The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2032: Flying Feather Snow

"Your clothes were broken by me, I will pay you one."

By a long river in a county in the Taixuan Land, a beautiful woman in neon clothes and a feather crown stared at the middle-aged back sword walking forward indifferently in front of her, frowning tightly.

Then the woman pursed her lips, looking at her back further and further away, after hesitating for a few breaths, her cool voice continued to make her debut:

"Taiqing, where are you going next?"

The words came out, the voice of the woman in neon clothes was lingering on the riverside, reverberating, but what made the former's brows still frowned, the middle-aged man in front of the sword, as if he didn't hear it, still walked forward on his own. .

In the next breath, facing the particularly indifferent appearance of the middle-aged man, the unpleasant color on the woman's face gradually dissipated, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly, revealing a hint of interest.

After that, the woman stretched out her right hand, squinted her eyes, and gestured with her fingers up and down, just like measuring the size of the man in front of him. At the same time, she raised a lot of voice and spread out:

"Taiqing, the Lord of the Palace has never spoken to anyone so nicely, so this shirt will eventually be delivered to you."

The woman in neon clothes said with a sense of unwillingness to refuse, which made the man walking along the river slowly slow for a moment, and finally responded:

"Girl Yun's kindness is guided by her heart. It's just a mere piece of clothing, so she won't bother with Girl Yun."

As soon as the word for the girl came out, a smile appeared subconsciously on the beautiful face of the woman in neon clothes, but then she completely put it away, her red lips lightly opened, and she responded:

"You wait, no matter where you go, the countless flying races in My Sky Cloud Palace can find you."

When she said this, the face of the woman in neon clothes had a little pride that she hadn't noticed.

Half a month later, on the bank of a large river that was also rolling forward, a soaring celestial being soared from the sky. Its huge size left a huge shadow on the surface of the river.

You Tianweng traversed the entire river at an incredible speed. Then, by the riverside, a figure in Tsing Yi with a long sword on his back slowly raised his head. What you can see is the elegantly dressed woman in Yu Tianweng sitting on the back of Yu Tianweng. .

Then the smile on the woman's face became more and more full, and she gently threw a blue shirt in her hand to the figure below, and a very serious voice came out:

"Taiqing, the lord of this palace doesn't like to owe favors. You keep this dress, I don't owe you anymore."

Before he finished his words, You Tianweng's wings shook suddenly, and he took the woman with him. He jumped up from the sky, directly above him, and disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye, leaving only the blue shirt that slowly floated down.

And for some reason, this blue shirt flying back and forth in the wind looked like a blue feather flying in the wind from below.

In the next breath, on the bank of the rolling river, a hand full of calluses held the Qingyi, and since then, the more and more mysterious Taiqing Sect Sect Master always appears in front of the world, wearing a dress.

But no one knew that under his ordinary clothes was a special blue shirt.

"It turns out that you have been wearing this shirt."

Outside the Nanxian Gate, with his wings stretched out, the Heavenly Cloud Palace Master who stood in front of the Great Sage Taiqing without hesitation, the voice that came out of his mouth was an unprecedented joy.

This kind of joy, even hard to describe in words, is like looking back suddenly, only to find that the person is looking at you in a dimly lit place, smiling.

After the words of joy fell, the Hallmaster of the Tianyun Palace lowered his head slightly, watching the man in the blue shirt who appeared astonished and anxious on his face in front of him. The joy in his eyes became more intense, and he continued to speak:

"This is the first time I have seen you show such a look, or it is because of me that I feel a little happy after thinking about it. It seems that the Lord of the Palace is in your heart, and it is not useless."

After finishing the sentence, the Heavenly Cloud Palace Master, who hung high above the void, did not wait for the Taiqing Sect Master to speak, and then his voice sounded:

"Although I am in your heart, I can't compare to the world, but knowing that there is a corner in your heart that belongs to me, that's enough."

This sentence was enough, and everyone who heard the words turned their heads and couldn't bear to look straight. After a breath, the Palace Master of Tianyun Palace suddenly opened his mouth and let out a muffled grunt, and blood began to surge out of his mouth.


Before this painful hum, a chain wrapped in the power of the Three Destructions was directly pierced from the chest of the Lord of the Heavenly Cloud Palace.

From the sight of countless cultivators in Fengxin City on the side, it happened to be able to see that the Heaven-Extinguishing Chain swayed from the hands of the Holy Venerable completely plunged into the back of the Lord of the Heavenly Cloud Hall below, and then directly directly Run through.

"The chain of Mietian pierced the chest of the Palace Master of Tianyun Temple. She was on the behalf of the Taiqing Sage and blocked this type of destruction magical power!"

Accompanied by this roar with sorrow, that violent power of three destruction burst out from above the chains, turning into flames of destruction, and scorching the entire body of Heavenly Cloud Palace Master.


Under the eruption of the wave of destruction and impact, every piece of white feather on the body of the Lord of Heaven Clouds began to burn with a black three-extinguishing flame.

But even so, the princess of the sky didn't check her injuries, she didn't even glance at the dark chains pierced in her chest.

Her gaze was always lingering on the cyan eyes on the face of the man in the green shirt in front of him.

Then she saw herself in his eyes. Although she in these eyes was embarrassed by countless destruction flames, even though her vitality had begun to die away and was dying, she still made her mouth corners. Aroused, murmured:

"You finally opened your eyes and looked at me, then the Lord of the Palace will have no regrets!"

This whisper, with relief, with joy, but without pain.

But it was this kind of indifference to death that made the countless monks in Fengxin City behind them unbearable to witness, and even more young people, after a sigh, they closed their eyes that were shining with tears.

It is true that the pain in the chain of Extinguishing Sky is conceivable. It is not only the torture of the flesh, but the infinite destruction of the soul, including the intellect.

Most of the sect overhauls in Fengxin City have experienced the era of double pride, so they understand more that the fall of the Lord of the Heavenly Cloud Palace at this time is undoubtedly the most painful tears of this era.

Moths fighting the fire will eventually be burned by the flames.

After a few breaths, the flame of destruction of the power of three destruction completely burned out the white flying feathers. At the same time, he spread his wings and protected the palace master of Tianyun Palace in front of the middle-aged blue shirt. Disperse, and instantly encompass the entire universe.

There was a snowfall in this place.

At this time, the sky outside the sky was empty, and it was a snow of flying feathers that was extremely beautiful in the history of the entire Taixuan Land.

When a wonderful person who astounded an era dies, there should be a heavy snowfall in the whole world.

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