The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2037: Tiandao's mistakes

The fight between practitioners, the higher the cultivation level, the more they like to use the law and the power of the source to fix the victory and defeat between each other at a long distance.

Because once you are close, it means variables.

An inch is short and an inch is dangerous. It is no exaggeration to say that most of the emergence of the weak over the strong in the entire Taixuan Land is due to close combat.

Because although the monk will cover his defensive magical powers around his body, the tearing edge of those magical weapons will also be fully revealed when he is close.

In other words, if you want to fully utilize your weapon, the prerequisite is to stab the enemy.

As the so-called road is simple, the closer it is to the original rules, the simpler it is, and from the very beginning, the most peak life-and-death duel in tens of thousands of years was actually extremely clear and clear from the beginning.

The Great Sage Taiqing had only one sword, and only one sword.

Therefore, he needs to pierce this sword into the sea of ​​brows and minds of the Lord as much as possible, and what the Lord has to do is to force the Sect Master Taiqing ahead of time in the sky outside the Nanxian Gate. One sword is completely released.

This is a game that both parties know well.

But around this game, it is the embodiment of the life-long fighting wisdom of the two Xeons. A little change will completely change the whole battle.

On the other hand, for the Xeons with countless ideas, the close combat between each other will be a completely different match.

Therefore, whether it is the Holy Venerable or the Great Sage of Taiqing, after this Taiqing Sword Torn Void appears outside the Nanxian Gate, at the same time, the rules of pouring outward will be completely contracted.

At the same time, the two of them reattached the Dao Eyes released from themselves to their bodies, fully reaching the peak of the physical body, and this expansion and contraction was almost completed in an instant.

Therefore, when the naked eye-visible bubble appeared outside the Nanxian Gate, all the surrounding sights that were piercing out began to suddenly see violent fluctuations.

Then over Fengxin City, the sect above the high-rank Daolian was overhauled, his fists clenched, and his mouth opened with a particularly excited cry:

"It has changed. The situation of the confrontation of this century war has completely begun to change. Now the initiative of this battle of the strongest is beginning to be in the hands of the Taiqing Sect Master!"

Although this confrontation between the great sages has only a very short time from the beginning to the present, but the twists and turns in this have caused all the sect monks to fluctuate and fluctuate in their hearts, which only feels longer than a lifetime.

But at this time, the sect monks who were closely watching the battle ahead naturally knew that the result of the battle of the strongest in front of them was related to the life of every monk who was moved to the sky outside the sky.

At the moment of life and death, everyone naturally trembles.

And when the sword of Taiqing approached the dazzling figure in front of them in full view, the hearts of these sect cultivators were also raised.

After an instant, the minds of all the surrounding monks were already up and down, shaking more violently like a mountain whistling a tsunami, because the cyan long sword that was originally extremely slow forward, at this moment, seemed to completely smash the shackles in front of it, suddenly forward.

At this moment, the quiet rotation caused countless monks to stare at the monks here. With a fierce eyebrow jump, he opened his mouth and let out an exclamation:

"Broken, Taiqing's sword shattered the law of destruction shackles in front of the Lord!"

But this exclamation just came out, and the extremely weird and silent Tianwaitian Void was suddenly filled with an extremely indifferent voice in the next instant:

"Taiqing, You waited for these sons of the Supreme Profound, together with Heavenly Dao, worked hard to open up a new era, but the Lord is here, you will not be able to do it, it is impossible to do it!"

This angry shout is undoubtedly domineering, like a thunder and roar, sweeping the world, and at the same time with a cold and extremely cold intent, wrapped in invisible energy fluctuations, sweeping all the monks in the entire sky.

"The sound of the court is balanced offensive and defensive, and the foundation of the source is as stable as a pillar of heaven. Therefore, it and the holy deity are in the High Heaven Hall, and they have blasted for a full thousand days and nights, and the lamp is almost exhausted."

When he said this, the Holy Venerable, who was locked by the mighty Taiqing Jianfeng, did not advance and retreated, but took a step forward, and the violent voice continued to resound from all directions:

"But in the end, it is the holy deity who is still standing here, and it is still the holy deity who dominates the entire universe."

It is worth mentioning that the countless scarlet shining lights looming around the Holy Venerable, this step he took forward was not to step directly on the platform outside the Nanxian Gate, but to step firmly on the void. .

Step into the mountains and rivers.

Step on the common people!

With this step of himself, the Lord clearly expressed his contempt for the whole world and the common people.

And with this step, everyone in the outer space of the monks, all found in horror that countless clearly visible cracks began to appear in the void all over their body.

After these pitch-black void cracks extended outward, the entire Tianwaitian Void immediately began to vibrate and tremble to an unprecedented degree, just like this place, because of the domineering words of the Lord, he chose to surrender.

"The Way of Heaven wants to directly eliminate everything in the old age, and also wants to conceal the mistakes it has made, but how can this holy deity make it do what it wants?

"This saint is from the last era, yes, in countless years, he has personally experienced the mistakes of the heavenly way, and because of this, the heavenly way is afraid of me, fearing me, and doing everything possible to obliterate me!"

Accompanied by the more and more violent roar, the more dazzling blood ruled power, centered on the right foot that the Lord stepped forward, surging outwards, and finally even outside the former's not tall body, Formed a scarlet armor as thin as a cicada's wings.

On this battle armor, in addition to the scarlet eyes, there were also sheets of fierce roaring sharp mouths.

Behind every sharp mouth, there is infinite pain and unwillingness, as if there is a soul who has died injustice and can't wait to return and revenge.

Then a breath of infinite despair filled the entire Nanxian Gate, and at the same time, with the step of the holy lord, he and the sword of Taiqing, which was originally only one arm away, completely met face-to-face. .

After crossing countless distances and rules, the sword tip of the Taiqing Long Sword, which was surging with green light, finally appeared in the place where it wanted to appear.

In the next moment, the sage, who did not retreat but advanced, stepped forward, under countless incredible gazes, directly stretched out his right hand in blood armor, took the lead in grasping the blade of the Taiqing long sword, and then turned upside down. With a loud shout, continue to burst out:

"Everyone knows that if you make a mistake, you have to pay a price, no matter what kind of existence, even the way of heaven!"

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