The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2036: The sword of life and death

The hand of destroying the world, the sea of ​​destroying the gods, the chain of destroying the sky.

The Holy Lord used his own infinite background to construct the three-destruction magical powers. At the beginning of this battle of the strongest, he took the initiative, in order to force the Taiqing Sect Master to stab the sword in advance.

Everyone, including the saints, knew that this sword was a sword that Taiqing could condense through his lifelong practice, and it would surely shock the world and destroy the world.

But no one can really predict how terrifying this sword is.

However, thanks to the fact that the Lord of the Palace of Clouds added wings to the Great Sage of Taiqing that day, the person with the sharpest edge under the heavenly realm can take the lead in blasting out his own two swords of division, the Shuanglong of the world. .

In other words, it directly detonated the two Taiqing Separation Saints!

"To completely detonate the sage of Taiqing, thus forming the twin dragons that slashed the chaos when opening the heavens and the earth, and completely dashed across the Three Destructions barrier laid by the sage outside the Nantian Gate. It’s only in the blink of an eye."

Above the empty Taiqing Daolian in Fengxin City, when a sect was overhauled and cheered with joy, the murderous intent outside of the Xianting Sacred Palace had already increased to an unprecedented level.

The strength of the tornado formed by the double dragons of the open world, the sharpness contained in it, even the three-death barrier that the Holy Lord blasted in advance, are difficult to resist. After being directly penetrated, a dark void is formed in the entire void. .

All the matter in this passage completely extinguished first, and then began to gradually recover. In the extinguishment, strands of misty chaotic aura emerged, spreading outward.

There is no doubt that this is a new world that has just opened up and the chaos has just opened.

"One sword produces a realm, Taiqing, your realm is actually a breakthrough, once again raised a bit, this understanding, horror, really horrible!"

When the misty chaotic air gleamed into nothingness, a strange scream was convenient for the shining figure outside the Nantian Gate to be heard, and within this voice, there was an extremely rare color of astonishment.

However, in the next moment, the shining light on the body of the Lord has completely condensed into substance. The countless laws of destruction that are several times the scarlet turned into a scarlet storm, surging violently outside the body, and finally turned into a directly. The eyes of the Three Destructions, Yu Shengzun's eyebrows appeared.

In the next instant, in this Scarlet Dao's eye, a light of destruction shot out, directly blasting into the void passage extending in front of him, attempting to completely destroy this rising world passage.

This is another most intuitive confrontation between the two of their own rules, but when the murderous intent has burst to the limit, the two strongest people have no time to take into account the impact and surging of the rules of the whole body.

Because of life and death, maybe in the next moment!

Under the gaze of the saint’s scarlet Taoist eyes, within the void and chaotic passage, a green light suddenly appeared again, and it spanned the entire corridor in an instant. At the same time, within the green light, the figure of the Taiqing Zongzong presided over the sword, Revealed.

Then the two eyes contained their own infinite rules, and they looked at one place completely.


The intersection of the two rules of destruction and creation, countless dark thunderbolts were born immediately, and the dazzling thunder light exploded outwards, but soon the strands of thunderbolt were completely torn apart, because a green sword pierced deep in the void. out.

In fact, at the time of Fufeng County, the sword of Taiqing held in the hands of the Great Sage Taiqing, its size reached the sky completely, and almost penetrated most of the sky. Where the palace is, the sword in the hands of the former is shrinking.

By this time, the figure in the blue shirt was only a few steps away from the holy lord outside the Nanxian Gate. At the same time, the Taiqing sword in his hand had become an ordinary one, just a slightly longer blue. sword.

The only thing that doesn't change is the glow of Taiqing that circulates above this green sword!

But if someone can watch this sword of Taiqing steadily piercing forward in the void at this time, they will be surprised to find that the sword of this sword also slowly appears on the body. Cut an eye.

This eye was blue all over, and it was already open, and then waves of open weather flowed in and out of this eye, as if it was wearing a thin blue dress for this sword.


In another short moment in the world, a light but extremely heavy voice suddenly sounded on the Nanxianmen platform full of Destruction Thunder.

At the same time, two steps in front of the Lord, one foot stretched out above the void and stepped firmly on the ground below.

Then outside the Nanxian Gate, the sage with scarlet eyes on his forehead and eyes flickered violently, staring directly in front of the figure in the green shirt holding the sword, and a majestic and domineering voice came out:

"Taiqing, to be honest, your ability to hold the sword close to the body of the deity is still beyond the deity's expectation."

Although the Lord's words were a little surprised, there were no other expressions such as fear, because at his level, the emotions of ordinary creatures had already been completely eliminated.

The next breath, a louder voice, blasted outward again:

"It seems that this great avenue of heaven and earth, in order to start a new era in the entire Taixuan Land, it can be said that it has taken great pains to cultivate one after another who can be called monster-like sons of the Taixuan.

"The sound of Futing is so, so are you, Taiqing!"

After the saint said this, the great sage Taiqing, who was trembling with the white spirit feather behind him, stepped forward again and again.

This continued step forward, Taiqing Sect Master was as heavy as carrying a mountain, and this time, the tip of the Taiqing Sword in the former hand was only one arm away from the bright figure in front of him.

This short distance, for any ordinary person, even a child, can be completely pierced with a little force.

However, under the infinite and regular aura of the two sides, the Taiqing Great Sage's forward stab movement was particularly slow, and every bit of forward movement seemed to be difficult to pull the entire world.

At the same time, this endless Taiqing Qi and Scarlet Three Destruction powers began to blast and rub in a very small area, forming a vague destruction and creation realm.

After this scene was revealed in the eyes of everyone around it, it seemed that there was a bubble that was not too big or too small, encompassing a small area outside Nanxianmen.

And this bubble seemed to condense the most terrifying power in the entire Taixuan world.

Outside the bubbles, the void was calm and the waves were calm, and the fluctuations of the energy that had ruined the sky and the earth disappeared in an instant.

Inside the bubble, there is a cyan long sword, always moving forward, although it is slow, but never moving forward.

This is the only sword that Taiqing Great Sage stabbed.

This is also unsuccessful, and it is a sword of life and death for benevolence!

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