the sentence of the mother of death. Then the Taiqing Sect Sect Master at the moment of his death sighed slightly, holding the right hand of the sword of the Taiqing sword, and violently exerted force.

In such a situation, he had no choice but to stab the sword in advance!

However, in the next moment, his forward stabbing action immediately stopped, and infinite waves began to appear in the entire blue aura, and even subconsciously uttered a word in his mouth:


This word of you, with extremely complicated emotions, at the same time, in the middle of the burning green robe of the Sect Master of the Qing Dynasty, a white feather flew out at some unknown time.

This white feather is pure and white, and even a little scorched black color appeared on the edge due to the burning of the flames of the sky. After flying out, it floated above the void.

After an instant, this white feather emitting a faint fluorescence exploded outwards, turning into a white light shining through the world.

Then a pair of white feather wings stretched out in the white shining light, forming a huge spirit bird of Fufeng, steady in front of Sect Master Taiqing.

"When a thousand years ago, when you and I met again, I secretly sewed a white feather into your blue robe, and now this white feather is still there. This shows that you have at least had me in your heart."

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